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单词 Collected
1. The data was/were collected by various researchers.
2. She collected up her personal belongings and left.
3. The dustmen haven't collected the rubbish yet.
4. Water had collected in the holes in the road.
5. We collected dry twigs to start the fire.
6. She collected some dainty porcelain.
7. We collected shells on the beach.
8. The wood was collected up and carefully stacked away.
9. He knew I collected stamps.
10. His collected poems were published after the war.
11. They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition.
12. A crowd had already collected outside the embassy gates.
13. He has collected more than a thousand stamps.
14. Samples were collected from over 200 patients.
15. The bus conductor collected money from the passengers.
16. He collected coloured enamel bowls from Yugoslavia.
17. A crowd had collected to watch the ceremony.
18. A man collected tolls at the gateway.
19. The waiter collected the dishes from the kitchen and carried them through into the restaurant.
20. We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.
21. A large crowd of reporters collected outside the Prime Minister's house.
22. He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window.http://
23. The security men changed their usual routine and collected the money at a different time.
24. The data you have collected is not enough to be convincing.
25. Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour.
26. All the evidence collected so far points to robbery as the motive of the crime.
27. I collected about you all,but I do not know how much longer how long.
28. She could have stipulated that she would pay when she collected the computer.
29. Gases produced in the reaction pass through this tube and can then be collected.
30. Long after the storm, water still rained down from the roofs where it had collected.
1. The data was/were collected by various researchers.
2. She collected up her personal belongings and left.
3. Water had collected in the holes in the road.
4. We collected dry twigs to start the fire.
5. She collected some dainty porcelain.
6. We collected shells on the beach.
7. The wood was collected up and carefully stacked away.
8. He knew I collected stamps.
9. His collected poems were published after the war.
10. They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition.
11. He has collected more than a thousand stamps.
12. Samples were collected from over 200 patients.
13. The bus conductor collected money from the passengers.
14. He collected coloured enamel bowls from Yugoslavia.
15. A crowd had collected to watch the ceremony.
16. A man collected tolls at the gateway.
17. The waiter collected the dishes from the kitchen and carried them through into the restaurant.
18. We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.
19. A large crowd of reporters collected outside the Prime Minister's house.
20. He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window.
21. She could have stipulated that she would pay when she collected the computer.
22. The security men changed their usual routine and collected the money at a different time.
23. Gases produced in the reaction pass through this tube and can then be collected.
24. The data you have collected is not enough to be convincing.
25. Long after the storm, water still rained down from the roofs where it had collected.
26. Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour.
