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单词 Geography
1. Will you show me the geography?
2. Everyone dosses about in geography classes.
3. We learnt about the geography of Australia.
4. His geography is poor.
5. With a fine disregard for geography, she decided to start her journey to Paris by sailing to the Hook of Holland.
6. How many pupils are taking the geography exam this term?
7. Geography graduates are literate and numerate and have very good IT skills.
8. I like geography and history.
9. She got 80 marks out of 100 for geography.
10. Half the students take geography at A level.
11. She got very high marks in her geography exam.
12. The geography paper was difficult.
13. I'm afraid geography is not my strong suit.
14. I still haven't done my geography homework.
15. He got D / 'D' in / for Geography.
16. Conrad's really up on his geography, isn't he?
17. We use a globe in our geography class.
18. My favourite subjects at school were history and geography.
19. The Geography paper was hard.
20. In our geography class, we are learning about rivers.
21. Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.
22. We're unfamiliar to the geography of New England.
23. The project has involved collaboration with the geography department.
24. We're familiar with the geography of New England.
25. The geography paper is not till next week.
26. She had a huge crush on her geography teacher.
27. I've got to revise my geography.
28. She's very good at Geography.
29. Students today seem to know very little about geography.
30. I have only a sketchy knowledge of geography.
1. Will you show me the geography?
2. Everyone dosses about in geography classes.
3. We learnt about the geography of Australia.
4. His geography is poor.
5. With a fine disregard for geography, she decided to start her journey to Paris by sailing to the Hook of Holland.
6. How many pupils are taking the geography exam this term?
7. Geography graduates are literate and numerate and have very good IT skills.
8. I like geography and history.
9. The geography paper was difficult.
10. We use a globe in our geography class.
11. Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.
12. We're unfamiliar to the geography of New England.
13. We're familiar with the geography of New England.
14. The fifth chapter will bear on the geography of the country.
15. Try to correlate your knowledge of history with your knowledge of geography.
16. In their geography class, the children are doing a special project on North American Indians.
31. He taught geography at the local secondary school.
32. The geography paper was really easy.
33. He read a passage on rice farming from the geography book.
34. The geography of poverty and the geography of voting are connected.
35. The fifth chapter will bear on the geography of the country.
36. She currently holds a Readership in Geography at the University of Hull.
37. It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in.
38. History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.
39. There are proposals to phrase out the hitherto separate Department of Economic Geography.
40. Neither of the two boys has passed the geography examination.
41. Try to correlate your knowledge of history with your knowledge of geography.
42. There is an inclination to treat geography as a less important subject.
43. Physical geography is the study of mountains, rivers, seas, and rocks.
44. The geography of the flats made it hard to get to know our neighbours.
45. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.
46. In their geography class, the children are doing a special project on North American Indians.
47. In the past, the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and the extremities of its climate.
48. It's impossible to work out the geography of this hospital.
49. The main objective was to improve children's knowledge of geography.
50. I'm revising Geography today.
51. My own particular academic subject is geography.
52. History and geography bear the responsibility.
53. Yet they, too, have a very unequal geography.
54. But the stability of London's social geography is remarkable.
55. God created war so that Americans would learn geography. Mark Twain 
56. Trips provide opportunities for learning geography and map reading.http:///geography.html
57. The average American's ignorance of geography is shocking.
58. Rural recreation geography: An emerging or mature discipline?
59. Geography was my weak subject.
60. What effects has geography had on the population?
61. This is reflected in the fact that geography provides a substantial part of the environmental teaching in key stages 1 to 4.
62. In geomorphology the impact of studies of process was perhaps most substantial and also the most dramatic in physical geography.
63. Furthermore, some branches of physical geography had proceeded as far as they could without an enhanced knowledge of processes.
64. The number of financial products available over the internet-where physical geography is mostly irrelevant-is increasing rapidly.
