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单词 repeat
释义 Word family  noun repeat repetition adjective repeated repetitive repetitious repeatable ≠ unrepeatable verb repeat adverb repeatedly repetitively  Related topics: Broadcasting, Television & radiore·peat1 /rɪˈpiːt/ ●●● S2 W2 verb [transitive]  1  say again 重复说REPEAT to say or write something again 重说;重写 Can you repeat your question? 你能重复一遍你的问题吗? Sorry – could you repeat that? 对不起——你能再说一遍吗?repeat that Nick patiently repeated that he had to work that day. 尼克耐心地重复了一遍,说那天他得上班。 It is not, I repeat not, my fault. 那不是我的错,我再说一遍,不是。 ‘I promise, ’ she repeated. “我保证。”她又说了一遍。repeat yourself (=say something that you have said before, usually by mistake) 〔通常指无意地〕重复自己说过的话 Elderly people tend to repeat themselves. 老年人说话往往重复。2  do again 重做AGAIN to do something again 重做 Repeat the exercises twice a day. 这套操每天做两次。 We must not repeat the mistakes of the past. 我们不能再犯以前的错误。repeat a class/grade/year (=do the same class at school again the following year) 重读一年 The team are hoping to repeat their success (=achieve the same good result) of last season. 球队希望再续上一赛季的佳绩。3  learn 记住REPEAT to say something that someone else has just said, especially in order to learn it 复述;跟读〔尤指为学习〕repeat (something) after somebody Repeat after me: amo, amas, amat ... 请跟我读amo,amas,amat ……4  tell 讲述REPEAT to tell someone something that you have heard, especially something secret 转述〔听说的东西,尤指秘密〕 Here’s what happened, but don’t repeat it. 事情是这样的,不要告诉别人。5  broadcast 播放TCBAMT to broadcast a television or radio programme again 重播 The series will be repeated in the autumn. 这部连续剧秋天将重播。6  something doesn’t bear repeating RUDE/IMPOLITEused to say that you do not want to repeat what someone has said, especially because it is rude 某人的话不堪重复〔尤因粗鲁〕 Her comments don’t bear repeating! 她的那番话真是不堪重复!7.repeat on somebody phrasal verb British English if food repeats on you, its taste keeps coming back into your mouth after you have eaten it 〔食物吃后〕在嘴里留有余味 → history repeats itself at history(8)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrepeat• The news is hardly worth repeating.• "I just can't believe it, " he repeated.• A month later when Dole visited Illinois' capital, Springfield, the scene was repeated.• Repeat after me: "I'm not going to waste any more money on lottery tickets.''• Why do you have to repeat everything I say?• Henry kept repeating her phone number to himself so he wouldn't forget it.• Holmes repeated his experiments to verify the existence of atoms.• And six years later, history threatens to repeat itself in Rancho Las Isabeles.• If history repeats itself, Taylor could be up for her second Grammy award.• Willy has to repeat kindergarten.• You can not, repeat not, fake it.• A pattern of red and green flowers is repeated on the bedspread and drapes.• The awards show will be repeated on TNN Saturday night at six.• Could you repeat question number six, please?• She repeated that there was no need for alarm.• Despite the glossy packaging he ruined Labour's chances last time and he is set to repeat the disaster.• Holmes repeated the experiment several times and got the same results.• The resource person may correct a serious error and repeat the phrase again but with no trace of disapproval or reproach.• After the students have finished, have them exchange roles and repeat the procedure.• Could you repeat the question? I wasn't listening.• The kidnappers have repeated their demand for ransom.• Repeat this exercise ten times every day and you'll soon have a flatter stomach.• This cycle repeats, until the best string is good enough.• "He's planning to move, " she said, repeating what Bobby had told her.• Sam came out of the room and repeated what the doctor had said.repeat that• I repeat that and I hold to it.• She kept repeating that he had to stay in El Salvador.• Martin kept repeating that he was hungry.• It can not repeat that mistake.• To complete this traditional picture, it has to be repeated that production was always held to be beneficial.• He repeated that the Action Committee should call for change.• I repeat that the question on the Order Paper tonight is irrelevant to the question before the House and the country.• Carey repeated that the union would sign no deal unless it included limits on subcontracting and added more full-time jobs.• I repeat that we will maintain firm vigilance over local authority spending.repeat a class/grade/year• Failure to communicate successfully will have far-reaching consequences - bad reviews, the need to repeat a class.• It also involves all parents, who are anxious that their children should not repeat a year.Related topics: Broadcasting, Television & radio, Musicrepeat2 ●●○ noun [countable]  1  [usually singular]HAPPEN an event that is very like something that happened before 〔事件的〕重演,重现repeat of The match was basically a repeat of last year’s game at Wembley. 这场比赛差不多是去年温布利那场比赛的翻版。 It was a terrible journey – I hope we don’t have a repeat performance (=have the same thing happen again) on the way home. 这一路上太糟糕了——我希望回程可不要再发生同样的事。2  TCBAMTa television or radio programme that has been broadcast before 重播的节目 ‘Is it a repeat?’ ‘No, it’s a new series.’ “是重播吗?”“不是,是新播出的连续剧。”3. repeat order/prescription BBT British English an order of goods or a prescription of medicine that is the same as one you had before 〔相同货物的〕续订订单/〔同样药物的〕相同处方4. technicalAPM the sign that tells a performer to play a piece of music again, or the music that is played again 〔乐谱的〕反复符号;重复段Examples from the Corpusrepeat• What none of these groups would find reassuring is a repeat of the old Lawson line that the deficit does not matter.• There's a repeat of "ER" on tonight.• Also on the rise are repeat pregnancies among teens.• Make each succeeding effort a little harder, but none of the repeats should be all out.• After 20 years, new generations would see the repeat of the cycle.• The second shadow study was a true repeat of the first, although some of the schedules were changed.repeat of• We simply can't afford a repeat of the Alaska oil spill here.From Longman Business Dictionaryrepeatre‧peat1 /rɪˈpiːt/ verb [transitive] to achieve the same results, level of performance etcIt was the best-selling car last year and may well repeat that success this year.→ See Verb tablerepeatrepeat2 noun [countable] an event, situation etc that is very similar to one that has happened beforerepeat ofI don’t think this year will see a repeat of last year’s earnings.Origin repeat1 (1300-1400) Old French repeter, from Latin repetere, from petere “to go to, try to find”re·peat1 verbrepeat2 nounChineseSyllable  say something to Corpus Business again write or




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