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单词 Debrief
1. While being debriefed the defector named two double agents.
2. The men have been debriefed by British and Saudi officials.
3. The officers debriefed the pilot after he had flown back from the warfront.
4. Pilots were debriefed on the bombing raid.
5. The returning bomber crews were debriefed.
6. The pilots were thoroughly debriefed after every mission.
7. The political and economic experts debriefed the defector about conditions in his home country.
8. We debriefed our pilot after he had flown over the enemy's land.
9. He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.
10. A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong.
11. When they were relieved they would be debriefed.
12. We purposely waited some weeks to debrief you.
13. Even then, his debriefing could yield an intelligence bonanza.
14. He has a young friend, a kid he debriefed on behalf of the Agency.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. Our detectives and field officers are to be debriefed Monday night by case supervisors.
16. In our inspection debriefing, the two-star general team chief bestowed praise on everyone involved.
17. Employers who have attended students' debriefing sessions have found them most illuminating. 21.
18. Together the three senior men debriefed their two junior colleagues for several hours.
19. JB : My debrief room, after qualifying, I think.
20. Green comes in to debrief Jack, and he asks to phone his wife and daughter in return for his cooperation.
21. Jack questions why Nina didn’t finish the debrief but she gets called away before she can answer.
22. He was taken to a US airbase to be debriefed on the mission.
23. Bodies caked in mud, the rescuers gather for a debriefing session; up sound.
24. Of course, we’ll go over all of them in the debrief and you’ll have a chance to practice them, too.
25. As you listen, try to pick out these natural combinations of words. Then we’ll explain what they mean and how to use them in the debrief.
26. Listen out for them and we’ll explain what they mean and how to use them in the debrief.
27. As you listen(), consider the following questions. Then we’ll examine the answers in the debrief.
28. I’m not opposed to taking a year or two off to debrief after high school or college, provided it doesn’t cut into a parent’s retirement plans.
29. The prototypes include airborne instrumentation, ground station planning and software systems to debrief pilots.
30. The ACMI system consists of air combat training pods and PC-based debrief software that allows training without a fixed infrastructure.
31. Agent Paulson continues to debrief the women, but Teri’s exhaustion causes her to lose focus.
32. Harvey: But first we’ll debrief over lunch. Come on, I’ll carry you to the car!
33. Keep a note of these expressions and we’ll go over them in the debrief and explain what they mean and how they can be used.
34. They fly prescribed missions against basic threats and then thoroughly debrief the missions.
35. But three-year-old David could very well process it and file the picture (and definitely debrief the rest of the house on the white candy sticks). It was too much of a risk.
36. Join Charles Cooper and Stephen Shankland on the CNET News Daily Debrief.
37. We really need to meet today to debrief - even for just 15 minutes - so this project can run more smoothly.
38. So you agree to meet with me at 4pm today and based on our conversation determine how frequently it's appropriate for us to debrief?
39. If Nadia's the one with intel on Vadik(), why not debrief her yourself?
40. Testing with 3 people means you can conduct the whole round of testing really quickly: test in the morning, and debrief during lunch.
41. I tend to do a lot of "share pairs" where people get a chance to do a debrief with someone else in the room.




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