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单词 report
释义 Word family  noun report reporter reportage reporting adjective unreported verb report adverb reportedly  Related topics: School, Colours & sounds, Weaponsre·port1 /rɪˈpɔːt $ -ɔːrt/ ●●● S2 W1 noun [countable]  1  DESCRIBEa written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need 报告,汇报 → accountreport of/on/about Colleges have to provide a written report on the progress of each student during the year. 学院必须出具每名学生一年学业进展的书面报告。2  TCREPORTa piece of writing in a newspaper about something that is happening, or part of a news programme 新闻报道 → reporter According to recent news reports, two of the victims are Americans. 根据近期的新闻报道,受害者中有两名是美国人。report on/of media reports of the food shortages 关于食物短缺的媒体报道3  TELLan official document that carefully considers a particular subject 〔对某一课题的〕研究报告report on a recent report on child abuse 新近一份关于虐童问题的报告4  RUMOUR/RUMORinformation that something has happened, which may or may not be true 传闻,传言report of Police received reports of a bomb threat at the airport at 11:28 p.m. 警方收到机场炸弹恐吓传言,时间是晚上11点28分。 Government officials have denied reports of rebel advances. 政府官员否认了有关叛军正在推进的传言。report that a report that he had been killed 说他已经被杀的传闻5. British EnglishSES a written statement by teachers about a child’s work at school, which is sent to his or her parents (学生)成绩报告单 SYN American English report card6  British English someone who works for a particular manager 下属 Only Gordon’s direct reports are attending the course. 只有戈登的直接下属参加这个课程。7  formalCPMW the noise of an explosion or shot 爆炸声;枪声 a loud report 巨大的爆炸声 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need 报告,汇报verbswrite a report 写报告Her social worker has written a report on the case. 负责她这一案例的社工已就此写了份报告。make a report 汇报We make regular progress reports to our manager. 我们定期向经理汇报进展情况。give a report (=make a report, usually a spoken one) 作(口头)报告He came to the office to give his report in person. 他来到办事处,亲自作报告。prepare a report 准备报告The surveyor will view the property and prepare a full report. 房产检视员会来察看房产并准备一份完整的报告。submit a report formal (=give a written report to someone) 提交报告Doctors will have to submit weekly reports. 医生必须每周提交报告。a report says/states (that) 报告称The report said that it would cost another £250 million to repair the damage. 报告称,要修复损坏将再花费2.5亿英镑。ADJECTIVESa full/detailed report 完整的/详细的报告A full report will be prepared for the next committee meeting. 将准备一份完整的报告提交给下次委员会会议。an official/formal report 官方/正式报告Black graduates still face discrimination from employers, according to an official report. 据官方报告,黑人毕业生仍面临雇主的歧视。a written report 书面报告Mr Thomas asked me to send him a written report. 托马斯先生要求我给他一份书面报告。a confidential report (=one that only a few people see) 机密报告nHe made a confidential report to UN headquarters in New York.nan autopsy report (also a post-mortem report British English) (=that shows the results of an examination on a dead body to find the cause of death)The autopsy report gave the cause of death as alcohol poisoning.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 4: information that something has happened, which may or may not be true 传闻,传言verbsreceive a reportAmnesty has received repeated reports of violation of detention procedures.have a report (=receive one)The police say they had reports of a gang shooting in East London.confirm a reportA spokesman refused to confirm reports that the aircraft had previously suffered an engine fire.deny a reportGovernment officials have denied reports of rebel advances. 政府官员否认了有关叛军正在推进的传言。dismiss a report (=refuse to consider it because you believe it is not true)A Treasury official yesterday dismissed the reports as ‘pure speculation’.ADJECTIVES/NOUNS + reportan unconfirmed report (=not yet supported by official information)There are unconfirmed reports that up to 2,000 people have been eyewitness/first-hand report (=from someone who saw what happened)Some were beaten and tortured according to first-hand reports from former prisoners.a reliable reportOn Sunday there were reliable reports of a group of whales off the Devon unofficial reportAccording to unofficial reports, the president had talks with Palestinian leaders.conflicting reports (=reports saying very different things)Conflicting reports continued to emerge from the area.a misleading report (=likely to make you believe something that is not true)This isn’t the first time the industry has published misleading reports based on incomplete data.Examples from the Corpusreport• Amnesty International released another report on the government's use of torture.• Previous case reports of piroxicam induced submassive necrosis have described the onset of jaundice three days and three weeks after beginning piroxicam.• It also warns that the legislation that followed the Monopolies and Mergers Commission report in 1989 has been a flop.• So, armed with consultants' reports on the favorable economic impact, they offer to provide buildings or infrastructure.• We're getting reports from the scene of the fighting that 12 hostages have been killed.• It connects computer applications, merges reports, builds pictures, develops concepts.• As more reports emerge about his business affairs, his re-election looks increasingly unlikely.• During the war, most reports were compiled under government restrictions.• News reports suggest that over 300 people may have died.• Newspaper reports say Woods is "delighted" with his success.• First and foremost, says a recent report by the National Center for Policy Analysis, is simplicity.• The report is based on visits to schools in five cities.• The DTi inspectors submitted their report last July.