65. The School of Geography has a range of micro-computing facilities available for both teaching and research use.
66. It bothered me that they should treat me like a geography lesson for their son.
67. Learning skills are developed within both the physical and human pathways in the geography field.
68. Coming to the subject by way of the biological sciences, she stressed the value of biological principles applied to human geography.
69. In the first two years of study the Geology and Geography courses offered to single honours students are compulsory.
70. This major social trend has widespread implications in different kinds of geography, not least in connection with elections.
71. There are high speed links direct from the School of Geography to the University's mainframe computers.
72. He was baffled by arithmetic and hopelessly confused by those twin horrors, history and geography.
73. Geography provides an extensive training in numeracy, literacy and in handling geographic information of all kinds.
74. Thus both history and geography affect perceptions of national interest.
75. But no matter how much geography changes in the sprawling Old Pueblo, the site still manages to retain its cottonwood-laced charm.
76. The President urged the Premier to preserve the existing balance of power in arms and geography.
77. This prescription for geomorphology was applicable to physical geography as a whole.
78. The varieties being produced amount to a cram course in West Coast geography.
79. The geography of Boiotia might to a shallow observer seem to suit her for naval hegemony.
80. Reading opens possibilities to become involved in history, biology, geography, and politics.
81. It is a geography and gazetteer of the angelic and demonic domains.
82. Such omission is completely in sympathy with the trend in physical geography for nearly a century after Man and Nature.
83. But it is also because of the geography of growth of the service sector, which has also been very uneven.
84. An officer must know some chemistry and biology, and the local geology and geography.
85. Consumer markets are usually segmented on the basis of geography, demography and buyer-behaviour.
86. Geography, rather than better application of theory[/geography.html], did the trick.
87. They are all designed by a human programmer, and so is the geography of the labyrinth.
88. Only a year, more frequently one portion of a year, is given to local history, geography, or law.
89. As a social science, Geography focuses on how people create and use their socio-economic, built and cultural environments.
90. The process is constricted by three factors -- population, minority distribution and simple geography.
91. There was a time when the soil nexus held the promise of unifying physical and human geography.
92. For the next few years, Sister Teresa taught geography, history and catechism, and performed several other duties besides.
93. Hence the prospect of an energy related and integrated physical geography including geomorphological processes may not be too far beyond the horizon.
94. It is a remote country with difficult communications, climate and geography.
95. Geography, with special attention to the disposition of the Communist bloc and the free World.
96. The climate and geography created specific problems and, as in Orkney, there was a 7 to 8 month winter.
97. Conventional questionnaire studies in economic geography tend to take what people say at face value.
98. History, economics and geography converged to make this coastline a favored route for international drug traffickers.
99. Character, which is what geography is about, depends, at root, on the underlying rock.
100. Throughout the project, Close collaboration was maintained with experts in geology, geomorphology, and historical geography.
101. In such a perception, the world is not physical geography but an arena inhabited by individual countries.
102. Government policy in the nineteenth century was important, but it did not determine the extent and geography of cattle stealing.
103. The class is meant to broaden people's awareness of geography.
104. Mostly, they must rely on accidents of geography, notably inner-city concentration.
105. I remembered lessons from my geography classes and tried to match them with what I was seeing below.
106. Because few families or newcomers can afford to live in the centre, the entire geography of New York is changing.
107. These three trends combined to form a more environmental physical geography which may have been late but hopefully not too late.
108. It is apparent that even where investigations have commenced within physical geography they have often proceeded to become intertwined with other disciplines.
109. The grouping demonstrates Henry's clerks' clear conception of the administrative geography of the county.
110. Ultimately the regional problem and the changing geography of population and industrial distribution gave the subject field a dramatically widened remit.
111. It offers research training across the whole spectrum of the discipline of Geography.
112. The physical geography of the city in general can now complement studies already undertaken of specific cities.
113. Reporting on the progress of five-year-olds in foundation subjects such as history and geography in a meaningful way taxes most teachers.
