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单词 Vocation
1. Jan has a vocation for teaching.
2. She struggled for years to find her true vocation.
3. Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession.
4. Nursing is not just a job—it's a vocation.
5. I feel I've found/missed my true vocation.
6. She believes that she has found her true vocation in life.
7. She was equipped with knowledge for the vocation.
8. His vocation coincides with his avocation.
9. He has little vocation for teaching.
10. She seems to have a vocation for healing.
11. Her vocation is her work as an actress.
12. He found his vocation in ornithology.
13. He has a vocation for teaching.
14. Make authorship your avocation, not your vocation.
15. You missed your vocation .
16. Booth was a revivalist intent on his Christian vocation.
17. At 17 she found her true vocation as a writer.
18. He saw his vocation as one of prayer and apostolic work.
19. He is desperate to pursue his vocation as an artist.
20. She feels that she missed her vocation by not working with children.
21. She felt it was her vocation to minister to the sick.
22. You've missed your vocation, Mary,[Sentencedict] you should have been a nurse!
23. This was not the inspiration for her vocation.
24. It could well be that he has a real vocation.
25. This is a job that demands a sense of vocation.
26. "We need teachers who regard their profession as a vocation, not just a job, " said the Minister.
27. He had a strong sense of responsibility to his vocation of preaching.
28. The young couple have already saved ample money for the summer vocation.
29. She is a doctor with a strong sense of vocation.
30. Diana was a young mission school teacher convinced of her vocation to provide support for her schoolgirl pupils.
1. Jan has a vocation for teaching.
2. She struggled for years to find her true vocation.
3. Nursing is not just a job—it's a vocation.
4. I feel I've found/missed my true vocation.
5. It could well be that he has a real vocation.
6. She believes that she has found her true vocation in life.
7. She seems to have a vocation for healing.
8. He found his vocation in ornithology.
9. Make authorship your avocation, not your vocation.
10. He is desperate to pursue his vocation as an artist.
11. She feels that she missed her vocation by not working with children.
12. She felt it was her vocation to minister to the sick.
31. His real vocation was the river.
32. I fear, however, that Woodward's vocation would have been better exercised if he had confined himself to hospital portering.
33. Working with Dire straits has always been a vocation for me.
34. Obtaining any professional qualification requires not only vocation and commitment, but also great investment in both personal and financial terms.
35. Her fate has taken her on a different journey, a route where the monarchy is secondary to her true vocation.
36. He was quite young when he decided he had a religious vocation.
37. That Storni accepted unquestioningly a poetic vocation for herself, clearly emerges from a reading of La inquietud del rosal.
38. They are hesitant about calling their sense of vocation as being in any way visionary.
39. The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation. Mark Twain 
40. Nursing is hard work and often low paid, but for many people it is a vocation.
41. The notion of apprenticeship as an almost religious vocation survives best, oddly, in martial arts movies like Bloodsport on Showtime.
42. During his lifetime, the distinctive characteristics of his vocation had begun to dwindle.
43. There is now a need to rekindle the idea that teaching is a vocation which makes a whole series of complex demands.
44. I realize now that when I accepted the position of branch manager that it is truly an exciting vocation.
45. It's just that the vocation to the priesthood ... we need to be very prayerful about it.
46. Often these prophets saw themselves as reformers, who had a vocation to transform the religious vision of their time.
47. Charlotte Mason regarded teaching as her vocation from her early adolescence.
48. He thought he had missed his vocation and indeed he had.
49. Most of them left the ministry and moved to other evangelical outlets for their vocation.
50. Had vocation advisors been around they would doubtless have recommended a commercial future on the scientific side.Sentence dictionary
51. But my vocation might be to enter the convent here in Normandy.
52. As in the lives of many artists, illness revealed his vocation.
53. I liked what he had to say about law as vocation, and all the diverse possibilities a law degree introduced.
54. Although he wrote chamber and orchestral music, songs were his true vocation.
55. At times the yoke of his vocation was almost unbearable, although there is no indication that he ever regretted assuming it.
56. But they would've given up their vocation just to be free of you.
57. Scientists themselves have often drawn parallels between the experience of a scientific vocation and certain forms of religious experience.
