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单词 Take up
1. She was unable to take up the London posting.
2. activities take up too much of our time.
3. Don't let yesterday take up too much of today.
4. Some people take up yoga to aid relaxation.
5. That's a matter for you to take up with your boss.
6. I can take up to four people in my car.
7. Can you recommend a classmate who can take up the job?
8. There have been hints that he may take up coaching.
9. Salaries take up a considerable portion of our total budget.
10. The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.
11. Don't suddenly take up violent exercise after years of inactivity.
12. He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition.
13. Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society.
14. The school bus stopped to take up pupils.
15. The potted plants take up too much space.
16. She didn't take up athletics until she was 20.
17. We will take up references after the interview.http://
18. We didn't take up his joke.
19. Clearance can take up to a week.
20. No one dared take up the challenge.
21. Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.
22. I'll take up the story where you left off.
23. I won't take up much of your time.
24. Why don't you take up a new hobby?
25. You're very unfit; you ought to take up running.
26. Take up these loose ropes.
27. Children often take up smoking because of peer pressure.
28. Take up a relaxing hobby, such as knitting.
29. We pushed him hard to take up science.
30. What influenced you to take up nursing?
1. She was unable to take up the London posting.
2. activities take up too much of our time.
3. Some people take up yoga to aid relaxation.
4. That's a matter for you to take up with your boss.
5. There have been hints that he may take up coaching.
6. Salaries take up a considerable portion of our total budget.
7. The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.
8. Don't suddenly take up violent exercise after years of inactivity.
9. Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society.
10. Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.
31. The weather is going to take up at last.
32. Now that her children are all at school, she's going to take up full-time study again.
33. Too many extracurricular activities take up too much of our precious time for study.
34. Dr Mahathir intends to take up the proposal with the prime minister.
35. I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time.
36. He lifted the end of the canoe, nodding to me to take up mine.
37. Don't let TV take up too much of your child's playtime.
38. He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.
39. Whoever decides to take up the gauntlet and challenge the Prime Minister will have a tough battle.
40. He will take up his post as Head of Modern Languages in September.
41. How much water is needed to take up the sugar?
42. Come along, Mother, we don't need to take up any more of Mr Kemp's time.
43. The bill was designed to permit workers to take up to twelve weeks' unpaid leave annually for family reasons.
44. I'd like to take up the point you raised earlier.
45. I think we might take up the suggestion of printing the books in Hong Kong.
46. They were not able to take up residence in their new home until the spring.
47. The aim was not to take up valuable time with the usual boring pictures.
48. Carpet tiles are perfect for kitchens because they're easy to take up and wash.
49. Leaves of many plants take up carbon dioxide and fix it in organic acids.
50. Are you going to let down or take up the hem of that dress?
51. I had been invited to take up my abode at Government House.
52. That sofa would take up too much room in the flat.
53. He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport.
54. These files have been zipped up to take up less disk space.
55. I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.
56. They threatened to take up arms against the government if their demands were not met.
57. Maybe I can subrogate him to come down to take up the matter.
58. If Sue gets a job, Mick will have to take up the slack at home.
59. Our boss is not one to take up readily with new ideas.
60. After the hasty meal, the men had moved forward to take up their positions.
61. Such individuals who take up this role often find life frustrating.
62. Workers who don't take up training may lose out on promotion.
63. I need to take up a sport to get fit.
64. He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council.
65. I'm really tempted to take up that job offer in Washington, but I don't want to burn my boats with this company.
66. You can only take up occupation once the tenancy has been signed.
67. The publishers decided not to take up their option on the paperback version.
68. During the rush hour the journey may take up to twice as long.
69. Peter will take up the management of the finance department.
70. It's good to take up the threads of our old friendship after such a long absence.
71. He inspired many young people to take up the sport.
72. Most scientists who can present evidence of an environmental threat can reasonably assume that a pressure group will take up the issue.