114. Each of these universities has produced published research in geography, geology, palaeontology,() and geophysics.
115. The geography of evil: tunnels and bamboo thickets and mud huts and graves.
116. Other basic requirements for this Institute are a wide knowledge of the structure of commerce and an appreciation of economic geography.
116. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
117. And it is at Shemya that we leave the world of geography and enter the world of international politics.
118. It was carefully controlled by time and by geography - a day divided into three eight-hour slots.
119. Meanwhile, the geography department is engaged in a losing battle to save up for new atlases.
120. Now he preferred him at London, for Bishops of London are by geography close colleagues of archbishops at Lambeth.
121. More than most children his age, he had an interest in world events and geography.
122. Thus, for example, biology or food science could represent science, and geography or history could represent social studies.
123. The geography and history of the United States would have been drastically altered.
124. K-For is holding the line, sensibly reinforcing an ethnic divide that geography has decreed.
125. Statutory planning has influenced the evolving social geography of postwar Britain in two main ways.
126. But this is only one kind of international dimension, only one way of understanding the geography of the international economy.
127. Each country has its own geography where the spirit dwells and where physical force can never conquer even an inch of ground.
128. Geography too came to play a major role in shaping the social life of the city.
129. We have to choose between doing geography or studying another language.
130. Geography along necessitated careful organisation which followed the company policy of a five week selling plan.
131. But to generalize from such sensational particulars as these is to ignore both commonsense and political geography.
132. Virgil too is the only poet who gives clearly the geography of the underworld.
133. Processes were scrutinized to remedy deficiencies internal to physical geography.
134. It lets a user perform a search on various levels, using categories of real estate data and geography.
135. This trend is exemplified by all branches of physical geography.
136. He pored over geography books in the Richmond library, searching for information on climate, soil conditions(), and crop yields.
137. Research on natural hazards has a long tradition in geography going back more than half a century.
138. Geography will be irrelevant, and people on opposite sides may be living close to each other.
139. And the new geography of this steeper decline can be picked out from Table 2.2.
140. She died in her sleep while dreaming that she was teaching geography, her mind quite lucid again.
141. Plans exist to extend the list of short courses to business studies, geography, history, media studies and home economics.
142. Each can be the thread that connects children to an engagement with geography, history, and the like.
143. Much 1970s social geography examining the life-world can be faulted for this over-reaction.
144. Maury had just completed Physical Geography of the Sea, the first textbook on oceanography published in 1855.
145. However, the geography of service employment growth is less uneven than that of manufacturing decline.
146. In her loneliness Eleanor found no comfort in the geography of New York's lower east side.
146. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
147. But the geography more than the geology or the botany of Attica were to determine Athens' future.
148. Within social geography these constructs have been used to examine landscape identity.
149. The strength of geography lies in the training it provides inthe combination of literacy, numeracy, problem-solving and experimental skills.
150. The established Church failed to keep up either with the growth of the population or with the changing geography of its distribution.
151. Climate and geography are the underlying reasons for the region's low level of economic development.
152. However such an environmental physical geography is more a focus than a means.
153. Here the world system is perceived in terms of the strategic imperatives posed by geography.
154. American students have been accused of a lack of knowledge about geography.
155. Geography was important because it would help the evolutionist to explain how populations were able to migrate and adapt to new locations.
156. History, geography, technology, music, religious education, art and physical education were not dealt with in separate departments.
157. It is noteworthy in this respect that relatively few recent reviews of social geography refer directly to interaction as a discrete topic.
158. He learned at first hand the economic geography of the regnum francorum.
159. The geography of Federal spending is the result of two distinct decision-making processes.
160. Some programs are subject specific i.e. concentrate on developing skills and concepts in one subject area such as geography.
161. Japetus alone possessed a distinctive geography, and a very strange one indeed.
162. Translated into disciplinary terms, the study of international economic geography should precede social geography and town planning.