58. But amassing wealth did not turn Maria into a frivolous woman; she started the family vocation of caregiving.
59. Our whole vocation is to transcend the baser instincts of the animal world and be stewards and not spoilers of creation.
60. Shortly before he joined the Jesuits he burned all he had written, as a sacrifice to his vocation.
61. The vocation will fit you to a hair.
62. For Durkheim, sociology was a vocation.
63. The summer vocation has come to a close.
64. The summer vocation come to a close.
65. My vocation was extended by sympathetic commanding officer.
66. Teaching is my vocation and writing is my avocation.
67. Electric vacuum vocation, nuclear, chemical, glass, and metalizing industries.
68. She has no vocation for teaching.
69. Let's map out our vocation to Beijing.
70. The agricultural practice became a challenging and rewarding vocation.
71. His deformity totally disabled him from following his vocation.
72. And so the staff is a captive audience for their manager's jazz-band gigs, elegies over his approach shot to the 17th green, or any other avocation mistaken as part of the vocation.
73. As much as I had loved chemistry before, my studies at UTA convinced me that I had found the right vocation. I was particularly inspired by Dr.
74. Malamud declares his vocation on the problem of identity further in his Immigrant-Survivor's fictions, and advocates Jewish writers to record their nation's history by words.
75. Write to fly-by-night Travel to complain about the vocation, giving details about the problems . Request some compensation or refund.
76. Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.
77. The Lenten practice of almsgiving thus becomes a means to deepen our Christian vocation.
78. A dentist at work in his vocation always down in the mouth.
79. Journalistic media is a propeller to the social transformation and development, with its inborn vocation highly congruous with the concept of the harmonious society building.
80. Her original vocation , tellingly[/vocation.html], was not stay - at - home motherhood but wing journalism.
81. He answered, to go to sea again, in his old vocation.
82. Let's visit the Carmelite Sisters in Toronto and learn about their vocation of love and their cloistered lifestyle.
83. Let NCTC become the service station and increment of your vocation career.
84. None of England's pre-Miltonic poets -- Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare had dared to suggest -- and it would never have occurred to them to suggest that theirs was actually a divine vocation.
85. The vocation advocate found the word "vocal" and "reciprocal" not in the vocabulary.
86. The premier also told the students and teachers at present that he believed education is the most sublime undertaking of the mankind and teacher is the most glary vocation under the sun.
87. Aloofness is the inherent claim of doctors vocation; Empathy is external character of medical ethic.
88. Our first vocation is to produce safety leather, gloves and equipments with certified quality in order to give satisfaction to all the people working in the industrial circle.
89. The vocation moral sense, society duty sense and philosophy of tangent is the deep - seated thinking cause.
90. Government and vocation are the key points in outdoor advertising administration , but ofare lack of responsibility.
91. Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation.
92. The test of a vocation of the love of the drudgery it involves.
93. Core competitive of high vocation college is holistic synthesis ability of retain competitory superiority.
94. Unnecessarily we may can be the No. 1 in this vocation, but we must be the most professional one, no other than to be the most professional team, our servings can just penetrate with your heart.
95. Nicolaus Copernicus said: 'being brave in exploring the truth is hominine vocation.
96. We can say on nowise the ground, the social every vocation is already inseparable with software.
97. De Patria loved being a dentist and saw intricate connections between dentistry and the priestly vocation.
98. Flat-throw type head vulcanizer is the main production facility for rubber item vocation.
99. A vocation requiring advanced education and training , esp. one of the three traditional learned professions-law,(http:///vocation.html) medicine and ministry.
100. You should become a welfare worker; you have a vocation for helping people.
101. The nursing of the sick , said Florence Nightingale, is a vocation as well as a profession.
102. An employment, office, trade, profession or vocation is "remunerated" where a salary, honorarium, allowance or.
103. It became urgent that I should have a vocation of some kind.
104. Do what? The vocation is time for balking a bed.
105. In a world so torn apart by rivalry, anger, and hatred, we have the privileged vocation to be living signs of a love that can bridge all divisions and heal all wounds.
106. The I-type beams and precast slabs have been used in the power stations for many years because of the influence of the vocation tradition.
107. Watertown a great place for the family to a vocation.




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