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单词 remix
释义  re·mix /ˈriːmɪks/ noun [countable]  a different version of a popular song, in which someone has added to or changed the original recording 混音版歌曲 a disco remix 混音版迪斯科舞曲 —remix /riːˈmɪks/ verb [transitive] —remixer noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusremix• We recorded some spoken word with Burroughs to incorporate directly into a remix of the song.• U2 have just released a disco remix.• You obviously have the extra special festive remix.• Whereas the original boasted an eerie aura, the remix merely sounds like a half-hearted run through an old New Order B-side.• There's a Youth remix,·mix nounChineseSyllable  different Corpus of a popular song, version a




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