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单词 Seniority
1, Promotion in the job was by seniority.
2, The officers were listed in order of seniority.
3, He felt that two years' seniority gave him the right to advise his brother.
4, Should promotion be based on merit or seniority?
5, I suppose I was impressed by his seniority.
6, Should promotion be through merit or seniority?
7, Does seniority give one the right to command?
8, The stripes on her uniform proclaimed her seniority.
9, I had fifteen years seniority , and they couldn't fire me.
10, They offered him a post befitting his seniority and experience.
11, Despite her seniority, Margot was never treated with much respect.
12, Seniority does not necessarily denote competence in all procedures.
13, Promotion is related to seniority in the Party.
14, There is no substitute for seniority and experience.
15, Today, seniority and loyalty mean nothing in the workplace.
16, Analysis of terms of contract and of seniority by ethnic groups suggests that minorities are significantly less well placed within the profession.
17, I had a lot of seniority,[http:///seniority.html] and expertise in a specialized body of nursing.
18, Seniority provides committee chairmen with an independent power base and helps to insulate them from control by party leaders and presidents.
19, In other households, the normal pattern of seniority was upset by differences in wealth.
20, On the death of the captain, the officer next in seniority assumed command.
21, In future, promotion will be based on merit not seniority.
22, He has said he will fire editorial employees without regard to seniority.
23, It was a position you had to earn through years of experience, like winning seniority in the Teamsters.
24, Even if they return to work for the same firm when their children go to school their seniority is lost.
25, The distribution of power in the legislature was also fundamentally altered by the dilution of the seniority principle in the early 1970s.
26, His brother Austen, affronted by the lack of respect paid to his seniority, reluctantly accepted the Admiralty outside the Cabinet.
27, Bonuses are linked to productivity at Sofmap, and promotion is purely by merit, not seniority.
28, At least we would be out of the rat race until I had worked up some seniority in my job.
29, Principals are now hired and fired based on merit rather than seniority.
30, When governments reduce their numbers through layoffs, civil service employees with seniority can bump those with lesser seniority.
1, Promotion in the job was by seniority.
2, The officers were listed in order of seniority.
3, He felt that two years' seniority gave him the right to advise his brother.
31, And it limited bumping to one career path and based it primarily on performance ratings, not seniority.
32, All deputy heads need a clear job specification and a place in school development and decision-making commensurate with their experience and seniority.
33, In general, the higher the employee's seniority(), the greater the willingness to move.
34, Transfer between hierarchies is a complex procedure, often raising tricky questions concerning the loss or preservation of seniority rights.
35, Seniority reform made committee chairmen more beholden to their party and its leaders and other innovations carried this process further.
36, He circumvented the seniority system, handpicking some of the most important chairmen.
37, Result: a $ 125, 000 award, plus reinstatement with full seniority.
38, He and Dean had just been laid off during a seniority lapse because of a drastic reduction of crews.
39, An hourly employee with little seniority got promoted to management. --- Operators also misunderstood the job posting policy.
40, In spite of his breakdowns, Hoccleve achieved a position of seniority and in due course retired with a pension.
41, And so she lacked the seniority to get into that high or into that new school.
42, But with nine years of service Gary had just enough seniority to hang on.
43, People should be promoted and rewarded on merit, not seniority.
44, Socio-economic group Mobility can be seen to vary according to people's type of occupation and seniority.
45, Each, regardless of seniority or committee assignment, is allotted eighteen employees.
46, The scythe of time creates superiority of title as it does seniority of age.
47, The fourteen Area Board chairmen were men of some seniority and experience.
48, The Huntington Beach mayor is chosen by council members from among themselves by seniority.
49, So in workouts, too, creditors may be willing to give up their seniority rights.
50, Don't live on your seniority!
51, Some firms list officers first, in order of seniority.
52, Ought promotion to go by seniority or by abilities?
53, How does the country implement pedagogic seniority system?
54, The seniority system is slowly modernizing.
55, Did they draw straws or did they go by seniority?
56, So promotion had come to him tardily, and by virtue of the slowly-working laws of seniority.
57, And with Paul lacking seniority in the Republican Conference, the real test for the new senator is how he adjusts when his more ideologically driven ideas stall and it's time to start legislating.
58, Everyone dislikes him because he is always flaunting his seniority.
59, The Army then takes all the selectees them a promotion sequence number assigned according to seniority.
60, Finally, attitude toward the execution of new curriculum schema of people with different professional title, seniority or educational background shows little diverseness .
61, Not surprisingly, the strikers were preoccupied with regaining their jobs and keeping their system of seniority.
62, Only Ingram had the seniority, and knew Celia well enough, to laugh aloud.
63, We know that seniority, especially in finance, is a long, hard, unglamorous slog.
64, They promote or transfer employees on the basis of seniority.
65, In seniority I was four or five years older than Roosevelt or Stalin.
66, There is no conspicuous difference exists in gender, connubiality, seniority and postion of the management teacher of computer and Internet.
67, Hence, despite the story was not listed in the Chinese translated Agama Sutra; it was consistent with the teaching of "Seniority irrelevancy".
68, We to eliminate the phenomenon of priority according to seniority and equalitarianism among teachers.
69, The seniority of economic and social growth contradicted with oldness of dictatorship badly, then this intensification of the contradiction led to revolution.
70, Napier in the United States and Britain of employees according to seniority bonuses may be the company in China, Thailand and employees may also be from another fund dividends.
71, We can make authorization decision and perform seniority levels reasoning via an OWL reasoner. Moreover, conflicts among related authorization rules can be detected by consistency check.
72, The Dixiecrats in Washington, D. C. , control the key committees that run the government. The only reason the Dixiecrats control these committees is because they have seniority.
73, Article 11 The conferment of a police rank shall go by the conferee's present post, political integrity, ability, period of holding the present post as well as seniority.
74, Influenced by old ideas, some units assign posts according to seniority.
75, The Ninth Symphony , an work of his seniority, initiated romanticism in music.
76, The old tradition of seniority is also a problem in the army.
77, Calculating 481 factories? equal contaminants value and arranging these factories indegree of seniority order.
78, In the long history, a quite complex symbol system of seniority among brothers and sisters has formed in Chinese glossary.
79, The seniority system represents a force of habit and is backward.
79, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
80, Although Ledbetter did the same job as her colleagues, and had more seniority than some of them, they were all being paid considerably more than she was.
81, We adopted the seniority system in our company in principle, but we evaluate capable young people and assure them of higher positions and better salaries.
82, Presuming on his seniority , he always imposes his ideas on [ upon ] others.
83, In the straight-laced world of Japanese banking, stability and seniority are highly valued, unlike the U.S. model that emphasizes individual merit and profitability.
84, These executives are on loan, retaining their seniority and pension rights in the parent company.
85, The seniority system was alive and well, and no state had more power from it than Arkansas.
86, Results showed that working jobs and seniority were the major confounding factors to the prevalences calculation.
87, The seniority system is another factor that leads to union militancy.




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