73. His Republican rival may be expected to take up the gauntlet.
74. As soon as the police disappear the violence will take up from where it left off.
75. He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job.
76. I don't want to take up too much of your precious time.
77. She used a blotting paper to take up the ink.
78. We will take up a collection to help the needy.
79. He encouraged his supporters to take up arms against the state.
80. Children should be encouraged to take up outside interests,() such as music or sport.
81. Such a large sorting operation can take up a lot of computer time.
82. We'd love to take up your invitation to visit you some time.
83. The positive effect on businesses may take up to three years to work through.
84. I'll have the bellboy take up your bags.
85. Perhaps I should take up this investigative journalism.
86. The Senate will take up legal immigration later.
87. He will take up his new post next month.
88. They take up their posts in June.
89. To the states' taxpayers who will have to take up the slack as federal aid recedes?
90. Note roughly how much you will have to take up on the longer line.
91. He wanted a campaign of direct action and mass protest, not an organisation which would take up individual cases of discrimination.
92. Because each film will take up a tremendous amount of computer disk space, only one will be available at a time.
93. Then they take up their positions, the reader going to the lectern.
94. Children who disrupt lessons at school take up a disproportionate amount of the teacher's time.
95. A section at the end looks at relocation allowances offered to new recruits who have to move to take up an appointment.
96. I am a collector who lives in a flat, and boxed sets take up much more space than separate discs.
97. Brain functions become more diffuse in girls, whereas they take up specific locations in the heads of boys.
98. The second is the extent to which the offeror's shareholders will take up shares under the open offer.
99. But I am pretty clumsy so I had better not take up too many other sports.
100. The most immediate is that they take up oxygen from water to support their respiration and produce carbon dioxide.
101. You shouldn't take up acting as a career; it's a very risky business.
102. Connecticut is assessing high school students in math and science based on team-oriented projects that take up to a semester of work.
103. Plenty of animals take up unlikely opportunities as they arise.
104. Cast off a calculation determining how much space copy will take up when typeset.
105. I made another mental note to quit smoking cigarettes and take up pipes.
106. Wind farms also take up huge tracts of land and can kill birds caught in turbine blades.
107. They then take up positions as if they were the people in the photograph.
108. That might boost the take up into the low six figures.
109. The electrons and muons in these molecules can take up several different configurations, each with their own characteristic energy.
110. Complex formatting will take up your time and delay the editorial process.
111. David will leave Emap and take up his new appointment at the end of July.
112. Only then could the new prime minister formally take up the vast burden of his office.
113. This rhetoric needs to be understood in terms of the battle for control of the party, as rival factions take up distinctive stances.
114. Matsch will take up other defense challenges to prosecution witnesses next week.
115. Clearance applications require planning as it may take up to 30 days to obtain clearance.
116. Preparing the evening meal can take up to three hours.
117. The dragonfly nymphs may take up to 2 years before they moult into the adult form.
118. Then the instrumentalists would take up the melancholy tune themselves and we would see the title card.
119. In addition, contributions can be made to take up any unused part of the total earnings of the past six years.
120. Before they went through to the staff room to take up positions when the parents arrived.
121. Sometimes clothing was provided also for them to be suitably clad to take up their work.
122. In this extract Roddy's parents want him to take up a useful hobby: They tried to persuade him.
123. The distance between the two towns is only 10 kilometres as the crow flies, but it can take up to 2 hours along the narrow coastal road.
124. Nitrogen can take up to 20 years to pollute water and, therefore, is a very long term problem.
125. The lymph nodes are very painful and can take up to ten days to burst and then exude a thick yellow pus.
126. Voice over Whether or not Aldershot need to take up Swindon's offer of hospitality depends on a high court hearing on Wednesday.