• We'll be giving you further news and weather reports every hour throughout the day.• the weather report• Verbal, as opposed to written, reports give you more freedom to exploit your captive of/on/about• ERROR-RETURN-DETAIL - is a return parameter providing a report of errors encountered during the attempt to list the package structure.• The trial lasted for a month, but no reports of the proceedings had appeared.• Does the quality of reports of randomised trials affect estimates of intervention efficacy reported in meta-analyses?• There have been no sightings or reports of a third person involved.• He took two years preparing for the court a 740-page report on the historiography of the Holocaust.• But against that stood the report of his excellent behaviour over the last month.• This four-volume, 1772-page text furthers this aim and is an extremely valuable report on the state of modern reports• Ickes had to learn from news reports that his good friend had cast him out of the administration into political Siberia.• Blanche did not linger long over the local news reports.• The nonstop news reports jacked up the emotions.• Both said they based their beliefs on news reports describing the crash, and on their experience.• Produced news reports have shifted from focusing on the words of candidates and political figures to concentrating on their images and actions.• Recent news reports have estimated that 150 remain.• She participates in weekly, two-way audio or video conferences with her family and receives regular news reports from ground on• The Agriculture Department recently issued a report on world population.• Here's Mike Bryer, reporting on the day's stock of• Police received reports of a bomb threat at the airport at 11:28 reports• At Iberian, the dealer initiative members recognized the need to build better teamwork among dealers and dealers' direct reports.• The team had strong ideas about how the dealers and the dealers' direct reports should change.• Accordingly he asked a team of his direct reports and consultants to figure out an organization approach to overcome the problem.• Flattens the field organization so there would be fewer managers and more direct reports to each manager.• The team suspected that most dealers and their direct reports would resist making these changes.Related topics: Crime & lawreport2 ●●● S2 W1 verb  1  news 新闻 [intransitive, transitive]REPORTTELL to give people information about recent events, especially in newspapers and on television and radio 报道 → reporter This is Gavin Williams, reporting from the United Nations in New York. 我是加文·威廉斯,在纽约联合国总部为您报道。 We aim to report the news as fairly as possible. 我们力求公正地报道这一新闻。 The incident was widely reported in the national press. 这一事件在全国的媒体上被广泛报道。report on The Times sent her to Bangladesh to report on the floods. 《泰晤士报》派她去孟加拉报道水灾灾情。report that Journalists in Cairo reported that seven people had been shot. 开罗的记者报道说有七人遭到枪击。report doing something Witnesses reported seeing three people flee the scene. 目击者称看到有三个人逃离现场。n GrammarIn more formal English, you say it is reported that something is true: It is reported that there has been an explosion.2  be reported to be/do something used to say that a statement has been made about someone or something, but you do not know if it is true 据报道是某事物/做某事 → allege The stolen necklace is reported to be worth $57,000. 据说被盗项链价值5.7万美元。3  job/work 工作 [intransitive, transitive]TELL to tell someone about what has been happening, or what you are doing as part of your job 报告,汇报report (to somebody) on something I’ve asked him to come back next week and report on his progress. 我要求他下星期回来汇报工作进展情况。► see thesaurus at tell4  public statement 公开声明 [transitive]SAY/STATE to officially give information to the public 公告,公布 Doctors have reported a 13% increase in the number of people with heart disease. 医生公布患心脏疾病的人数增加了13%。5  crime/accident 犯罪/事故 [transitive]SCTELL to tell the police or someone in authority that an accident or crime has happened 举报〔罪案〕;报告〔事故〕 I’d like to report a theft. 我要报告一宗盗窃案。report something to somebody All accidents must be reported to the safety officer. 所有事故都必须向安全员报告。report somebody/something missing/injured/killed The plane was reported missing. 据报告,飞机失踪了。6  complain 投诉 [transitive]COMPLAIN to complain about someone to people in authority 告发,检举report somebody for something Polish referee Ryszard Wojoik reported two Leeds United players for violent conduct. 波兰裁判理夏德·沃耀克告发利兹联队的两名队员行为粗暴。report somebody to somebody Hadley’s drinking problem led co-workers to report him to the supervisor. 哈德利因酗酒问题被同事向主管举报了。7  arrival 到达 [intransitive]SAY/STATE to go somewhere and officially state that you have arrived 报到report to All visitors must report to the site office. 所有来访者都必须向现场管理处报到。 All soldiers were required to report for duty (=arrive and be ready for work) on Friday. 所有士兵都必须在星期五报到。8. report sick BECMIto officially tell your employers that you cannot come to work because you are ill 请病假9 report back phrasal verb DESCRIBEto give someone information about something that they asked you to find out about 汇报 to The committee has 60 days to report back to Congress. 委员会有60天时间向国会报告。 on Students were asked to report back on their results. 学生须报告他们的结果。10 report to somebody phrasal verb BBBto be responsible to someone at work and be managed by them 向〔上司〕汇报;隶属;从属 He will report to Greg Carr, Boston Technology’s chief executive. 他将接受波士顿技术公司总裁格雷格·卡尔的领导。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreport• Is there anything to report?• To report a change of address, please call our toll-free number.• All accidents must be reported at once to the aviation authority.• The delegation will report back to Congress on the situation inside China.