单词 | Take over |
例句 | (1) He will take over Class 9801 next week. (2) Who will take over the leadership of the club? (3) Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out. (4) A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways. (5) take over the British Beer Company. (6) It's time for someone new to take over. (7) I intend you to take over. (8) I intend that you shall take over the business. (9) Would you like me to take over for a while? (10) The wife can push in,and take over the man's place. (11) Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires. (12) He understands the business and can take over when I'm away. (13) Our plan to take over the business could boomerang on us if we're not careful. (14) We'll let ourselves in for trouble if we take over this business. (15) The eldest son is being groomed to take over when his father dies. (16) The army is/are threatening to take over if civil unrest continues. (17) Microfilms might even take over from the libraries one day. (18) His greatest wish was for his daughter to take over the business. (19) She has been designated to take over the position of treasurer. (20) Owens will officially take over the reins in a few weeks. (21) She had to let imagination take over. (22) It's still far from clear what action the government proposes to take over the affair. (23) He was annoyed at the way she tried to take over the whole meeting. (24) She decided that I was the ideal person to take over the job. (25) The moment of truth is when the trainee pilots take over the controls of the plane. (26) There are now more than 20 big companies waiting in the wings to take over some of its business. (27) There's an unspoken assumption in the department that Sue will take over the post when Ian leaves. (28) You can fade away and the sergeant and I will take over. (29) He's had a good innings but now it's time for him to retire and let someone younger take over as director. (30) In the event of a strike, the army will take over responsibility for firefighting. (1) Who will take over the leadership of the club? (2) Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out. (3) A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways. (4) He's had a good innings but now it's time for him to retire and let someone younger take over as director. (31) If Dallas wins, country music will take over. (32) The night shift finished; the day shift take over. (33) I can't just let a human take over. (34) Unions tried to take over the country. (35) Large corporations will be invited to take over farming. (36) My father was always disappointed that Joey didn't follow in his footsteps and take over the farm. (37) Usually there will be some redundancy in the system so that other mechanisms can take over. (38) Instead of the children being the monsters, the parents become the monsters who threaten to take over and exact revenge. (39) In his latest film, super-intelligent aliens invade Earth and try to take over. (40) Read in studio A pet lover with a passion for hamsters has let the furry creatures take over her terraced house. (41) In the summer, athletics, cricket and tennis take over from the winter sports. (42) For example, post-puberty is the time when peer group friendships may take over from parents as the major influence. (43) The city council done voted to take over these whole twelve blocks. (44) Eventually they may take over a small group when the large parent troop undergoes fission as increasing size produces social instability. (45) Its other function is to take over your hard disc and encrypt all the file directories, rendering the disc unusable. (46) Coach Mike Sherman will take over in a dual role after Wolf's last day on June 1. (47) Women had come to take over men's jobs as platform, goods, and parcel-porters, ticket-collectors, and engine cleaners. (48) A new service could set up by gaining enough contracts with major customers of the old service to take over. (49) Not every clinical condition will be managed efficiently in the district general hospitals which are supposed to take over from us. (50) The law itself will take over from the emergency anti-strike provisions voted through amid no little confusion six days ago. (51) Everyone wanted Joe to take over the family business, but he had other ideas. (52) We have asked the people who constructed this building to take over the theatre in January until March. (53) Victoria had been playing gin rummy with her, and Shelley had come to take over. (54) But their knockout involvement allowed Whiston Cross to take over the premier division leadership courtesy of a 5-2 victory over Monks Sports. (55) Nu decided to pre-empt any coup by offering to propose to parliament that Ne Win should take over as Prime Minister. (56) Few expect the EU to take over as the locomotive of the world economy. (57) Shaheen was to take over, pending appointment of Sahnoun's replacement. (58) They can also help one another to defeat an attack by rival male baboons that are attempting to take over their shared females. (59) When man has satisfied his physical needs, then psychologically grounded desires take over. (60) On top of everything else, my line had to take over the Cross at the foot of the hill. (61) Greene King failed in its attempt to take over Morland; it now owns a 29.32% stake in the Thames Valley brewer. (62) Organic farming is like wild gardening - you can not just stop all planning and let nature take over. (63) Groups of two or three male lions try to take over harems of females by forcibly evicting the existing male owners. (64) These real and more genuine emotions will gradually take over the place of the former all. embracing negative ones. (65) Their revenge was not complete in the knowledge that they could enter anywhere and take over. (66) A certain sort of grimness came into my voice, as if expediency had now to take over. (67) In mammals, the cytoplasm controls only a few divisions, and then the genes of the new embryo take over. (68) Creditors have applied for a court order to take over and sell the building. (69) He had no desire to take over the first place. (70) No wonder they had let the army take over this area; it was worth nothing for farming. (71) In 1938 Cranmer was asked to take over the captaincy from Bob Wyatt. (72) It was with some relief