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单词 Allies
1 North Korea is one of China's staunchest allies.
2 The Allies regrouped and launched a new attack.
3 Many allies are pushing to lift the embargo.
4 Baker was smoothing out differences with European allies.
5 Ridley was one of the Queen's closest allies .
6 France and England were allies in the war.
7 The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.
8 Throughout the Cold War,[] the Allies asserted their right to move freely between the two Berlins.
9 The US and its allies carried out 44,000 sorties during this period.
10 In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.
11 The plan did not commend itself to the Allies.
12 The allies found it hard to agree among themselves.
13 The allies lost their hold on northern France.
14 The allies landed thousands of airborne troops.
15 The allies say they will treat their prisoners decently.
16 The two countries will have to consult their allies.
17 The allies are intensifying their air campaign.
18 We are consulting closely with our partners and allies.
19 The dilemma facing the country's allies was even more serious.
20 Defence policies must often be cleared with NATO allies first.
21 We were confident that the Allies would emerge victorious .
22 The allies suffered less than 20 casualties while enemy losses were said to be high.
23 A number of the United States' allies had urged him not to take a hasty decision.
24 He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.
25 The allies would fear that they were pawns in a superpower condominium.
26 Even his closest allies describe him as forceful, aggressive and determined.
27 During World War One, Turkey and Germany were allies/Turkey was an ally of Germany.
28 In 1915 Italy threw in her lot with the allies.
29 The administration has fallen into step with its European allies on this issue.
30 The flow of assistance to Vietnam's fragile economy from its ideological allies has virtually halted.
1 North Korea is one of China's staunchest allies.
2 The Allies regrouped and launched a new attack.
3 Many allies are pushing to lift the embargo.
4 Baker was smoothing out differences with European allies.
5 Ridley was one of the Queen's closest allies .
6 France and England were allies in the war.
7 The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.
8 Throughout the Cold War, the Allies asserted their right to move freely between the two Berlins.
9 The US and its allies carried out 44,000 sorties during this period.
10 In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.
11 The allies would fear that they were pawns in a superpower condominium.
31 She used the article to make a sustained assault on her former political allies.
32 The more obvious potential allies are Ireland, Denmark and, to a lesser degree, the Netherlands.
33 He's argued from the start that America and its allies are putting too much emphasis on the military option.
34 Aeneas would find them willing and powerful allies.
35 In New York, the board could easily find allies.
36 The Allies worked to defeat a common enemy.
37 The Allies were able to decode many enemy messages.
38 NATO allies will be discussing developments in the Balkans.
39 The two countries are close allies.
40 The city was liberated by the Allies in 1944.
41 The auto industry has many allies in Congress.
42 Communists and their allies control the largest bloc of seats in the 450-member Duma.
43 The Clintons have taken a terrible pounding for their ethics, their business deals,[http:///allies.html] their often-unfortunate choice of allies.
44 The United States will lead the way, and we expect our allies to walk with us hand in hand.
45 Sigibert retaliated by calling in his allies from across the Rhine.
46 But Asquith's refusal greatly strengthened the Unionist position. as it left Lloyd George wholly dependent on his allies.
47 Eisenhower was determined to intervene only with the full support of both Congress and adequate allies.
48 Allies received attention in proportion to their contribution to the Western alliance.
49 These obstacles were not finally overcome until May 1944; in June the Allies liberated Rome.
50 They therefore proved natural allies in her assault upon the seat of consensus in Whitehall.
51 At best in a major conflict it would give allies time to reach agreement on how to use nuclear weapons.
52 Two weeks after the landings at Sicily, the Allies bombed Rome for the first time.
53 Nevertheless, the Allies had suffered 252,000 casualties out of a total commitment of 480,000.
54 The Elves were content to have powerful allies in the Old World.
55 Dreams and dialectics Hippy and student activist continue to recognize each other as allies.
56 This brought in new allies, particularly from inland Karia, and new revenue.
57 At first glance, the antagonists look a lot like allies.
58 The government is reportedly unwilling to enforce conservation laws in the case of influential royal parties from its Gulf allies.
59 The Allies took reparations and industrial output was much reduced: even in 1947 production was less than half pre-war levels.
60 His radio broadcast on the same day contained no hint of criticism of the Allies.
61 Eden acted on the assumption that his allies would support him.
62 With his friends and allies about him, a prince might discuss future strategy, consider marriage alliances, resolve disputes.