• Obvious blood would have been noticed and reported by somebody, I am sure.• A man has been reported for a number of alleged motoring offences.• His victory was not widely reported in the Western media.• In water pollution, however, the evidence is mobile and there may be no complainants with a stake in reporting it.• In fiscal 1993, the company reported net income of $ 302,000, or 2 cents a share.• The Bundesbank is expected to report on M3 growth in December this week.• The Post sent her to Bangladesh to report on the cholera epidemic.• She was sent to Washington to report on the presidential elections.• The local newspaper has reported several cases of meningitis in the area.• Our foreign correspondent reports that conditions in the refugee camps are filthy and overcrowded.• It was reported that four people were killed.• The newspaper reported that he had supplemented his income with thousands of dollars from the federal budget.• Many rape victims are too scared to report the attack to the police.• We aim to report the news as fairly and fully as possible.• Most tour packages and many resorts are reporting they are either holding the line or having only slight increases in price.• He was reliably reported to be drunk at the White House reception.• She is reported to have thrown a glass of wine at her former boss.• Nicky reports to me on any new developments in the relevant technological fields.• I must report to the Director of the Office of External that• Four out of ten people reported that after attending meetings they were more likely to go to a solicitor.• It is reported that he never performed an operation without washing his hands.• You report that the Hindus of Kashmir hold the top government jobs in Kashmir.• After several weeks of hard use, I can report that the Monorail certainly has its limits.• Jack reports that there is also a chance that Northrop YC-125B Raider 48-626 may join the collection.• Last week local people reported that three bodies had been found buried inside the (to somebody) on something• News reports usually center on export trade to these countries.• This report assesses children on important learning goals that directly reflect the tasks and skills they work on every day in kindergarten.• He submitted a report to Washington on January 27, which was filed away.• It holds a regular series of seminars at which reports are presented on research currently in progress.• Write a report commenting on the experiment.• Acrobat is used by corporations to publish documents like annual reports and catalogs on the Web.• It's been more than a year since a report was published on their position.• Come back next week to report on your something to somebody• We immediately reported the incident to the somebody to somebody• His drinking problem led co-workers to report him to to• Bradley will report to a federal prison in Petersburg, VA.• McKellon will report to Alan Selles, the company's chairman.• Alan has five members of the production team reporting to him.• Jan is based in Birmingham and reports to the Head of Marketing.From Longman Business Dictionaryreportre‧port1 /rɪˈpɔːt-ɔːrt/ noun [countable]1a written or spoken description of a situation or eventa favorable first quarter earnings reportan interim financialprogress report → auditor's report → Custom-House report → directors’ report → employment report → law report → market report → statutory report2 (also annual report)FINANCE a report presented each year by the directors of a company to the members and shareholders, containing financial information about the company’s trading activities and the documents the company must produce by law, which are the BALANCE SHEET, the PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT and the AUDITOR’s and DIRECTORS' REPORTsThe company’s annual report revealed a rise of 3.8% in overall passenger income to £7.2 million.3an official document produced by a group of people, examining a particular subject. People often use the name of the committee producing the report to talk about itthe Cadbury report on the financial aspects of corporate governance4a newspaper article or part of television or radio programme about a particular situation or eventAccording to a report in ‘The Financial Times’, several potential buyers are interested in the company.5British EnglishHUMAN RESOURCES a manager’s reports are the people who work for him or herGet feedback about your effectiveness from your boss, your peers, and your direct reports (=the people who are directly below you in your organization).reportreport2 verb1[transitive]FINANCE if a company reports a profit, loss etc, it announces publicly how much profit etc it has madeThe company reported second-quarter earnings of $25.1 million.It is expected to report a 6% increase in sales.2[intransitive, transitive] to give people information about an event, situation etcHis remarks were first reported in yesterday’s ‘Chicago Tribune’.report onHead office will report on outgoings each that‘The New York Times’ reported that US business interests were lobbying the White House to lift the trade embargo.3[intransitive] to officially state you have arrived in an office, factory etc, usually by signing your namereport toAll delivery vehicles please report to the site office. → report back → report to somebody→ See Verb tableOrigin report1 (1300-1400) Old French reporter “to report”, from Latin reportare, from portare “to carry”re·port1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2report2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus spoken written a or of description Business a




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