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单词 Prominence
1. She came to national prominence as an artist in the 1960s.
2. He came to prominence during the World Cup in Italy.
3. She first came to prominence as an artist in 1989.
4. Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials.
5. The lawyer reached a position of prominence in her profession at an early age.
6. He had swiftly risen to prominence during the 1950s.
7. She has achieved a prominence she hardly deserves.
8. Crime prevention had to be given more prominence.
9. The newspapers are giving the affair considerable prominence.
10. The newspapers have given undue prominence to the story.
11. Every newspaper gave prominence to the success of England's cricketers.
12. The former rebels were given positions of prominence in the new government.
13. He came to prominence in the row over defence policy.
14. The city's rise to prominence as a port began in the early nineteenth century.
15. An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.
16. His account gives due prominence to the role of the king.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. I was determined to give it maximum prominence.
18. Como was defeated, but gradually rose again to prominence.
19. Mora y Villamil held military and political prominence.
20. Gloucester first came to prominence in 1469.
21. It was then that Khomeini first came to prominence.
22. The day was clear; everything had prominence, the land against the water; the water against the sky.
23. As Microsoft ascended to prominence and Apple descended to the depths, the licensing debate among Mac users rose in volume.
24. These strange circumstances pushed into prominence the only Catholics who were not banned from attending the meeting.
25. Bradley, a Hall of Fame pro basketball player, first gained prominence as a college hoops star at Princeton.
26. Smith was going for depth this time, and his prominence as a crossover artist made it somewhat of a risk.
27. The most developed of these, Meade's scheme for varying social insurance contributions, was given special prominence.
28. She married Jose in 1963 and played an important supporting role as he rose to prominence in the business world.
29. Robinson spent the years of the civil war and Interregnum building up business interests and achieving prominence in City politics.
30. Balancing the budget was always a fundamental element of the contract, but it assumed greater prominence as the year evolved.
1. She came to national prominence as an artist in the 1960s.
2. He came to prominence during the World Cup in Italy.
3. She first came to prominence as an artist in 1989.
4. Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials.
5. The lawyer reached a position of prominence in her profession at an early age.
6. An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.
31. But it was as a leader of the unemployed that Hannington rose to national prominence.
32. The Windscale site had begun to achieve a bad reputation well before its recent rise to national prominence under a new title.
33. Radiographs of the chest showed enlargement of the right heart with prominence of the pulmonary outflow tract.
34. Of course nobody much resents the Bucks now, since they disappeared from national prominence almost as quickly as they arrived.
35. The Beveridge report brought the topic of full employment into public prominence.
36. One of its most important aspects was the rise to prominence of several black-owned stations in major cities.
37. Biomolecular applications are given due prominence, as befits an area where mass spectrometry has made such spectacular progress.
38. The prominence of the legislative veto mechanism in our contemporary political system and its importance to Congress can hardly be overstated.
39. The increasing prominence of licence revenues in the trading account lends an additional degree of scaleability into the revenue model.
40. However, the issue returned to prominence following the death of a hunger striker on Oct. 14.
41. Born into poverty, Jimenez never forgot his origins as he rose to prominence in the church.
42. The prominence of temples in the small towns is of some interest.
43. The prominence of the Nevilles ended in disaster and the influence of the Percies was at best intermittent.
44. Apted also differentiates browsing habits according to the different disciplines and points to its prominence for scholars in the humanities.
45. An Olympic gold medallist in 1960, Ali came to prominence shortly before his assumption of the world heavyweight title in 1964.
46. Within this array of determining variables, great prominence is accorded to the ratio,[/prominence.html] the stock of real balances.
47. The degree of emphasis given in each religion may vary considerably - some may not give it the prominence which another does.
48. As a question of aesthetic value, it is hard to dispute Lonsdale's decision to give prominence to this material.
49. Forbes' long, slow climb back to prominence is associated with two men: its owner and his editor.
50. The family house itself assumes a special prominence which is unique to this class.
51. Politically motivated intellectuals tended not to fall silent on receiving official positions but to capitalize on their prominence.
