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单词 related
释义 Word family  noun relation relations relationship relative adjective related ≠ unrelated relative verb relate adverb relatively  re·lat·ed /rɪˈleɪtɪd/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective  1  CONNECTED WITHthings that are related are connected in some way 有关系的,有联系的,相关的 Police now believe that the three crimes could be related. 目前警方认为三宗案件可能互相关联。 the problem of drug abuse and other related issues 滥用毒品问题以及其他相关问题related to He suffers with memory loss related to his disease. 他因病丧失了记忆。closely/directly/strongly etc related Education levels are strongly related to income. 教育程度和收入有很大的关系。drug-/pollution-/stress-related etc people suffering from tobacco-related illnesses 患有与抽烟有关的疾病的人2  [not before noun]FAMILY connected by a family relationship 有亲戚关系的 Are you two related? 你们两个是亲戚吗?related to I might be related to him. 我和他可能有亲戚关系。3  CONNECTED WITHanimals, plants, languages etc that are related belong to the same group 〔动植物、语言等〕同类的,同族的,同系的 Dolphins and porpoises are closely related. 海豚和鼠海豚是近亲。n COLLOCATIONSadverbsclosely relatedI want to focus on a small number of closely related questions.strongly relatedPeople’s occupations are strongly related to their level of education.intimately related (=very closely related)Learning to read and learning to write are intimately related.directly/indirectly relatedillnesses which are directly related to povertyloosely related (=not closely related)a series of loosely related ideasinversely related technical (=related so that when one is large, the other is small)The demand for bank lending is inversely related to the rate of interest charged. THESAURUSrelated/connected adjective used about things that have a connection with each other. Connected is not used before a noun 有联系的,相关的〔connected不用于名词前〕Physics and Maths are closely related. 物理和数学密切相关。The two problems are connected. 这两个问题有关联。homelessness and other related issues 无家可归现象及与之相关的问题linked adjective having a direct connection – often used when one thing is the cause of the other 直接相关的〔常指一事为另一事的原因〕Skin cancer is directly linked to sun exposure and damage. 皮肤癌与日晒和晒伤直接相关。Two closely linked factors produced this result. 两个密切相关的因素造成这一结果。interrelated/interconnected adjective used about two or more things that are connected with each other and affect each other in a complicated series of ways 互相关联的;互相影响的The various parts of society are closely interrelated. 社会各部分紧密关联。The book consists of a series of interconnected essays. 书中收录一系列彼此相关的文章。interdependent used about two or more things, countries, people etc that depend on each other, and cannot exist or continue without each other 相互依存的The two countries’ economies have become increasingly interdependent. 两国经济越来越相互依存。interdependent relationships between species 物种间相互依存的关系nDarwin said that all life on Earth is interdependent.relevant adjective related to what is being discussed or to a particular area of activity 有关的,切题的The exam tests the way you select and organize information relevant to the question. 此项测试考察你对与问题相关信息的选择和编排方法。Applicants should have several years’ relevant experience. 申请者应当拥有数年相关经验。be bound up with something to be very closely connected – used about two things that need to be considered together 与某事物密切关联〔用于需同时考虑的两个事物〕The history of the city has long been bound up with the sea. 这座城市的历史长期以来都与大海密切相关。Your professional development is closely bound up with personal growth. 职业发展与个人成长密切关联。Examples from the Corpusrelated• Each attribute or set of related attributes is stored in its own file.• The nature of these indicators, and related concepts of efficiency, effectiveness and economy have been the focus of much debate.• Applicants must hold a degree in accounting or a related field.• The argument that size and security are related has taken two forms.• We provide professionally based practical home care to men, women and children who are ill at home with HIV/AIDS related illness.• A related issue concerns empirical methodology.• Complications occur, however, in up to 46% of patients and the procedure related mortality is about 1-2%.• Some sceptical arguments attack the notion of knowledge directly but leave other related notions, crucially that of justified belief, untouched.related to• Fox writes about how culture is related to art.• Is Connie related to him?From Longman Business Dictionaryrelatedre‧lat‧ed /rɪˈleɪtɪd/ adjective directly connected with or affected by somethingThe drop in sales was related to the end of a tax break on new cars.The company agreed to sell its real estate business and other related assets.Stocks were hit by earnings-related·lat·ed adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  some Corpus Business related way connected are things in that are




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