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单词 discount
释义  Related topics: Tradedis·count1 /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun [countable]  BBTCHEAPa reduction in the usual price of something 减价,折扣10% discount/discount of 25% etc Members get a 15% discount. 会员可享受八五折优惠。at a discount Employees can buy books at a discount. 员工购书可享受折扣。discount on The Young Persons Railcard gives you a discount on rail travel. 持青年人卡乘火车可以享受折扣。offer/give somebody a discount 向某人提供折扣discount price/fare discount airfares to Europe 到欧洲的折扣机票价格discount store/shop/warehouse (=a place where you can buy goods cheaply) 折扣商店/折扣中心n COLLOCATIONSverbsget/receive a discountYou get a discount if you book more than ten tickets.give (somebody) a discountMany theatres give discounts to students.offer (somebody) a discountLenders may offer a discount on larger loans.ask for a discountI asked for a discount because the vase was slightly entitled to a discount (=have the right to get a discount)Staff are entitled to a 20% discount.adjectivesa special discountSome of the hotels offer special discounts during the winter.a big/small discountIf you spend over £50, you get a big discount.a substantial/good discount (=a fairly big one)Insurance companies give substantial discounts to mature drivers.a 10%/40% etc discountThe magazine is offering readers a 15% discount on its subscription + NOUNa discount priceYou can buy books online at discount prices.a discount fareThe bus company offers discount fares to pensioners. a discount scheme (=system for giving discounts to people)Many stores operate discount schemes for regular customers.a discount cardThe discount card entitles customers to 15% off.a discount store/shop (=selling things more cheaply than other shops)There's a lot of competition from large discount stores.Examples from the Corpusdiscount• If you buy before the end of the year you can also get a 10 % discount on Farmplan accounts software.• Tickets are $9, with a $2 discount for kids.• There's a 30% discount on all electrical goods.• Karevoll said many sellers sell properties at a loss, because they can buy a higher-priced property at a discount.• The jacket comes from a discount store on Canal Street, part of a discontinued line of two-trousered suits.• Workers at the store get a discount on books and records.• Do you get a discount if you pay in cash?• He had gone on an expedition with his little brother to a discount shopping mall in Reading, Pennsylvania.• The size of a premium or discount for a currency depends on demand and supply in the forward market for it.• Call our Sales Department to inquire about reseller, education, or government quantity discounts.• Air UK are currently offering tickets to students at a special store/shop/warehouse• The jacket comes from a discount store on Canal Street, part of a discontinued line of two-trousered suits.• He had gone on an expedition with his little brother to a discount shopping mall in Reading, Pennsylvania.• To make matters worse a discount store had opened in the area and it was selling the same beds at £140 each.• Grocery and discount stores give shoppers with buyers' cards special discounts in exchange for permission to gather information on their purchases.• Once the site of Seals Stadium, the eight-acre parcel was later home to a White Front discount store.• The move was aimed at sponsors who did not sell through professional shops, but used discount shops and chain-stores.dis·count2 /dɪsˈkaʊnt $ ˈdɪskaʊnt/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  UNTRUEUNIMPORTANTto regard something as unlikely to be true or important 忽视,不重视〔某事〕 Experts discounted the accuracy of the polls. 专家对这次民意调查的准确性不以为然。 General Hausken had not discounted the possibility of an aerial attack. 豪斯肯将军没有忽视空袭的可能。2  to reduce the price of something 把…打折,减价出售 Games were discounted to as little as $5. 游戏减价到只要5美元。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdiscount• They say that supermarkets will overestimate next year's requirements and then force farmers to discount.• Scientists discounted his method of predicting earthquakes.• Some games were discounted to sell for as little as $5.From Longman Business Dictionarydiscountdis‧count1 /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ noun [countable]1COMMERCEa reduction in the cost of goods or services in relation to the normal costYou can nearly always get books there at a discount.The company is trying to increase market share by selling its trainers at discount prices. → bulk discount → case rate discount → cash discount → no claims discount → trade discount → volume discount2FINANCE the amount by which the price of a SECURITY is less than the value shown on itZero-coupon bonds are sold at a discount to their face value and pay no interest until maturity.3fine rate of discountFINANCE if a BILL OF EXCHANGE is traded at a fine rate of discount, it is bought and sold at a price near to the amount shown on it, because the buyer knows there is little risk of it not being paidAccepting Houses accept bills of exchange for a fee, which enables the bill to be traded at a fine rate of discount.4FINANCE if something in a financial market is traded at a discount, it is bought and sold at a lower price than something else to which it is comparedThe premium of platinum over gold narrowed to $11, but there is a good chance platinum will trade at a discount to gold soon. → banker's discount → bond discountdiscountdis‧count2 /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ verb [transitive]1COMMERCEto offer something for sale at a lower price than usualThe retailers discounted the goods below prices set by the manufacturer.Games were discounted to as little as $5.2FINANCE to change the price of something in a financial market by taking into account good or bad news that affects itI think the market has discounted almost all of what can go right with the economy this year.3FINANCE to sell SECURITIES at less than the value shown on them. The person who buys the securities makes a profit when the borrower buys them back at their full value at the repayment date4FINANCE to sell a BILL OF EXCHANGE or other COMMERCIAL BILL before its normal payment date for less than it will be worth on that date. The buyer makes a profit when the bill is paid in full by the borrower at the repayment date→ See Verb tabledis·count1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1dis·count2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  in of reduction Corpus price something the usual a Business




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