163. The incidence, geography and social setting of each offence are analysed.
164. Our approaches were from very different angles in time and geography but almost identical in impression.
165. Physical Geography is a subdiscipline of Geography.
166. I shall confine myself to the subject of geography.
167. Mr. Loewi was a geography professor.
168. Geography teaching; Formula for incantation; Constellate.
169. Her major at college is linguistic geography.
170. Luckily(), Yan Lin's father was in physical geography.
171. No, it isn't. The blue book is about geography.
172. Geography alos plays a part in making dialects.
173. For example geography, meteorology, physics and history.
174. Physical Geography of China: Zoogeography [ M ].
175. James is conversant with chronometer and geography.
176. This paper discusses Marco Polo S contributions to physical geography and mineralogy.
176. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
177. The hail is a kind of in small dimensions of weather phenomenon, take place in the geography complicated mountain area and foothill much.
178. The new geography curriculum level puts in a claim to the reformation of the pedagogic method.
179. The ecological geography distribution, community structure features and main types of Corylus heterophylla community are summed up by means of investigation and data.
180. Conclusion The complicated nature and geography enviroment decided complexity of Calliphoridae species.
181. Even with fantasy stories that happen far away or in an imaginary place, these stories include maps that also need a little bit of knowledge about geography.
182. Physical geography for the first time took her rightful place.
183. Demonstrate its importance meaning and exigency of applying middle school geography sustainability of development education.
184. Forestry appertains to geography.
185. When human geography develops to the modern stage, the flourish of a variety of applied and technique branches has made the theories research pale by comparison.
186. The paper is divided into seven chapters, in which the author introduced about the geography survey of North Shaanxi, the form of architectural ornament art.
187. The study of dissertation will substantiate cultural geography in a certain extent.
188. The geography distribution of Chondrichthian fishes is influenced by water temperature, water depth and ocean current.
189. What I do not like city is buckish with blatant, the dip with university professional geography immerses, the consciousness of zoology and environment makes I more love halcyon with green.
190. Impact area border economy is the important research task that new period economic geography learns.
191. We did research on the multilevel structure and management of geography data and discuss the strategies which affect system efficiency the most, including data indexing and data compression.
192. Urban primary index has been widely used into the study in the field of philosophy of urban geography for many years, which shows the emphasis on the study on urban distribution system in a country.
193. Social science disciplines include geography, economics , political science, psychology and sociology.
194. Periodic geography is a borderline science between periodic science and geography.
195. Geography, the combatants ' compulsive secrecy, and the subsequent outbreak of World War II in September 1939 all combined to overshadow the most massive use of tanks theretofore recorded.
196. There are four major disciplines in earth sciences, namely geography, geology, geophysics and geodesy.
197. As markets are unshackled from the borders of geography, cross - border apples - to - apples comparisons become more significant.
198. The learned society of Wuyue history and geography , which studied area culture, is the first civil academic institution in China's modern history.
199. Thank you. Dr. Wilson. I hope to continue with my research work in economic geography.
200. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China.
201. The author thought that Vicia Sativa L. had a certain geography distribution.
202. Of course, like the traditional mode of production, subject to the limitations of time and geography.
203. I hope to continue with my research work in economic geography.
204. But what do young people know about civics, history, culture, geography, and current events?
205. This paper introduces an algorithm of spatial clustering. This algorithm can accomplish the clustering analysis of the spatial complex geography object.
206. Generally,[] this clustering diagram coincides with the distributing geography of the 13 chicken breeds. The paper also thinks that the red jungle-fowl is the matriarchic ancestor of Dulong chicken.
207. The paper discusses the rudiment of pipe network computer of city tap water companies in geography information system and builds a pipe network hydraulic model based on node equation method. Fu...
208. History is one of eight subjects — the others are math, reading, science, writing, civics, geography and economics — covered by the assessment program, which is also known as the Nation’s Report Card.
209. From 24 autumn, it is overall to promote new of nation geography course be a foundation education of required course, pass to learn with teach, realize very deep, it make the person fig up.
210. Their theoretic have effected the society profoundly and extensively and a great lot of art have come to teem in the each history phase and many geography district.