127. Toby saw him take up the pile of wet flannel from beside the bath and chuck it at his face.
128. Voice over One of the big four supermarkets, Sainsbury's says it's happy to take up the gauntlet.
129. What led you to take up teaching as a career?
130. He is still considered likely to take up his post as planned, officials said.
131. Undertakers take up the pastime in middle age, but their juniors will join in to help clean up after a disaster.
132. He can come within us, and take up residence within our very beings.
133. Beds, boxes, a table holding a hot plate and a refrigerator take up most of the space.
134. It is never expected to take up demands or make a real effort to change conditions.
135. Utah's economic planners want aerospace, bio-medical and computing firms to take up the slack.
136. Digital signals can be compressed to take up less space, leaving room for additional programming.
137. Justin has an upper berth on one of two sets of bunk beds that take up most of the tiny room.
138. Social services take up a large part of the council budget.
139. Just one insect in fifty lives in such a way, but those that take up a shared existence may flourish.
140. I remind the House that multiple questions lead to multiple answers and take up time.
141. If the pressure becomes unbearable, take up a hobby, but make sure it is a suitable one.
142. So the Flamethrower lit up to take up the slack.
143. Still, Congress has been slow to take up arms against foolish laws that promote pollution.
144. As it stands, few serious runners are likely to take up the challenge to turn it on.
145. In some cases atoms take up interstitial positions between the ions in a crystal.
146. In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich. Henry Ward Beecher 
147. This would reduce the ability of the living world to take up carbon dioxide.
148. Drives to convince women to take up family planning use the mass media to the full.
149. Inside the library, homeless men in every condition take up many of the chairs throughout the building.
150. Freeman wants the churches, temples and mosques in the county to take up a collection Sunday for the bank.
151. Jackie's brother Jimmy, was the first to take up racing but he quit after an accident.
152. The tiny molecules of the salt fit into the spaces between the water molecules and do not take up extra space.
153. He's about to take up residence at Hertford College, Oxford.
154. Many officers resigned their commissions to take up jobs with the new company.
155. Charlies leaving the show to take up his new post at the Kings almost at once.
156. Attempting to take up a post abroad without any preparatory updating could be courting disaster.
157. It was also reported that the Governor of Sokoto had decided to take up the issue with the federal authorities in Lagos.
158. For example the efficiency of labour would appear to take up some considerable amount of their time.
159. Sadly, Brian Rowe's personal circumstances have now changed and he is not able to take up the post.
160. Take up every fourth or fifth board, so that you can reach between the joists and the undersides of boards.
161. An internal ramp of the maximum permitted gradient would take up too much floor space in the small shop.
162. Robert Fraser wanted to take up the invitation to visit my studio.
163. This program will take up a lot of your available disk space.
164. Although socialists are now beginning to take up these questions, a feminist perspective highlights these as central issues.
165. He decided to postpone his meditations and take up the subject again later.
166. If jobs are not created to take up the people who are coming off of welfare, social chaos is the result.
167. The more space they take up, the larger the object looks.
167. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
168. The full board will take up the matter Monday, and passage is expected.
169. They can take up to 30 people - we were normally a maximum of 12.
170. Others did take up Spemann's challenge, and truly began the age of nuclear transfer that he and Loeb had presaged.
171. Forty senators could block the bill because Senate rules require 60 votes to take up a conference committee report.
172. When people retire, they often take up new hobbies and start to make new friends.
173. In this chapter we will take up the first two topics, which constitute a major portion of semantics.
174. It makes the light rays take up more space on your retina.
175. Twenty percent of pensioners do not take up benefits that they are entitled to.
176. But the companies are having to point out once again the tiny fraction of land they take up on relation to the whole.
177. He left the country in December to take up residence in Panama.
178. At Shell Chemicals 30 women take up 9.3 percent of the managerial positions.
179. As more women take up exercise, there is an urgent need to know about its effects on the outcome of pregnancy.
180. I had given them to Menna when he first left to take up his post.
181. I take up points of view I don't actually support strongly and start defending them to the hilt.
182. This is also the best advertisement for encouraging kids to take up the game.
183. The chairman will take up the matter with the local councillors. 2.
184. Take up walking to the shops or school. 4. Visit my ageing aunt. 5.
185. You will also need to take up references, though do not place too much reliance on these.
186. Politicians have rushed to take up positions on one side of the barricades or the other.
187. These costs are relevant because they are directly attributable to the decision to take up an opportunity.
188. If it did decide to take up the offer, and business-like talks got going, it could reap swift rewards.
189. Take a more active role at my children's school. 5. Take up a hobby just for me.
190. Graduates, after all, pass into society and take up significant posts of managerial or professional responsibility.
191. Were the negotiations to fail, would the Polisario Front take up arms again?
192. Ruth Smith and Lyn Saunders check the noticeboard to see when they are scheduled to take up their positions on checkouts.
193. It soon became apparent that a crucial factor was the readiness of interviewees to take up areas referred to in the questions.
