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单词 Gladly
1, And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. 
2, I would gladly have done it for him.
3, The counselors will gladly baby-sit during their free time.
4, She doesn't suffer fools gladly.
5, I'd gladly swap places with mummy any day.
6, I gladly avail myself of your offer.
7, He gladly accepted their invitation.
8, She suggested it, and I gladly accepted.
9, 'Here's Michelle!' he said gladly.
10, He was a perfectionist who didn't suffer fools gladly.
11, I wouldn't gladly go through that unpleasant experience again.
12, I would gladly pay extra for a good seat.
13, I gladly accepted their invitation to open the fete.
14, She'd gladly have gone anywhere to get away from the cottage.
15, We shall gladly lend every effort in our power toward its realization.
16, She gladly gave up her part-time job to devote herself entirely to her art.
17, If this offer is genuine I will gladly accept it.
18, I'd gladly meet her,(http:///gladly.html) but I'm on holiday that week.
19, "If you'd prefer something else I'll gladly have it changed for you."— 'No. this is great.'.
20, I would gladly pay for the extra security such a scheme would bring.
21, He doesn't suffer fools gladly so he's hardly the best person to be instructor on the beginner's course.
22, We will gladly exchange your goods, or refund your money, whichever you prefer.
23, He'd gladly wade into the attack.
24, My parents would gladly loan us the money.
25, Suffer fools at least kindly, if not gladly.
26, He didn't suffer fools gladly.
27, This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.
28, When I offered her my seat, she accepted it gladly.
29, She was a forceful personality who didn't suffer fools gladly.
30, She is intelligent and self-reliant, speaking her mind and not suffering fools gladly.
1, I would gladly have done it for him.
2, I gladly avail myself of your offer.
3, He gladly accepted their invitation.
4, He doesn't suffer fools gladly so he's hardly the best person to be instructor on the beginner's course.
31, Whose own sorrows I would gladly try to ease.
32, Trouble is, the prof is a very private individual who doesn't suffer journos gladly - if at all!
33, When the opportunity arose for a duo recital and a piano recital, Kahane gladly accepted.
34, They would gladly put up with a certain level of pregnancy risk if it meant fewer side effects.
35, Rosalind gladly let the police-sergeant take away the envelope and hurried off, singing, to telephone to Richard.
36, Vegetarian monks striving for holiness gladly take on most of the nasty work.
37, You don't suffer fools gladly, especially when they have power over you.
38, It appeared that this setting was providing Suzy with an audience to which she gladly reacted.
39, Jonathan Lethem gladly acknowledges the writers who have had an influence on his offbeat fiction.
40, She would gladly pay for the additional units but these would cost only to be made available.
41, If I had a storehouse full of confidence, I would gladly give each one of them as much as they needed.
42, And I'd gladly wave goodbye to the odd beagle if it would help cure cancer.
43, Mr Fallon has been described as the kind of man who does not suffer fools gladly.
44, Perseus took Andromeda to her parents, and asked for her hand, which they gladly gave him.
45, She was a forceful personality who did not suffer fools gladly, but her sternness was accompanied by grace and Victorian courtesy.
46, He was a man who suffered hardship gladly, a hunter and a soldier.
47, This powerful gift was gladly received and subsequently wielded effectively in many battles, earning Sigmar his nickname of Heldenhammer.
48, The mate would have gladly helped but his mum would not let him out.
49, MacKay will gladly battle college basketball instead of the 49ers.
50, But I never stopped cooking gladly, not even after the children grew up and left home.
51, So if anyone wants company for a walk down Memory Lane, I will gladly go with them.
52, He and the rest of the Grill regulars would gladly grub the stumps out of the town lot with their own hands.
53, If only I had more money in the bank, I would gladly retire.
54, Those who gladly accept Berezovsky's money today point to the precedent set by Bonner.
55, Moktadir, who was seriously threatened by the neighbouring kingdoms of Navarre and Aragon, gladly accepted.
56, He gladly accepted and I gave him one of the special invitation cards.
57, Other women would gladly put off becoming a grandmother, because it makes them feel old.
58, A path into the woods appeared on her right-hand side and she stepped on to it gladly.
59, But if he didn't suffer fools gladly, I must ask who would want to?
60, His manner was that of one gladly welcoming a friend.
61, We have a host of very satisfied customers who would gladly endorse this.
62, She gladly greeted him and led him to her home.
63, A tall, fast-talking southerner whose accent still lingers despite her years in the north, Porter does not suffer fools gladly.
64, When businesses heard about the reason for the fund-raiser, they gladly gave us donations.