that they assented to his desire to take over outreach work in the local community. (73) They can buy life assurance companies, run unit trusts and take over or start stockbroking firms. (74) Current deputy senior partner Gil Hayward is to take over the firm's day-to-day management from Mr Ramshaw. (75) In half an hour a dozen or so cars would drive into the inner courtyard and the morning shift would take over. (76) Fortunately the Governor seized the initiative and the same day called on Nu to take over as prime Minister. (77) You know what your beloved Commies do when they take over, Griffiths? (78) New legislation may allow inner London boroughs to take over education, perhaps on a piecemeal basis. (79) The annoying part is the main players will happily take over playing likely won't do them al properly. (80) The lorry, with its greater flexibility and convenience to farmers and country shippers, was about to take over. (81) Bill Dodd's retirement saw Cyril Proby take over the captaincy and Plumb began the job of squad rebuilding. (82) The first players then have to blow the balloons back for the second person to take over. (83) Most investors in any industry have preferred to build new factories rather than take over existing businesses. (84) So we have been moving to make matters worse by encouraging private insurers to take over Medicare. (85) Graham's son was being groomed to take over the business. (86) Private contractors take over from them next month, and have said they won't take on Tony and George Sabin. (87) The way ahead would now seem to be clear for Mr Thompson's rivals to take over his business empire. (88) Under the state of emergency, the government can take over or direct the operation of public utilities and businesses. (89) Once you get a fertile soil, the bully boys tend to take over and only about half a dozen plants flourish. (90) Or does another fish quickly take over and assume command? (91) The arduous task of legging through a long tunnel like that under Castle Hill at Dudley could take over 3 hours. (92) At the same time, the commission is looking for some one to take over as chief librarian on an acting basis. (93) Non- white voters will soon take over America, politically speaking. Dr T.P.Chia (94) Only one was emphatic that he did not wish his son to take over and have the same hard life as himself. (95) They issued a declaration that it will be attempting to take over another three British companies. (96) Perhaps that will be our task when we take over the presidency of the Community next July. (97) Zimmerman is the prime candidate to take over the position of conductor. (98) The Marines take over Miramar from the Navy Oct. 1 as part of the base closure and realignment process. (99) He will take over responsibility for broadcasting from the Home Office in addition to administering the new national lottery. (100) Then appoint a deputy to take over the command of the Warden's duties and forces - possibly Sir Simon himself. (101) Boston even let one community organization take over abandoned buildings and lots through eminent domain. (102) But he also had the good fortune to take over National just as the industry began to experience an unprecedented four-year boom. (103) In this case another usher or bridesmaid could take over the duty of checking the microphone. (104) Here the children of the rich and famous, children destined to take over the city's highest offices, were trained. (105) Do not let anxiousness or frustration take over. (106) Take over, finish the mop-up . You're in charge. (107) I do not wanna take over the family business. (108) Mercedes is hard at work on their pick to take over for the McLaren SLR. (109) In February 2004 Wayne Burnett came in to take over team affairs. (110) Article 23 The surviving company after the merger or the newly established company shall take over all the credits and debts of the company that has been dissolved because of the merger. (111) Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard will strike a blow against Australia's macho culture Tuesday when she becomes the first "Sheila"to take over the top job. (112) I will take over the job, if I were in your place. (113) An attacker can take over the user session before the user's session cookie expires. (114) As the range increases thermal noise tends to take over as the major source of inaccuracy. (115) Singing, dancing and drawing polygons may be nifty, but any self-respecting evil roboticist needs a few more tricks in the repertoire if they are going to take over the world. (116) With the senior "liberal" justice, John Paul Stevens, retired, Hurley asks whether Breyer will take over as the lead "dissenter in chief. (117) Knudsen would take over immediately as president at an annual salary of $ 600,000. (118) Mr. Li is considered the top contender to take over as premier, the top economic policy-making position, when the current head of government, Wen Jiabao, steps down in early 2013. (119) Pretty soon the original replicator types died out, and the recombinants began to take over the population. (120) When the main system fails, the backup system take over. (121) They're using him a front man, just a while, then the Japanese will take over. (122) How, after runaway banks brought the economy to its knees, did we end up with Ron Paul, who says "I don't think we need regulators, " about to take over a key House panel overseeing the Fed? (123) China is preparing for the economic take over of Europe. They're going to need some big brawler types to take on the Germans. (124) Failover is the planned or unplanned shutdown of the primary system and includes the accompanying task of bringing a standby node online to take over the processing load. (125) Bidders should have a good commercial credit without having been ordered to rectify business, take over, frozen account or bankrupt. (126) As Geithner explained, the federal government has the power to take over and liquidate failed banks. (127) The surplus labors in our rural areas should make full use of the opportunities and take over these industries through education and training , and then get employment. (128) After this human beings take over and defuse and remove the mine. (129) If he does not make it, Steven Gerrard would probably take over captaincy. (130) Hunt