27. All the evidence collected so far points to robbery as the motive of the crime.
28. A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.
29. The witness was remarkably collected under cross - examination.
30. He placed unreservedly all the data he has collected at my disposal.
31. A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.
32. Redgrave collected his fifth Olympic gold medal in Sydney.
33. The package is waiting to be collected.
34. He collected on the damage to his house.
35. He collected the children from school.
36. Liquid and solid waste is collected in the tank.
37. They collected a purse to help the flood victims.
38. He remained at all times cool, calm and collected.
39. The pupils collected in the big hall.
40. The rubbish is collected on Tuesdays.
41. We collected money in behalf of the homeless.
42. This data was collected from 69 countries.
43. I collected my belongings and left.
44. We collected £700 and every penny went to charity.
45. The barman collected the empties.
46. The witness was remarkably collected under cross - examination.
47. I've collected the complete set.
48. Dirt had collected in the corners of the room.
49. Bulky items will be collected separately.
50. The money collected fell short of the amount required.
51. Dust had collected on the window-sill.
52. John collected a double and two singles.
53. The money was collected for a specific purpose.
54. Sufficient data have been collected for the building project.
55. We collected dry sticks to start a fire.
56. We collected up our goods and left.
57. She collected £25 000 in compensation.
58. They collected over 1[Sentence dictionary],[]000 signatures for the petition.
59. We collected £17 between us.
60. The collected Austen novels on CD-ROM will cost £35.
31. How shall we divide out the money that we have collected?
61. The rain collected in several depressions on the ground.
62. Breakfast plates were collected and the slops emptied.
63. Scientists have collected more data than expected.
64. They collected sticks to start the fire.
65. We collected over £300 for the appeal.
66. She appeared calm and collected.
67. Refuse is collected twice a week.
68. Outwardly she is cool, calm and collected .
69. He collected the £10,000 first prize. Yes, £10,000.
70. The school collected 4000 signatures for the petition.
71. She tried to remain cool, calm and collected .
72. Rain collected in pools on the road.
73. The mail is collected twice a day.
74. Rain water collected in the drainpipe.
75. The two volumes of collected Irish Stories are printed.
76. His collected poems were published in 1928.
77. She collected $50 000 on her husband's life insurance policies.
78. We collected dozens and dozens of shells on the beach.
79. It soon emerged that neither the July nor August mortgage repayment had been collected.
80. The money is collected in a straightforward way with little margin for error.
81. She always remains cool, calm and collected in a crisis.
82. A sample of fresh faeces should be collected each day.
83. She collected her mail.
84. One of these lies is graphically and indisputably demonstrated by intelligence we collected on June 27, last year.
85. He had hardly collected the papers on his desk when the door burst open.
86. She wanted to arrive feeling cool, calm, and collected .
87. He had arranged for the boxes to be stored until they could be collected.
88. Evaluation of this new treatment cannot take place until all the data has been collected.
89. It is then a simple matter to print off the data you have collected.
90. We collected £478 , but a very generous benefactor made it up to £500.
91. First Jack collected coins;then he branched out and collected stamps.
92. Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.
93. Small insects can be collected by shaking them into a jar.
94. I started off by drawing the flowers I had collected the day before.
95. Information is collected through the likes of the FBI, CIA, and Scotland Yard.
96. They all pitched in and the money was collected within a few days.
97. Police say she was cool and collected during her interrogation.
98. The children collected their prizes and then went back to their places.
99. The publication of his collected poems was approaching the status of an event.
100. She collected a huge body of information on the subject.
101. We seem to have collected an enormous number of boxes .
102. After the party I collected twenty bottles from various parts of the house.
103. He placed unreservedly all the data he has collected at my disposal.
104. I had to sign for the parcel when I collected it from the post office.
105. How shall we divide out the money that we have collected?
106. Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers.
107. He did his best to appear cool, calm and collected.
108. The money collected will be put towards repairing the church roof.
109. During my three months' stay in the village, I collected enough material for two or three books.
110. The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage.
111. She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis.
112. Council workers have carted away all the dead leaves that had collected at the side of the road.
113. Money collected through taxes is often diverted from the purpose for which it was intended.
114. They collected donations for a fund to help military families.
115. She collected an overnight bag and left.
116. He took down a copy of Wordsworth's collected poems.
117. I had duly collected Nigel's ashes.
118. Your cousin caught Hyde and an angry crowd collected.
119. The witness seemed cool,[http:///collected.html] calm and collected.
120. Ordered, they said bitterly, and never collected.
121. The indirect taxes are collected by Customs and Excise.
122. She collected firewood and carried water.
123. 1.5 million signatures have been collected.
124. We collected a list of possibilities on the blackboard.
125. The necessary data will be collected by questionnaire survey.
126. Rent is collected once a month.
127. Carcasses will be collected and analysed.
128. A 24-hour urine specimen should be collected to determine creatinine clearance, and protein and uric acid excretion.
129. Hence the amount of Business Rate each local authority receives will bear no relation to the amount actually collected in each area.
130. When the wild roses finished blooming, we collected the orange-red hips, carefully picked the skin off the compressed seeds.
131. Additional information will be collected throughout the summer, and more detailed reports are expected later this year.
132. The council has however already collected £353,000 in cash plus another £856,000 by direct debit.
133. Quantum and costs information can be collected on specially designed forms.
134. The perfusate fluid was collected by the outflow channels from the isolated segments.
135. Nobody pushed little boys to play sports if they preferred to cook instead; nobody mocked little girls who collected spiders.
136. I deeply regret that I was unable to have a word with the housekeeper when she was more collected in mind.
137. On her return she laid the cloth, collected the knives and plates, sounded the gong for breakfast.
138. In the interviews with doctors complementary data about general practitioners' will also be collected.
139. Hendry, who compiled a clearance of 123 in the tenth frame, collected the consolation prize of £14,000.
140. The Secretary of State's crime prevention committee is considering how information should be collected and will continue to do so.
141. To answer these questions people invariably turn to the official criminal statistics which are collected and published by the Home Office.
142. Any excess money collected above the amount owed the bank must be returned to the borrower.
143. Primary data is most frequently collected by means of surveys,[http:///collected.html] based on questionnaires or interviews.