211. First, the physical geography, climate, hydrography, soil and mine resources were analyzed and diagnosed.
212. Names are distinguishable symbols of the society members. They imply the information about language, history, geography, religion and social class condition in a nationality.
213. Utility varies in relation to individual tastes and to geography.
214. I am concerned to culture, history, art and physical geography.
215. Uncertainty of load growth with respect to both geography and time, the probability of new invention or technological development.
216. The American continent's geography severely limited the lines of attack.
217. A car rental company can determine that a user is outside their typical geography and serve a CPA ad for a discounted rate.
218. I must make it clear that I am in no sense a geography teacher.
219. However, also have its differentia, geography and rich often have definite advantage.
220. Geography has played an important role in GEC study in the past.
221. To reacquaint myself with China, a country I had not covered for seven years, I visited two cities separated by geography, history and politics.
222. Was it within our hours of operations we had for that geography, or after-hours?
223. The school seems to proceed on thefoolish idea that we can delimit a minimum stock of learning in history or geography which we can consider the absolute requisite of an educated man.
224. In 2005, I graduated from Simon Fraser University with a first - class honours degree English and Geography.
225. The types of highway construction site lie on the physical geography condition and the geological condition of terrane whose basic parameters are fuzzy and uncertainty.
226. The geography of India is extremely diverse, with landscape ranging from snow-capped mountain ranges to deserts, plains, hills and plateaus.
227. Torsion pole spring tiltmeter , whose structure is simple and small, is widely applied to production of industry and agriculture, physical geography and scientific experiment.
228. Even though geography and academic obligations can provide a graceful exit, some couples who may not be sure if they want to stay together might not want to break up, either.
229. UPDATE: Fox 4 has identified the teacher under investigation as Michelle Preston, a third-year psychology and world geography instructor. The station cites Lenexa and Overland Park police.
230. A new approach to the study of Chinese dialects is one that combines the methods used in modern social linguistics and dialect geography .
231. Geography itself protects the mosaic of Uygur culture in Hotan, in far southwestern Xinjiang.
232. Many larger states are divided into two, three or even four judicial districts, depending on population, geography and caseload.
233. Ancient China made unique contributions to many areas of science including astronomy, calendric system, geography, thematics, agriculture, medicine and the humanities.
234. Owning for her geography advantage, Haiwan tourist area will become a distributing center for various yachts.
235. Geography is my favo ( u ) rite subject at school.
236. Compared with other Premier League clubs, he tells a handful of reporters in a rare sit-down with the press,[] "we have a different geography and a different set of expectations."
237. Many districts have reduced time for the arts, history, science, civics, foreign languages, physical education, literature, and geography.
238. Its main content includes: (1) Comprehensively to studies the area the physical geography and the engineering geology environmental condition conducts the analysis research.
239. The geography and weather are also ideal for employing low-temperature spray-drying technology that is used in developing tomato powder as a seasoning for soups and beverages, according to Tunhe.
240. In this paper a design scheme about realtime inspection of police wagon based on the technologies of Geography Information System (GIS) and Global Position System (GPS) is presented.
241. When I took geography as a boy, I was told that the Appalachians were "old, worn-down mountains, " while the Rockies, by contrast, were " young, rugged mountains.
242. The dialect is a kind of language with provincial variations in accent. Dialect geography deals with the geographical distribution of dialects.
243. Study on the geographical distribution and floristic geography of Fagaceae flora in Yunnan Province.
244. Kitchin, Rob ( 2000 ) Conducting research in human geography: theory, methodology and practice, Harlow: New York.
245. In fact, hydrology system is dominated by the objective factors, such as weather, geography and human activities, with combination of determinacy and randomness.
246. One of the basic works of an electronic geo-information system is to collect information about geography location of the Earth from one or some maps of the spherical Earth.
247. This paper discusses the aesthetic education in geography teaching, ma inly based on literature method and summarization.
248. Exemplifying the teaching unit of human geography course, part five designs the teaching unit plan and provides some relevant cases, for the application of Web-based instruction mode .
