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单词 discord
释义  Related topics: Music, Colours & soundsdis·cord /ˈdɪskɔːd $ -ɔːrd/ noun  1  [uncountable] formalDISAGREE disagreement or arguing between people 不和,纷争 marital discord 婚姻不和 discord within NATO 北约内部的纷争2. [countable, uncountable]APMC an unpleasant sound made by a group of musical notes that do not go together well 〔音乐中的〕不协和,不协和和弦 → harmonyExamples from the Corpusdiscord• There has always been discord over NATO's role in world conflict.• The board prohibited the petition because it was controversial and would cause teachers to take opposing political positions, thereby creating discord.• Even the deliberate discords were music to her ears.• His parents evidently did not suffer from drunkenness, gluttony, or excesses of marital discord.• Clearly, their ties to the place remained, and no discord or rivalry over it seeps into family correspondence.• One has to be struck by the amount of discord in public discussion of family issues.• Money is the single biggest cause of discord in marriage.• The verdict has increased racial discord in the country.• Also it promotes that holistic sense of the whole of life's experience being brought into harmony, including the discords.Origin discord (1200-1300) Old French discorde, from Latin discors “heart apart, disagreement”dis·cord nounChineseSyllable  or between Corpus people arguing disagreement




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