144. Sioux medicine men collected tiny, glistening pebbles from anthills and used them in medicine rattles.
145. And those of us who could drive, collected passengers and appointed our own bus conductors.
146. At the start of each trial, blood samples were collected to establish baseline serum retinol concentrations.
147. The roofs of houses drained into the internal courts, the water being collected in a cistern beneath.
148. Mr Zhivkov's 44-volume collected works has disappeared from Sofia's bookshops since he was removed.
149. Would it have been the same if it had been collected by anyone else?
150. The cop who'd collected her had been a crowd control unit, the full cyborg.
151. It will be based on data collected from monitoring stations throughout the province.
152. Information for the follow up study was collected by means of personal interviews, death certificates, and records from hospitals and nursing homes.
153. Blood that has been collected for use is tested for the presence of antibody to the AIDS virus.
154. The suit claims that the airlines, which collected the money, should refund it to consumers.
155. He collected rocks and butterflies and devoured accounts of recent scientific expeditions.
156. However, the firm can elect to have its capital assets collected in a pool.
157. As credits pass through the clearing system, they are collected in a specially designated account and transferred to magnetic tape.
158. I think she mainly collected information for him on foreigners living in London ... by slightly questionable means.
159. The following information about Birmingham alumni has been collected from recent news reports.
160. In this manner the shrimp are easily collected and can be shaken into the aquarium and water obtained for the next hatching.
161. The process engineering people collected statistical data on 17 parameters involved in the fabrication of thin film circuits.
162. Mostly we collected coins, but there were an awful lot of them.
163. Its author Tom Holt began, if I remember right, by publishing his collected poems at the age of 12.
164. A zoologist by training, he had been working on specimens collected by the Challenger Expedition.
165. Linear regression, for example, requires all the data to be collected ahead of time and then processed all at once.
166. The three works collected here have never before been better played.
167. I seem to have collected an awful lot of those parking-tokens over the last few months.
168. He collected up the coins and put them back into his trouser pocket.
169. Now the payments will go into the Universal Bank accounts, but can be collected over the counter at post offices.
170. Pieces were collected and laid out in what was thought to be their correct positions.
171. Figure 1 shows the existing Northumbria Police area where most of the ethnographic data was collected.
172. A 24-or 72-hour fecal specimen should be collected; the latter being the specimen of choice.
172. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
173. The government is losing millions because an airline passenger tax can not be collected.
174. He collected cheque books for the account and used them to obtain nearly £7,000 in cash and property.
175. Most of the Owners' Network listings are copied from newspaper and magazine advertisements collected by 30 free-lancers nationwide, Koch says.
176. In regulated industries such as trucking and airlines, workers collected some of the rents that accrued from regulation.
177. So one night I collected samples from all five and went home for a serious tasting.
178. He collected his boarding card and found a seat in the cafeteria that allowed him to look down on the concourse.
179. This tale was collected in the Louisiana Creole colloquial speech.
180. His collected works, he said, probably fill four foot ten of shelf space.
181. After he died physicians collected and froze samples of his blood and lymph nodes for future study.
182. We have collected all the artwork together, but are still investigating the film situation.
183. It will be based on computer literature searches, previous data collected at Templeton College, and other methods.
184. She had always collected what she aspired to in her own work.
185. Samples of the material were collected and sent for analysis while crews worked to remove the material.
186. In California, for example, Reform Party supporters collected 124, 117 signatures.
187. So the fares were collected, the ship was going come hurricane, cyclone, what-have-you.
188. They collected the garbage like their jobs depended on it, cheaper and better.
189. It is a liberal questioning of criminal statistics collected and collated by the police themselves.
190. Where possible, data are collected direct from banking computer systems.
191. In December and January, she collected numerous honors as the top woman athlete and top track and field athlete of 2000.
192. A considerable quantity of data was collected and use was made of both a main frame and a desk top machine.
193. The information collected was subsequently published; three topics are of particular interest.
194. Lee hacked on and collected a favourable bounce to dot down at the posts.
195. The account was then allowed to lie dormant while Yousefi collected the cheque books sent out at regular intervals.
196. The information will be collected through collaborative teacher-pupil classroom projects on local dialect.
197. Varo collected pre-Columbian art, studied eastern religions and was fascinated by the occult and alchemy, in particular.
198. Data are collected prospectively, using standardized surveillance components and nosocomial infection definitions.
199. Laboratory protocol should include procedures that assure that the correct specimen is collected and that the specimen is correctly labeled.
200. They established considerable control over recruitment and promotion, and even collected special levies to supplement their basic pay.
201. Place the acetate film gently across the lower margin of the specimen where a pool of acetone will have collected.
202. The information will be collected on a confidential hot line, called Raceguard, operating on a 24-hour answerphone from next Tuesday.