63 Of the five different categories of troops all except for allies are covered by the list in this book.
64 The Dark Elves had the greater number and their allies were fell.
65 We must restore genuine cooperation with allies if we are to have any clout.
66 He can be charming and funny,[] eager to introduce potential allies to people who can help them.
67 Korzhakov and his allies may have the resources to disrupt the peace, and with it the election, if they choose.
68 A third candle was ambivalence, and usually takes the form of two women who are close allies and rivals.
69 This has included a comparison with the practice of our partners and allies.
70 The two have been close ideological and political allies since they served together in the House.
71 This book therefore sets out to win over a much wider audience to the beauty and importance of ferns and their allies.
72 Well-intentioned white allies of black political groups are even more susceptible to this mistake than most black leaders.
73 Churchill was acutely aware that Britain was far the weaker of the two allies, both militarily and economically.
74 Mrs Thatcher is still seen in the United States as the staunchest of its allies.
75 But the enactment fixed a gulf between the people of Athens and their allies.
76 And because the enemies should be allies, the clash is poignant.
77 Maybe. At first glance(), the antagonists look a lot like allies.
78 Of Athens' other allies, only Byzantion came out, and both cities were reduced at leisure.
79 Research libraries and humanities departments should be natural allies in promoting equity of provision across disciplines and user groups.
80 It seemed a reasonable bargain in which each superpower could exert restraint over its regional allies.
81 Yeltsin is taking shots from Communists, ultranationalists and even the progressive democrats who used to be his allies.
82 The class enemy, the bourgeoisie and its allies, wielded a vast array of ideological weapons designed to mislead the proletariat.
83 The Allies, however, had no intention of letting the armistice arrangements slide by default into a full-blown peace.
84 The Yang brothers had previously been regarded as close allies of Deng.
85 It was also true, however, of the Western allies who also possessed important residual legal rights, especially in relation to Berlin.
86 I think we are going to find that the Allies shirked their responsibilities.
87 He could not expect the support of the Allies, but, more importantly, neither would he face active hostility.
88 He swiftly decided that it would be better for the Elves to have these people as allies rather than enemies.
89 The arrangement ended on 1 January when the Soviet Union ceased trading with its former allies on a convertible rouble basis.
90 Her special attribute was her ability to draw friends and allies for a lifetime, based on fleeting contact.
91 The golden iridescence of Cassida and its allies is produced by a film of moisture beneath the surface cuticle.
92 Volume one comprises eight chapters which introduce social insects and the factors that separate them from their less cooperative allies.
93 It allies itself with no political party, no outside cause.
94 They are potential rivals, maybe eventual allies, in the Democratic primary.
95 This was very unfortunate for the Trinovantes, the oldest allies of Rome in Britain.
96 But the discrediting of his political allies leaves Mr Berlusconi vulnerable.
97 Claudius, despite the defeat of his allies, proved as resolute in adversity as his father.
98 But de-emphasizing the ban would enrage their natural allies among abortion foes.
99 Insurgents'; but in 1782 the latter signed a secret peace with Britain, abandoning their allies.
100 She wants a phalanx of allies at her back before she climbs those stairs again.
101 You can not include monsters from your allies except for monsters ridden by characters.
102 By the end of World War I, however, she faced a widening split with her radical allies.
103 Even so the most ingenious phraseology could not truly reconcile the many disparate concerns of the allies.
104 And with this data they then make an estimate of the current computation on allies or some such thing.
105 By the summer of 1945, the Allies were riding high.
106 The allies arrived in Brussels on September 3rd and Antwerp was freed the next day.
107 Her allies in the government included those presidential cronies the Alsops despised.
108 The investigation by Oracle of Microsoft's allies is the latest turn in the continuing rivalry between the two companies.
109 To get anything significant done within a large organization, every entrepreneur needs an informal network of allies.
110 Elites can more easily assess the situation and attitudes of both allies and rivals by monitoring television and radio broadcasts.
111 The time had come to grab power and greet the Allies on their arrival.
112 Khruschev's half-hearted attempt to oust Dej in 1957 encouraged him to look for allies to counter Soviet influence.
113 It was backed by its traditional allies from the debates of previous years.
114 By then D day was history, and the Allies had recaptured Paris.
115 She allies herself with Sarah, and rejects the men, who instantly close ranks against her.
116 The administration is consulting with allies on the treatment of Libya.
117 The search for middle-class allies still inhibited most socialists from attributing militarism, imperialism and the war danger to capitalism as such.