wanted to know, would I be prepared to take over the whole operation and supervise it? At first I demurred. (131) Prime candidate to take over his job is Margaret Ramsay. (132) Further up the river, the vineyards start to thin out and the orange groves and almond trees take over. (133) But is there anyone willing to take over such a burdensome street stall as this? (134) Kobe Bryant: Role : Be a serial Killer , take over games, be a leader. (135) Guerrillas and bandits take over great areas of Kwangtung in South China far from the fighting fronts. (136) Antenna Tower Update Gina and Lookout "Mountain" west of Denver, Denver, Colorado ..." Colorado " and the United States Senate to take over the local television station lucrative "land-use" towers. (137) At room temperature, PVA would take over ten days or even longer time to gelate. (138) It only takes 30 minutes to refill the gas bottles where is can take over 3 hours to recharge an electric battery and a battery can weight twice as much as the hydrogen system. (139) However,(Sentence dictionary) some researchers have suggested that the invention of weapons such as spears and bows and arrows made intertribal warfare among early humans so lethal that group selection did take over. (140) Back to take over the globe , now break bread. (141) I take over carefully of what, vases at the bottom of the "Kinmen kaoliang" markings. (142) The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over land for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law. (143) Once a scramjet is moving fast enough, the jet engine would take over and propel it spaceward. (144) Unless, heaven forfend, an attempt were made to take over the administration of Myanmar, which would involve an armed invasion, the action would be confined to air drops. (145) You take over the kitchen table the bathroom and my credit card. (146) But as our working lives take over, we lose contact with some old friends causing the number to drop to around 68 by the time we reach 29-years-old. (147) Snow White take over the apple and takes a bit and faints. (148) Goering at least had asked the Leader's permission to take over. (149) In this situation, you can back up the management server data to another live system, which you can bring online manually to take over management if necessary. (150) By contrast, the most successful approach is to let asset prices fall to discover the extent of the damage, take over failed banks, recapitalize them, and later sell them back to investors. (151) Thank you Herr Kommandant , I will take over from here. (152) Appetent take over Shaanxi to defend the Xin Huayue that inspects right of administration to move predecessor to be new China finance and economics, be in recent years the activist of media market. (153) Last year, Cray failed to take over the software company, when it was outbid by Electronic Data Systems. (154) On 1st July, 1998 Austria will take over the chairmanship of the European Union for the first time. In Honour of this occasion, the Republic of Austria has issued this coin. (155) It will take over the trans - Atlantic duties of the Queen Elizabeth 2 ocean liner. (156) Then the surviving companies could take over the assets of their former competitors and raise prices. (157) I would take over the job, if I were in your place. (158) Marketing Cooperatives responsible to National Crop Marketing Boards began to take over from private traders during the 1960s. (159) He was sent to our central office to take over the new sales department. (160) He would personally take over the defense of the capital of the Third Reich. (161) Coalification oxygen did not take over the station, oxygen production has been the use of mechanical compression air separation oxygen, power loss and annual maintenance cost of large equipment. (162) Two years ago, when a company from Dubai tried to take over the operation of some U.S. ports, both Democratic and Republican politicians erupted in a demagogic frenzy. (163) The aggression and street smarts learned in an urban environment enable the transplant to establish a massive crime ring and take over the town. (164) When she fall ill her daughter take over the business from her. (165) King Piccolo has begun his sinister plot to restore power and take over the world. (166) You can decide to activate Remote Administration so that you can take over your machine's display from a remote location using VNC. (167) All is going really well until an evil scientist named Dr. Wily takes control of some of these helpful robots and sets off on the usual megalomaniac styled quest to take over the planet. (168) It's time to let your Sagittarius charm take over not your pushiness. (169) Another is that most upstarts would rather take over an existing business than go off and start their own-and in Britain, at any rate(http:///take over.html), Anglicanism’s heirs are in for some serious real estate too. (170) Lao Wang was sent to the hospital; had to take over his work. (171) The term lame duck refers to an elected official who has lost an election, or soon will be leaving office, during the period between the election and the date a successor will take over. (172) Eventually what would take over is the economics of the business ... they would have to necessarily outsource to reduce the absolute cost of doing business. (173) He planned to kill Chiang Kai - shek by bombing Sian, in order to take over Chiang's position. (174) I take over the company's consistent quality, preferential prices, class service for the purpose. (175) These in turn lose their dominance and lateral buds take over their role. Compare monopodial. (176) Mayor Pro - Tem Juan Rodriguez will take over mayoral duties. (177) And the rest of the forelimb-movement area is supposed to kick into gear and take over function. (178) Coalition trainers report that episodes of cruelty by the Afghan police undermine the effort to build a credible security force to take over when the allies leave. (179) The merged company will also take over loans associated with the GSL fleet. (180) On the other hand, a family member who tries to take over the appointment, contradicts the patient, or has an "I told you so" attitude toward the patient can be more of a hinderance than a help. |
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