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单词 rescue
释义  res·cue1 /ˈreskjuː/ ●●○ S3 W3 verb [transitive]  SAVE/RESCUEto save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm 营救,解救,救援 Survivors of the crash were rescued by helicopter. 空难的生还者被直升机救了出来。rescue somebody/something from somebody/something She died trying to rescue her children from the blaze. 她试图从大火中救出自己的孩子,却不幸身亡。 —rescuer noun [countable] THESAURUSrescue to remove someone from a dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant situation 〔从危险、困难或不愉快的境况中〕营救,解救Firefighters worked for two hours to rescue people from the building. 消防员奋战两小时,将众人从大楼中救出。Will you rescue me if I get stuck talking to Sam? 要是我跟汤姆说话脱不了身,你能不能来救我一救?come to the rescue/somebody’s rescue to come and rescue or help someone 前来营救(某人)It was an embarrassing moment, but fortunately Paul came to the rescue. 真是尴尬的一刻,幸好保罗来帮我了。nSeveral people saw I was in trouble, but no one came to my to prevent someone from being killed, harmed, or losing something, or to make it possible for something to continue 挽救〔某人免受杀害、伤害或损失〕;拯救〔某物使其继续〕Wearing a seat belt can help save your life. 系好安全带可能会救你一命。They saved the hospital from closure. 他们使那家医院免于关闭。nIf you break down in the desert, there is no one there to save you.pick somebody up to rescue someone from a dangerous place by taking them away in a boat or aircraft 〔用船或飞机〕将某人救出A lifeboat picked them up two miles from the coast. 一艘救生艇在离岸两英里处将他们救起。nThey spent the night near the top of the mountain, before being picked up by a helicopter.bail somebody out to rescue a person, company etc from a difficult situation, by providing them with the money they need 〔提供资金〕使某人摆脱困境A number of state-owned enterprises have been bailed out by the central bank. 一些国有企业已由中央银行出资解困。nHe owed thousands of pounds and his mother had to bail him out.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrescue• Twenty one pensioners had to be rescued by boat from their sheltered accommodation.• Increased rates of operative delivery are not necessarily bad if genuinely compromised babies are rescued from death and damage.• She was rescued from her underpaid factory job by a movie director searching for new talent.• We were rescued from the sinking ship by a passing fishing boat.• Smiling feebly, Mundin stood silent just when I needed him to bring in the cavalry and rescue my besieged story.• And how do we rescue particular places, or should we leave them to decay?• Firefighters worked for two hours to rescue people who were trapped in the bus.• Carter also gave a go-ahead for a military attempt to rescue the hostages.• Time for college basketball to rescue us.rescue2 ●●○ noun [countable, uncountable]  1  SAVE/RESCUEwhen someone or something is rescued from danger 营救,解救,救援 a daring rescue at sea 英勇的海上营救行动rescue of Storms delayed the rescue of the crash victims. 暴风雨延误了营救车祸遇难者的工作。 Rescue workers arrived at the scene two hours later. 救援人员两个小时后到达现场。rescue mission/operation The rescue operation proved successful. 这次救援行动是成功的。2  come to the/somebody’s rescue a) to save someone who is in a dangerous situation 挽救[搭救]某人 A lifeboat came to the yachtsman’s rescue. 一艘救生艇挽救了快艇驾驶者的生命。 b) to help someone who is having problems or difficulties 救助某人,给某人救急5Carol’s brother came to the rescue and sent her $1,000 to pay for the operation.卡萝尔的弟弟救了急,寄给她1,000美元手术费。n Carol’s brother came to the rescue and sent her $1000.n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa dramatic rescueA woman is in hospital following a dramatic rescue from her blazing flat.a daring rescueThe lifeboat crew has been honoured for a daring rescue on the Cleveland coast.verbsattempt/mount a rescue (=try to rescue someone)The stormy conditions made it impossible to mount a rescue.rescue + NOUNa rescue attempt/effortOne fire fighter was severely burned in the rescue attempt.a rescue operation/missionA major rescue operation was launched yesterday after two divers were reported missing.a rescue workerRescue workers are searching through the rubble for survivors.a rescue teamHe was still conscious when the rescue team arrived.a rescue helicopter/boat/shipA rescue helicopter is on its way.a rescue plan/package (=plan to save a company, economy etc that is in trouble)They drew up a rescue plan that involved restructuring the firm.Examples from the Corpusrescue• Assume that a duty of care is owed by A to C as a rescue was reasonably foreseeable in the circumstances.• But Tuesday afternoon rescue workers were still searching the rubble, cordoned off by dozens of uniformed soldiers and police.• So far, the rescue seems to have succeeded, at little cost to the lenders.• Royal Humane Society, founded in 1774 for the rescue of persons from drowning, and the recovery of dead bodies.• Glenn Chamberlain said from the rescue center in Halifax.• Then it seems the rescue boat itself crashed, throwing Mr Hill into the water for a second time.• Alberto has come to the rescue with One Step, a great new two-in-one shampoo and conditioner.rescue of• Storms delayed the rescue of the crash victims.From Longman Business Dictionaryrescueres‧cue1 /ˈreskjuː/ verb [transitive]COMMERCE to save a company, country, or economic system that is in danger of failing, for example because of financial problemsThe fund is aimed at rescuing financially troubled companies.efforts to rescue the economy by lowering interest rates→ See Verb tablerescuerescue2 noun [countable]COMMERCE1an occasion when a company, country, or economic system is saved from failingThe company faces bankruptcy unless a rescue can be negotiated.The International Monetary Fundcame to the rescue.2rescue attempt/effort/plan etc an attempt, effort etc to save a company, country, or economic system from failingIt’s an ambitious rescue effort, and some marketing experts question whether the strategy will be effective.a last-ditch financial rescue packageOrigin rescue1 (1300-1400) Old French rescourre, from escourre “to shake out”, from Latin excutereres·cue1 verb →THESAURUS1rescue2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business situation something Corpus a danger to or someone from or save of




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