194. Why you think you have to take up for her?
195. How to use charcoal Charcoal will take up a number of harmful or nuisance substances by adsorption.
196. It can take up to 30 days, dependant on temperature for a biological filter to become established.
197. A jet engine can take up to six seconds to spool up.
198. It is with our entry into language that we first take up the position of subject.
199. The chick is due on good Friday, but it could take up to three days to free itself from the egg.
200. They take up residence in some numbers in marsh and swampland.
201. It was left to the capital's campuses to take up the baton.
202. When the harbor across the bay becomes a string of lights, foghorns take up the bass.
203. It is an independent statutory body, which can give you advice and may take up your enquiry with Royal Mail.
204. They will also take up and re-lay loose floor coverings and pack and unpack fragile items such as glass and china.
205. When Lubbock was returned to Parliament in 1881, he persuaded Gladstone's Liberal government to take up the cause.
206. Do not suddenly take up violent exercise after years of inactivity, or you will injure yourself.
207. If the profession does not take up the challenge others will, and an opportunity will have been missed.
208. She felt that she would like to take up life drawing.
209. We could all take up the role of publicity agent, advertising our own favourite recreation!
210. In addition, full respiratory compensation for a metabolic acidosis may take up to 12 hours.
211. They take up every available wall space in the hallway, sandwiched between display cases, squeezed between doorways.
212. I do not understand what they are talking about, and I do not have the knowledge to take up their suggestions.
213. But for most retirees, acquiring unconditional non-resident status can take up to three years.
214. I am pleased that the parents of pupils at those schools have voted to take up this option for their schools.
215. Its tearing rage tells of torment and the anguished devils that take up emotional residence in your heart after a fractured romance.
216. And because it's a DOS-based program, it won't take up masses of hard disk space.
217. Most interesting was Steve's thank you to the schoolteacher who first suggested he take up rowing.
218. There was even an auxiliary lot to take up the overflow.
219. Meanwhile, he would take up the matter with Archbishop Perier at an opportune time.
220. You seem to take up an awful lot of energy and time.
221. As it is, a penalty kick at goal can take up to two minutes out of the match.
222. Fernando Iturbe was next prevailed upon by Herrera to take up the problem of balancing the budget.
223. Cattle are a recurring theme in any account of the bitterness that caused men like Robert Mugabe to take up arms.
224. It can take up to ten years to readjust to this new market situation.
225. She would not take up the cudgels of such a battle.
226. Some scientists believe that it can take up to a thousand years for virgin forest to be truly established.
227. Their numbers have dropped since five of them left to take up regular positions in the police force.
228. We will take up arms against the invading forces.
229. Let's take up each problem one at a time.
230. Shall we take up the tallow business now?
231. Refueling with gas could take up to several hours.
232. The oppressed people will take up arms and will never appeal for mercy.
233. The movers were allowed to use the service elevator to take up the furniture.
234. Why not take up some outdoor sport as a relaxation from office work?
235. He pretended to take up the task of packing some things in a valise.
236. At lunchtime the opportunity cost of letting you take up a table for four is substantial.
237. " They fear to take up the shame that rightfully belongs to them.
238. The people were quick to take up arms to defend their homeland.
239. It'served as an emergency cache should Alderaan ever need to take up arms again.
240. Because you are able to take up arms and defend your motherland,( ) we are all proud of you.
241. The country would certainly take up arms in its own defence.
242. Designed to prepare social workers aspiring to take up leadership positions in the social service sector.
243. The unions have threatened to take up arms against the government's proposed wages policy.
244. Vocational education is education for people who take up certain jobs.
245. If you are going to take up violin,[sentencedict .com] we'll have to get you a music stand.
246. Go on a picnic, rent a rowboat , take up in? line skating.
247. I can today take up the plaintive lament of a peeled and woe - smitten people!
248. The country would certainly take up arms in its defence.
249. Item 3 Absorb the investors to reconstruct the old city and take up the realty development.
250. Your partner shouldn't be possessive and take up all your time and energy.
251. Bin laden issued three fatwahs calling upon Muslims to take up arms against the united states.
252. He is equally unsparing about Muslims who move to the West and then take up terrorism.
253. Play together Go on a picnic, rent a rowboat, take up in line skating.
254. He called on the people to take up arms to defend their freedom.
255. It is in vain an unbeliever to take up the outward show of another man's profession.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:40:00