52. Parliament and party became increasingly irrelevant, and trade unions and employers' associations came into positions of political prominence.
53. He has, of course, come into recent prominence through a long association with the late Robert Maxwell.
54. This is realized phonologically as a tone group, with the peak of prominence or tonic accent falling on the new element.
55. These were the first men of less than fully aristocratic background to gain prominence through their merit.
56. He came to prominence as a speech writer for President Nixon.
57. Industry regulators proposed giving this information greater prominence and adding new features.
58. Wei first rose to prominence during the brief 1978-79 interlude of free speech known as the Democracy Wall movement.
59. Hypatia Bradlaugh said the only constant element was Besant's desire for prominence in whatever party she joined.
60. He first came to national prominence as a member of the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation.
61. She would not achieve this position of prominence through conquest but through example and inspiration.
62. It is the second role which has recently come into greater prominence.
63. Social disorder is not new but throughout history, it has had varying degrees of prominence as a problem.
64. The speech received much applause, and my remarks about the regalia were given prominence in the next day's papers.
65. Perhaps the title of this translation gives it too much prominence.
66. At this time the Yohkoh images showed faint X-ray emission from a large closed magnetic field structure above the prominence.
67. The A.P.R. must always be given greater prominence than any statement relating to any other rate of charge. 6.
68. But it would be hazardous to assume that prominence and deviance are simply subjective and objective aspects of the same phenomenon.
69. Ten years later, Zhou took the first case that would catapult him into national prominence.
70. They would blaze into prominence just as the foreground planting was falling to pieces.
71. The obtrusive tone of the tuba makes it extremely useful in bringing important bass passages into prominence.
72. That leaves Bush, in Texas, poised to reach national prominence as a Republican advocating a cooler approach to the issue.
73. Only lately had experiments with iron sheathing been achieving prominence.
74. The method came to prominence through the activities of Frederick Bligh Bond, a highly respected authority on medieval church architecture.
75. Both offerings demonstrate the need for sin to be dealt with objectively, and give prominence to the use of the blood.
76. Pompeii lay in verdant, wine-growing country and so gave special prominence to Venus, goddess of fecundity, Hercules and Bacchus.
76. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
77. The Huskies have gained their prominence partly at the expense of Cal.
78. He came to prominence, however, as a leading financier for the parliamentary side in the civil war.
79. His rise to prominence in sport commenced with the establishment of the Birmingham Canoe Club in the early 1950s.
80. This has largely led to a reduction in overall-activity, but the control of mosquitoes by means of insecticide retains its prominence.
81. Professor Gimbutas has traced the prominence in later Goddess art of precisely that image, parallel curved lines.
82. Krickstein first rocketed to prominence at the 1983 U.S. Open.
83. Blanton was the crucial figure in giving the bass greater prominence.
84. The 8 p.m. news bulletin each evening gave prominence to presidential and governmental words and deeds.
85. Proceedings around the Biennial this year give a new prominence to performing arts.
86. Some instruments receive far more prominence than they do in more everyday tunes, others get merely the lightest, occasional touch.
87. He retired from public life for a few years and then returned to full prominence.
88. On the contrary, it is the formal properties of the device which are commonly given prominence.
89. It is the kind of story that stays news, and that is why it must be given prominence.
90. Though their long history from the early Cambrian to the present different groups of articulate brachiopods rose to prominence only to decline.
91. Metamorphosen is comparatively prosaic and suffers from a slightly top-heavy balance which gives undue prominence to the leader.
92. The latest hair forecasts are that blond will rebound into prominence, overtaking red, in the next few months.
93. Staff do not, either verbally or in their written material, give more prominence to one establishment than others.
94. Aside from its ascendency as an ecumenical center, Hanover was also rising to political prominence.
95. The complexity is natural, given the prominence of media in daily life.
96. This was followed by the start of their rise to prominence as agricultural engineers.
97. Kirton first achieved coaching prominence in London and, on his return to New Zealand, eventually took over the Wellington side.
