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单词 remote
释义  re·mote1 /rɪˈməʊt $ -ˈmoʊt/ ●●○ W3 adjective  1  far away 遥远的FAR far from towns or other places where people live 偏僻的,偏远的 SYN isolated a remote border town 一个偏远的边境小镇 a fire in a remote mountain area 偏远山区的火灾► see thesaurus at far2  not likely 不可能的PROBABLY if a chance or possibility of something happening is remote, it is not very likely to happen 〔机会或可能性〕渺茫的,微乎其微的 SYN slightremote chance/possibility There’s a remote chance that you can catch him before he leaves. 你不大可能在他离开前赶上他。 The prospect of peace seems remote. 实现和平的希望似乎很渺茫。3  time 时间FAR far away in time 遥远的,久远的,远古的 SYN distant the remote time when dinosaurs walked the earth 恐龙霸行天下的远古时代a remote ancestor (=someone related to you, who lived a long time ago) 远祖4  different 不同的DIFFERENT very different from something 很不相同的remote from The Heights was quiet and clean and remote from the busy daily life of the city. 高地静谧洁净,与忙碌的城市生活截然不同。5  person 人UNFRIENDLY unfriendly, and not interested in people 冷淡的,不友善的 SYN distant His father was a remote, quiet man. 他父亲是个冷淡的人,少言寡语。6  not have the remotest idea/interest/intention etc NOT KNOW especially British English used to emphasize that you do not know something, are not interested in something, do not intend to do something etc 一无所知/毫无兴趣/毫无打算等 He hasn’t the remotest interest in sport. 他对体育毫无兴趣。not have the remotest idea/interest/intention etc what/where/who etc I haven’t the remotest idea what you mean. 我一点都不明白你是什么意思。 —remoteness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusremote• But they submitted that the damage was too remote.• The chances of such an accident happening again are very remote.• Peter's father was always remote and silent around his family.• In Izmir, passengers transfer to a 70-foot yacht that sails along the coast, anchoring at remote bays and villages.• The procedure was monitored with remote cameras.• The real work is being done by remote computers on the Web.• The helicopter crashed in a remote desert area.• Much effort went into tracing remote family connections abroad on the off chance of identifying a benefactor.• They moved to a remote farmhouse in North Wales.• The plane went down in a remote forest area.• Space probes operate in dark, cold, remote parts of the solar system.• There is a remote possibility the program could be halted, if funding were cut.• There is only a remote prospect of peace in the region.• On stage vacuum control for remote rotation is available if required.• The problems of getting copy on to the system from a remote source was, therefore, already solved.• It is your public name on the remote system, and you generally create it the first time you call in.• Analysts say a political solution is more remote than ever.remote chance/possibility• I was naïve enough to think it had a remote chance.• The pipeline is no longer a remote possibility.• It had been a remote possibility, but it had existed.• But that remote possibility, he knew, had already been examined and dismissed.• Powell only has a remote chance of playing, for Reilly's squad has retained its shape and strength.• On the other hand, there is just the remote possibility that some one will invent it tomorrow.• But they also knew there was a remote chance that their efforts might help to prevent catastrophe.remote from• This discussion of artistic meaning seems very remote from a convict's experience.Related topics: Television & radio, Householdremote2 noun [countable]  AMTDHa remote control 遥控器 Give me the remote. 把遥控器给我。Examples from the Corpusremote• I try three remotes before one works.From Longman Business Dictionaryremotere‧mote /rɪˈməʊt-ˈmoʊt/ adjective [only before a noun]1COMPUTING remote systems or equipment are used to control a machine, computer system etc from a distanceremote access to computer data banks2if a possibility, risk, danger etc is remote, there is only a small chance it will happenA 7% cut in production is likely, although 10% is also aremote possibility.The likelihood of the company paying this debt is remote.Origin remote1 (1400-1500) Latin past participle of removere; → REMOVEre·mote1 adjectiveremote2 nounChineseSyllable  or far where live other Corpus places people towns from Business




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