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单词 reconstruct
释义 Word family  noun construction reconstruction constructor construct verb construct reconstruct  Related topics: Constructionre·con·struct /ˌriːkənˈstrʌkt/ ●○○ AWL verb [transitive]  1  DESCRIBEto produce a complete description or copy of an event by collecting together pieces of information 〔由零碎的信息〕重现〔事情全貌〕,使〔完整的情景〕再现 Police were reconstructing the movements of the murdered couple. 警方正在重现这对被害夫妇的行为活动。2  TBCto build something again after it has been destroyed or damaged 重建,再建 SYN rebuild The task ahead is to reconstruct the building. 眼前的任务是要重建这栋大楼。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreconstruct• Wasson said damage was less than anticipated, and the forms would be reconstructed.• After all, the question of eliminating and reconstructing an identity in an electronic age is ripe with possibility.• Royalties earned from the publications have purchased land upon which students have reconstructed cabins and preserved cultural artifacts.• Grosvenor's speeches and writings make it possible to reconstruct his political views in considerable detail.• Mechanization, with all that it involves, is certainly able to distort, destroy and reconstruct many aspects of a civilization.• Later, people spend hours reconstructing that brutal transition from the nowhere to the everywhere, when nature can destroy you.• Kramer had several operations to reconstruct the bones in her leg.• Police are trying to reconstruct the events of last Friday.From Longman Business Dictionaryreconstructre‧con‧struct /ˌriːkənˈstrʌkt/ verb [intransitive, transitive]PROPERTY to build something again or repair it after it has been destroyed or damagedattempts to reconstruct the country’s war-damaged economy→ See Verb tablere·con·struct verbChineseSyllable   Business produce event copy description a of Corpus or an by to complete




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