98. The answer may lie in making a distinction between local prominence and overall discourse prominence.
99. Transitions or changes which have a notably high or low probability can be identified, as reasons for their prominence sought.
100. Together, they showcase his combustible bop chops and sublime ballad skills, as well as his meteoric rise to prominence.
101. His brilliant career as attorney lifted him into prominence and gave him acceptance as spokesman for the untouchables.
102. The question stylistics must consider is: how are these three concepts of deviance, prominence, and foregrounding interrelated?
103. Hopes, plans and pleasant memories are hard to keep in mind, and realistic worries take prominence.
104. From his Godlike prominence, Ward could see the truth: Athens can not outlast the barbarians.
105. And Magic can count on more pitfalls before his team is back to prominence again.
106. It set up a moaning background noise that would occasionally gust into prominence, then lapse again to mere accompaniment.
106. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
107. However, it sprang to prominence last year when an inventory of its contents revealed that 325 artworks had gone missing.
108. With the increasing internationalisation of investment markets this area of our work is likely to expand and acquire even greater prominence.
109. The fourteenth Earl of Home had been marked for prominence since childhood.
110. The dominant theme remains still-life and the prominence of lamps and the pools of light which they shed.
111. This has always been a feature of political life, but has assumed new prominence since 1979.
112. Johnson contradicted this, believing the comparisons would talk both books into greater prominence.
113. In marked thematic structures, theme position is associated with local prominence at the level of the clause.
114. Like Smith a generation before him, Cohen was vaulted into national prominence.
115. In practice there is increasing evidence that the rights of parents under the Act are not always given prominence.
116. In the full orchestra the richness of the general ensemble of course reduces the prominence of the oboe tone.
117. We might then expect that final rather than initial position in the clause is where prominence can be achieved.
118. This young fashion designer is rising to prominence.
119. He had seen it grow from insignificance to prominence.
120. China's ascendance to prominence must begin with our generation!
121. a young actor who has recently risen to prominence.
122. It gives the musicians a place of prominence.
123. He has that prominence no longer.
124. Newspapers, next day, accorded the story similar prominence.
125. Prominence usually occurs in the chromosphere, such as solar surface " earrings. "
126. Meanwhile, the world economic crisis has catapulted China to even greater prominence in its own right.
127. The goitre namely appears or increases, small prominence in the outer ring and the scrotum outset department, big drops to cloudy Shun, assumes the pear, swells the material to be soft.
128. The news should be chronicled without undue prominence or headlines.
129. From the side, it shows a definite profile due to the prominence of the superciliary ridges.
130. It is our goal to create modern home atmosphere of coziness, elegance and prominence with "people-oriented" principle.
131. Current probe support software, more or less, the problems in the process of exploring prominence to support enough, software and systematic poorer level virtualization of universal lack, etc.
132. Objective To detect the prominence of the use of pure titanium plate of internal immobilization in treating mandibular bone fractures.
133. It also demonstrates the internet's growing prominence as a sports broadcast medium.
134. "This guy ties everybody together, " says a veteran U.S. intelligence officer who has been watching Kashmiri's rise to prominence closely but is not authorized to speak publicly.
135. As their prominence grew, the Khmer kings initiated many grand public works projects.
136. A relatively new subdiscipline in architecture that has gained significant prominence is the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).
136. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
137. But they are achieving prominence in China, and winning plaudits from their peers.
138. The paper explores the basic contents of Chenyun's thoughtway and means and the condition where we carry out the study on this subject, which gives prominence to the meaning of this study.
139. Our activity will give prominence to the consanguineous relationship between Microsoft and our entertainment, study and work.
140. Audrey gained immediate 15 prominence in the US with her role in Roman Holiday in 1953.
141. With the advent of Joe Louis, who first gained national prominence in 1935 and became heavyweight champion two years later, the heavyweight division returned to center stage.
142. Bayesian inference has also gained prominence in e-mail spam-fighting, and in non-spam-related areas such as customer affinity engines (or, commercial recommendation engines).