249. But the model entirely ignores the paramount subloop of a world: geography.
250. And the research methods and results of the thesis well are abundant to the contents of clinical medicine, ecsomatics , clinical diagnostics, medical geography and physiology.
251. Studies the geography in me time, that place walks arm in arm Alps's be called " Milan " the city I forever am unable to dismiss from mind.
252. He is an environmentalist with a passion of the biology and geography of the region.
253. Sapient integrates U.S.- and Europe-based studios near the client geography with creative and technology teams in India to produce banner ads(), microsites and web/mobile applications.
254. Spatial distribution of cultural industry belongs to the research field of cultural geography and economic geography.
255. GIS in the CRM application, in the essence is a commercial geography analysis concrete application.
256. Geopolitical theory and political geography are two simultaneously - emerging, equally - positioned and parallel - developing scientific fields.
257. He joined the Society of Jesus at the age of 19. He studied mathematics, astronomy, geography and other sciences, achieving brilliant scores.
258. The narrow sense refers to the dialect of the regional differences of language, also known as the dialect geography.
259. The GIS software is mainly applied to the department of Geography Information System. Its coordinate system is closely related with map projection.
260. Geography as a basic education in one of the subjects, but also duty-bound to be the purposes of teacher-student interaction in the classroom teaching.
261. UPDATE: Fox 4 has identified the teacher under investigation as Michelle Preston, a third-year psychology and world geography instructor.
262. In recent years, with the deep research in Chinese dialects and popularization of geographical information technology, the Chinese dialect geography gets more and more attractive to the academia.
263. Methods: The distribution equity of population and geography area of health resources was analyzed by Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve.
264. The 4 th chapter is geography clairvoyance of Metropolitan Tourist Real Estate.
265. The reciprocity between terrene surface with atmosphere is one of the important research content on geography , what ' s more , it ' s the key in many fields.
266. Studying geography of tourism is vital for teachers 'teaching and scientific research, for students mastering booklore and training vocational ability. Look back education on geography of tourism .
267. Geography. Geographical aspect in linguistics, historical studies, ethnology, ecological studies. Economical geography.
268. Why are Geography, Drama, Art and English in the ascendant?
269. But taking one with another, the development of this one area is forward progress, the amount of new place county and geography distributing expand ceaselessly.
270. T his video shows the geography, administrative district, mountain types and various hiking paths at Manapan Mountain.
271. All textbooks are non-fiction such as history, geography, mathematics and science.
272. Plato's maps of Atlantis have even been argued to resemble the geography of ancient Crete.
273. Let us agree that we need all those forenamed skills, plus lots others, in addition to a deep understanding of history, literature, the arts, geography, civics, the sciences, and foreign languages.
274. The conditions of geology and geography are complex, snowslide and drifting snow occur frequently, so this place becomes one of the most serious snow disaster area in Xinjiang.
275. The minge win order too eager to get a geography book.
276. Special natural geography and military position bring a lot of wars in Three Gorges since the ancient times.
277. The research method and study achievement will be affluent in the content of Clinical Medicine, Clinical Examination, Medical Geography, Environmental Medicine and Physiology.
278. The wiry old man had replied with curt finality, " Geography. "
279. Physical Geography: Located in southwest Asia, north - east of the Arabian Peninsula.
280. Computer ownership and access are highly stratified along lines of weal th, race, education, and geography.
281. The Renaissance Club, for example, welcomes students to Florence, where they work as guild artists for a patron—their teacher—and learn about history, geography, and civics.
282. The shirt-sleeve trend that these two heretofore heighten innovation and economic geography increasingly between different course has potential academic effect.
283. Area data is one of familiar geography data, and it has highly extensive application.
283. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
284. By divorcing bookselling from geography, these networks create a liquid market at low volume, dramatically increasing both their own business and the overall demand for used books.
285. There are many contents about economic geography in Xu Xiake's journaling.




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