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单词 reportage
释义 Word family  noun report reporter reportage reporting adjective unreported verb report adverb reportedly  Related topics: Communicationsre·port·age /rɪˈpɔːtɪdʒ, ˌrepɔːˈtɑːʒ $ -ɔːr-/ noun [uncountable] formal  TCREPORTthe reporting or describing of events in newspapers, on television, or on the radio 新闻报道 → reportingExamples from the Corpusreportage• The line between reportage and fiction, between social satire and sentimental snapshots, was blurring.• The title came from the nineteenth-century paper produced by the Chartists that had combined satire with working-class reportage.• The bomb and the bullet of course provide more dramatic reportage than hard graft, the golf club and fishing rod.• Marvellous, sharp-end reportage is a big part of this book.• These sometimes interrupted the schedules, as did extensive reportage of elections, of local Assemblies.• What do we learn from this piece of reportage?• This is not to say that the standard of reportage is not high - but quality varies as does layout and printing.• Photographic reportage, the cinema and television have produced a lingua franca of universally comprehensible pictures.Origin reportage (1800-1900) French reporter; → REPORT1re·port·age nounChineseSyllable  newspapers, describing Corpus in reporting the on events or of




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