143. The city gained prominence as a whaling and trading center due to its accessible harbor, and it continues to attract transpacific tourist ships today.
144. The 130,000 square yard islet of Galesnjak came to prominence after its unusual shape was highlighted on Google Earth.
145. To high-grade decoration , finishing material sigmatism , should give prominence to the key points , embody the principle that high material uses accurate.
146. But without a large prominence eruption, we will not have a magnetic storm here at Earth that drives the brilliant aurora.
147. Expressing illiberal views may bring some politicians into temporary prominence.
148. That is, taking education carrier choicely , guiding the carrier construction by "three nearness", giving prominence to culture character of the carrier and combining all education carriers.
149. A famous commander, tribal chief and cleric, Haqqani came to prominence during the war against the Soviets.
150. The synthetic organic pesticides gained prominence during the World War II.
151. The songs are assembled around the riff, with the guitar solo taking prominence.
152. Mustafa Kemal, as he was formerly known, came to prominence during the First World War as the general who, at Gallipoli, defeated the Allied invasion attempt.
153. The choice of Asian destinations was seen as symbolising the Obama administration's determination to give the region new prominence in American diplomacy .
154. Even after rising to prominence, even after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. King was vilified by many, denounced as a rabble rouser and an agitator, a communist and a radical.
155. English courses are given prominence to be student-oriented in terms of target setting, teaching process, curriculum evaluation and development of teaching resources, etc.
156. From this atmosphere, great flamelike prominence somitimes extends out into space.
157. Audrey gained immediate prominence in the US with her role in Roman Holiday in 1953.
158. Thoracic scoliotic deformity with prominence should be substantially reduced by the surgical treatment to improve satisfaction rates and self-image regarding back appearance.
159. In the late of the Weijin era, the arrogation of the revenge logic to the law became more and more prominence in the revenge literature theme.
160. While online may be gaining in prominence, Garnier says its not only about online distribution but also ensuring optimal results are achieved across all the channels.
161. Izzard's prominence has increased in the US after roles in TV series The Riches and 2008 thriller Valkyrie - but he admits the country has yet to acknowledge him as a transvestite .
162. In normal times my newfound prominence would almost surely have speeded my departure from government.
163. A solar prominence is a cloud of solar gas held above the Sun's surface by the Sun's magnetic field.
164. This paper first used "technocracy" in March 1933, when a book reviewer bemoaned the "lurid prominence" of the term.
165. Stephen Crane (1871-1900) burst into international literary prominence with The Red Badge of Courage (1895).
166. China has the earliest record of a solar prominence in the world.
167. Temperate forest ecosystems occupy a position of prominence among all ecosystems.
168. His name deserves a prominence in our history second only to that of Aristotle.
169. The city rose to prominence under Pakal, a club-footed king who reigned from 615 to 683 AD, represented by hieroglyphs of sun and shield, he is also referred to as Sun Shield or White Macaw.
170. Before the Civil War, boxing enjoyed a brief vogue in New York, where fighters often associated with the Tammany Hall machine rose to prominence.
171. Second, the region has created city images by giving prominence to local feature and architectural style.
172. Just prior to the Civil War, Inigo Jones, who is regarded as the first significant British architect, came to prominence.
173. Objective To observe the results of Intraoral curved osteotomy for mandibular angle prominence.
174. This undistinguished youth was to explode into a prominence no one had anticipated.
175. is a term used to describe a group of American writers who came to prominence in the 1950s, and the cultural phenomena that they wrote about and inspired (later sometimes called "beatniks").
176. Thoughtway on the Lawmaking of the Byelaw of Medical Accident Management insists on the principles of equality, equity and publicity and gives prominence to the principle of prevention.
177. His chin, too, had the prominence and squareness which mark the man of determination.
178. The energy mechanism that creates a solar prominence is still a topic of research.
179. Although his work was instrumental in bringing the Copernican system into prominence, Galileo was far more than just an astronomer.
180. Whereas patients with extrinsic prominence or varicosity phlebangioma averted harmful operation or biopsy.
181. Also known as the laryngeal prominence, the Adam's apple sits right on top of the thyroid gland, so the area is fittingly called the thyroid cartilage.
