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单词 fabricate
释义  Related topics: Industryfab·ri·cate /ˈfæbrɪkeɪt/ verb [transitive]  1  INVENTto invent a story, piece of information etc in order to deceive someone 编造,捏造 The police were accused of fabricating evidence. 警方被控捏造证据。 RegisterFabricate is used mainly in writing, for example in journalism and legal contexts. In everyday English, people usually say make something up: fabricate主要用于书面语,如新闻和法律文本。在日常英语中,人们一般说make something upThey accused him of making the whole thing up. 他们指责他编造了整件事情。2  technicalTI to make or produce goods or equipment 制造,生产 SYN manufacture The discs are expensive to fabricate. 这些磁盘的生产成本很高。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfabricate• I wonder sometimes, wonder how much is fabricated and how much is truth.• The president has denied the allegations, which he said were fabricated by his political opponents.• It was a very entertaining, albeit fabricated, film.• The woman said she fabricated her testimony because she thought she was going to get a $10,000 reward.• At their small workshop, they fabricate parts for jet engines.• The gable wall structure consists of a series of fabricated steel mullions at 3.6m centres.• Officials were accused of fabricating the evidence that was given at the trial.• Branson later admitted that he had fabricated the whole story.• Even the brush or other instruments could be employed freely, the whole image fabricated to convey a sense of handling.fabricating evidence• They accused the law enforcement authorities of violating their civil rights by, among other things, fabricating evidence.From Longman Business Dictionaryfabricatefab‧ri‧cate /ˈfæbrɪkeɪt/ verb [transitive] MANUFACTURING to make something, using tools, special machines, or an industrial processSYN MANUFACTURESamsung will fabricate its own microprocessor.The steel frame was fabricated by a company based in Scotland. —fabricated adjective [only before a noun]fabricated metal products→ See Verb tablefab·ri·cate verb →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable  in to etc a order piece invent Business information Corpus story, of to




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