65, Anyone who knew him will gladly testify that he was a disaster behind a steering wheel.
66, If I am not held up too much, I will gladly give way to the hon. Gentleman.
67, He was a man who suffered hardship gladly, a hunter and a soldier. From boyhood he disdained an easy life.
68, She, gladly accepting the glorious gift.
69, He gladly accepted the mitigated penalty.
69, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
70, I gladly bear witness to his good character.
71, To this I gladly assented.
72, My great travail so gladly spent.
73, He was welcomed thither quite as gladly by those whom he stood upon trifle with farther.
74, But we gladly trade the wasteful inefficiencies of multiple routing in order to keep the Internet's remarkable flexibility.
75, But I gladly avail myself of them again to press home a much-needed lesson for all who desire to learn truly and fully what waiting on God is.
76, She doesn't suffer fools gladly and, in her view, most people are fools.
77, Any expenses accruing from thellos credit inquiry will be gladly paid on receipt of your bill.
78, The son toke out a camera for a photo of whole family gladly.
79, We shall gladly join with you in the purchase of 100 bales of wool, to be shied in moieties by two different ve els, to sail about a month apart.
80, It is essential that you accept the fact, and accept it gladly, that there is no form of littleness that can ever content you.
81, Gina had mugged up on the law and so she gladly accepted the short contract.
82, If it's a friend then I will greet them, my former team-mates, the storeman, police officers, I'll greet everyone gladly.
83, His genuine passions are for literture and the philosophy of science and he would gladly spend all his time in studying them.
84, My parents had a home that had a formal garden, and many of the local people would borrow that for weddings and family reunions and things like that, which my parents gladly lent them the facilities.
85, On the other hand, I do it gladly for the love of God.
86, He's a fine-looking man for all his tattered clothes. This must be the Jia Yucun my master keeps talking about, whom he' d gladly help if only he had the chance.
87, Any expenses accruing from this credit inquiry will be gladly paid on receipt of your bill.
88, But the kind of love which really pleases Christ is the kind that does not count the cost but gladly gives everything to him and for him.
89, I will gladly combine shipping charges on multiple purchases or auction wins to save you money!
90, A soldier dons helmet and armour, takes up spear and shield, and rushes gladly into battle.
91, Gladly Phaethon traveled toward the regions of sunrise and gained at last the palace of the Sun.
92, Many drinkers plunge gladly into inebriation as an escape from reality.
93, For convenient and broad hair mercer takes a money smoothly, we inform you gladly, you can revise phoneticize full name directly in account now!
94, KW. So if it takes one of those to hook up all the HDD's in a storage rig I'll gladly get one , even if the peak load of the system lies at 25% of the unit's maximum.
95, Any expenses accruing from this credit inquiry will be gladly on receipt of your bill.
96, My beginning costliness begin from a junior high school, at that time the make-up exam fee of two dollars gladly Na it, the slightest do not wriggle of Tai.
97, We desire to champion this gospel with clarity, compassion, courage, and joy—gladly linking hearts with fellow believers across denominational, ethnic, and class lines.
98, He would die gladly , so only that S . Behrman died before him.
99, We shall gladly join with you in the purchase of 100 bales of wool, to be shipped in moieties by two different vessels, to sail about a month apart.
100, The race organiser will gladly deduct from your finishing time any time spent assisting an injured or distressed fellow runner.
101, After all, young adults accept student loans and credit cards gladly and most repay dutifully.
102, Grating Pacific will gladly fabricate wire cloth with 'U' edging or other framing ready for installation into the supporting structure.
103, But if we do win the League I will gladly hold up my hands as a doubter and say that I was wrong and then claim that I never, ever thought we would lose the League.
104, Lonely pig Paulinchen was luckily discovered moments from death and placed in the care of the surrogate mum Katjinga, an 8-year-old Rhodesian ridgeback, who gladly accepted it as one of her own.
105, Want to was had this ato'clock only, we still invest gladly,'t rein in our footstep.
106, We shall gladly with you in the purchase of 100 bales of wool, to be shipped in moieties by two different vessels, to sail about a month apart.
107, Now this wood was very fair to look at from without, and seemed full of singing birds and of sweet-scented flowers, and the Star- Child entered it gladly.
108, When a certain actress - famed for her countless marriages and love af-fairs - complained that she could not come up with anything apt, Benchley gladly came to her aid.
108, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
109, After a few months of this on-the-job training, I was offered, and gladly accepted, the post of Education Coordinator, overseeing not only the programmer training, but training our end users.
110, " I did, " answered the clergyman, " and would gladly learn it.
111, I would gladly journalize some of my proceedings, and describe things and people.




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