118 Badoglio has asked the Allies for an armistice; the war is over.
119 The Basic Law proved acceptable to the Western allies, who approved it in May 1949.
120 There was little support for Archer from his former political allies.
121 Beneficial predators: Insect allies that kill off pests like aphids.
122 And in Madison, the unions have been important allies in the Total Quality Management process.
123 If his old allies accuse him of lying about lying, he deserves that.
124 The laws of war may have one other function in the contemporary era - helping to harmonise standards between allies.
125 The result is that poverty and retirement are usually close allies.
126 The Allies seemed to be drawn as if by a magnet to our local villages.
126 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
127 The report, drawn from evidence given by supergrasses, identified those whom the Mafia considered allies or potential allies.
128 That they have ideological allies among Republican congressmen is not surprising.
129 Victoria called a sidebar of her closest allies, urging them to replace nuptial sentiment with hard political decisiveness.
130 When the Allies protested, Franco distanced himself from personal involvement and promised that something would be done.
131 The troubles of the Soviet economy are fast becoming a pre-occupation of the Western allies.
132 The Weimar Assembly protested to the Allies that the terms were too harsh and there followed a series of street demonstrations.
133 Dulles tried to correct this before the next crisis came by signing up the allies in advance.
134 As for Mr Hussein's chemical weapons, they could still inflict horrible injuries on the allies if they are used.
135 Victory for the Allies remained as elusive as ever, despite some 250,000 casualties.
136 Each superpower's dominance over its associated allies rested on its ability to provide a nuclear umbrella.
137 By keeping war aims vague, he prevented bickering among the Allies.
138 The Commission has many allies when it argues that enlarging the Community will provide the impetus necessary for closer Political integration.
139 But after October they rapidly became disillusioned with their erstwhile allies.
140 For all we know, the political masters of those who destroyed Flight 103 are now our allies in the Gulf crisis.
141 It seems improbable that America's allies will oppose the proposed arms reduction.
142 Clinton could challenge his allies to face that difficult reality and begin formulating alternative means for expanding opportunity.
143 Despite his reputation as a consensus-builder, he has often been unable to keep his allies in line.
144 So I not blame those people here in Britain who support the war and who hope that the allies win.
145 The Low Church bishops proved to be valuable Parliamentary allies to the Whigs.
146 This decision split the vehemently antiabortion Church hierarchy from its liberal allies.
147 Also playing a key role as protagonists and unlikely allies are two former sworn enemies, both ladinos.
148 If he wanted victory, it was to separate the miners from their half-reluctant allies.
149 By the end of January the allies claimed to have flown over 30,000 sorties.
150 George fretted away a whole year there until the Allies landed in Sicily.
151 He infuriated his allies with his arbitrary decisions and devious ways.
152 The problems between allies could be solved within the bilateral relationship.
153 Disunity in Congress also compelled the administration to look for allies if it was to risk military involvement.
154 But Symington and his allies used it as an excuse to further postpone what is inevitable and right.
155 It's important to touch base with our allies in this issue.
156 They must somehow persuade Republicans to de-emphasize a constitutional ban in order to win allies outside of the antiabortion camp.
157 The two countries had been close allies to the United States and one another.
158 This game of bluff was played by the Allies as well.
159 Will I now, in a white-hot rage, offer my services to the Allies?
160 Such a code, moreover, offered mutual benefits, making it easier to turn today's enemies into tomorrow's allies.
161 The pro-Stuart exiles were greatly strengthened early in the new reign by the arrival of two formerly powerful new allies.
162 The challenges to her credibility are reaching fever pitch and are putting the first lady and her allies on the defensive.
163 There may even have been some dissatisfaction among Penda's allies with what had been achieved at Iudeu.
164 There were the political prisoners, sent to concentration camps,() who continued to help the Allies.
165 Shadow Lords cannot attain the Allies or Mentor Background.
166 The central Mediterranean was then closed to the Allies.
167 The arithmetic is finely balanced: the socialists and their allies do not have an overall majority.
168 Predator : Intoxication - Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies.
169 The ships of the Athenians and their allies sulked unhelpfully.
170 They recognize that hustle and rush are the allies of superficiality.




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