182. Methods Mandibular angle prominence were treated with the Intraoral curved osteotomy.
183. A solar prominence is a cloud of solar gas held just above the surface by the Sun's magnetic field.
184. During un and Yuan Dynasties, the spread of Liu Yong's Ci-poetry through selective collections takes on a trend ranging from prominence to prosaicness.
185. Joe Louis was the first African-American to achieve a position of national prominence in 20th century America.
186. The city's also known for its prominence as a past financial center.
187. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is the most severe form of PMS, with the prominence anger, irritability, and internal tension.
188. William Randolph Hearst understood that a war with Cuba would not only sell his papers, but also move him into a position of national prominence.
189. What it emphasizes is the adversative relation between the two parts it connects. Thirdly, it doesn't always give prominence...
190. On September 29, this magnificent eruptive solar prominence lifted away from the Sun's surface, unfurling into space over the course of several hours.
191. In this remarkable image, a small, pinkish solar prominence can also be seen along the edge, below the diamonds.
192. And what about all the sex, and the prominence of the soulless woman, the femme fatale?
193. The glamor of the East was brought to international prominence by the Russion national school.
194. One fixed component, it includes a draw part and a press part, the draw part is prominence of the plug bonding pad, the press part is set on surface of the shell.
195. Results The results showed the ethnic differences of prominence, tip, torque, upper first molar offset of crown and arch form between Chinese and Caucasian normal occlusion.
196. At the top left of the image there is a solar prominence, a huge loop of plasma, that is being blasted into space.
196. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
197. In decades of prominence, her dignity drew others to unfinished work of justice.
198. Goodman has a better-known nickname: as Kickball Katy, this Brooklynite came to prominence playing bass for Vivian Girls.
199. My concealed lip inside grew fluey prominence, examine on the net feel similar false sex acuteness is wet verrucous, what division should if go to large hospital to see me, hang?
200. However, while it is true that the musical no longer occupies the cherished place of prominence in American cinema that it once did, the old razzle-dazzle has had a comeback.
201. In the video embedded above, we see a solar prominence that erupted March 30.
202. The newly emended company law and securities law reinforces legal regulation on listed corporation, gives prominence to its importance and speciality in all kinds companies.
203. Given Locke's prominence, it's not surprising that China's leadership and official media have seemed uncertain how to respond — and some of the results have been ham-handed.
204. Still, the differences among the auto makers suggest competing technologies will jostle for prominence.
205. It then underwent grievous persecutions and re - emerged to prominence and the coming of the Tang dynasty.
206. I was only a private Member of Parliament, but of some prominence.
207. Not only the number of cultivars developed, but also many have the prominence attained.
208. This new image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) shows in great detail a solar prominence taken from a March 30, 2010 eruption.
209. He added: "I refuse to accept this mealy-mouthed apology. I want a front page retraction – due prominence – in next week's Sunday Times."
210. In recent weeks, the previously - unheralded Edu has come to prominence with impressive displays and important goals.
211. The majority shareholder British company Pilkington advanced high - grade float glass manufacturing process, brand prominence.
212. Objective. To compare uninstrumented compensatory curve spontaneous derotation of the rib hump and lumbar prominence after selective lumbar or thoracic fusions in AIS.
213. A coffeehouse chain like Starbucks can rise to prominence by an imitation of Milan's espresso bars.
214. The translator's role underwent a process from anonymity to prominence. ".
215. Although somehow related to the Sun's changing magnetic field, the energy mechanism that creates and sustains a Solar prominence is still a topic of research.
216. The whole software program of IC card reader gives prominence to transparent transmission of data, and simultaneously takes the characteristics of the MCU software into account.
217. The results may explain the formation of the solar prominence and the propagation of accompanying coronal disturbance.
218. She was 75. Ms Ferraro, a Democratic Party congresswoman, was catapulted to national prominence when she became the running mate to the 1984 presidential nominee, Walter Mondale.




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