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单词 fabled
释义  fa·bled /ˈfeɪbəld/ adjective literary  FAMOUSfamous and often mentioned in traditional stories 寓言[传奇]中著名的;寓言[传奇]中的 SYN legendary the fabled 'Fountain of Youth' 传说中的“青春泉”Examples from the Corpusfabled• Unlike most other fabled beasts it preferred to scavenge carrion from the forest floor rather than kill for fresh meat.• Not much of that fabled but very real gold has survived.• Anita the fabled feminist has a complaint she want you all to hear.• He sits forlorn on horse-munched hay while his thoughts run on distant, fabled gold.• Only in later centuries, when Constant Drachenfels' daring knew no bounds, did the famed, fabled horrors begin.• It was a fabled street, but for him it had been forbidden territory.• Statues of fabled warriors stood in the city square.fa·bled adjectiveChineseSyllable  and Corpus traditional stories famous mentioned often in




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