203. We collected data on diarrhoea for all children in the villages aged between 3 months and 5 years.
204. Paired hepatic and gall bladder bile samples were collected from 10 patients with cholesterol gall stones and six patients without gall stones.
205. Total recovery of the aqueous phase is difficult to achieve, since some interphase proteins may be collected with the upper layer.
206. My parents collected all their copies of Wimpey News and we have back numbers going back to the 1940s.
207. Peter Wiffen, who works for Darlington's social services department, collected £100 through a sponsored slim.
208. The lay brothers brought the fleeces to hamlet and village and collected the spun yarn and woven cloth from the workers.
209. Children talked, read horoscopes, collected dinner money and completed homework.
210. Money was left to my great-grandfather, but he never collected it because he broke away from his family.
211. They were collected together by Dean Milner-White who assembled them here where they could be appreciated.
212. Whole bile samples were collected anaerobically and into sterile tubes.
213. Wilson has worked mainly on Carboniferous faunas collected from surface exposures and boreholes.
214. There remained a faint possibility that Newley would try to identify the person who collected the money.
215. Raw Gold backers collected $ 6 for each $ 2 win bet.
216. Most of the revenue was collected by Customs and Excise and the Inland Revenue.
217. We were not able to adjust for the possible confounding effect of body weight as this information has not been collected.
218. Soiled bedding is removed and fresh material is collected, by both boar and sow.
219. Further along the shore a few beachcombers were bunkered down, husking washed-up coconuts for copra; others collected shellfish.
220. Once the mistake is corrected the money can be collected at a later date.
221. To determine the extent of gastric metaplasia, multiple biopsy specimens were collected from standardised sites of the duodenal bulb.
222. These objectives should be based on the information collected in the needs assessment.
223. His problems started when one of the subcontractors collected unemployment compensation while working at the restaurant, he said.
224. Schafer said late Monday he hoped damage assessments for public and private flood damage from other counties would be collected by Friday.
225. Twice a week I collected my pupil from the bakery after school.
226. The research is especially vulnerable if the data are collected from personal interviews.
227. Teachers can now base assessed investigations on data collected by real scientists, such as pollution levels, available on the internet.
228. Then, Dornan fired in another great cross which was well collected by the Dinamo keeper.
229. Free cells were collected by centrifugation and subjected to a further depletion with A2B5-coated beads as above.
230. Bats and batting helmets as well as gloves and cleats were collected.
231. As the tide came in, water collected to form small pools among the rocks.
232. We set off at ten, collected Coconut and bowled along to the woods.
232. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
233. Mr Eames and Bill and Thomas collected trays and glasses, decanters were dusted down, all variety of bottles were sought.
234. Joint compensation schemes use funds collected through charges and contributions to clean up or restore the environment.
235. Last year biologists from the Marine Mammal Centre collected 75 wounded sea lions, most of which died.
236. A set of collected photographs of Ansel Adams are on display in the museum.
237. One of Psion's engineers had collected a master copy of a new program.
238. He simply floats into confounding feats of acrobatics and then comes to still, collected repose.
239. Confidentiality - Fears were raised about the confidentiality of the data collected.
240. With a water butt, the water is collected and can be used for gardens.
241. He missed the cut by eight strokes, collected his six-figure appearance fee, and split for a month at home.
242. Services include making sure payments are collected and insurance and taxes are paid on loans that are packaged and resold to investors.
243. I collected up the dirty washing and bundled it into the washing machine.
244. The deficit also is growing because of an economic slowdown that has reduced the amount of taxes collected, government officials say.
245. Nothing would suggest the man who had collected the material for Psychopathia Sexualis.
246. Then he collected his belongings from the interview room and joined Rain on the landing.
247. Central Birmingham Group held a barn dance which raised £200; door-to-door the group collected £1,300.
248. This is avidly collected by the locals as it is delicious boiled and pickled.
249. During the commune heydays of the early 1970s, the ranch collected a typically renegade group of cultural misfits.
250. The machine automatically switches off when enough water has been collected.
251. More generally, document boundaries may be blurred and a massive body of material may be collected together in one interlinked corpus.
252. In 1968 I worked in a Hereford scrapyard, where we bought bones from several dealers who collected them from butchers.
253. My collected works rendered the Horsehead Nebula, goofy space cruisers, robots, and Saturn.
254. Box sets collect music into greatest hits, anthologies, chronologies, complete collected works, best-of and worst-of packages.
255. The lumber collected behind a boom, from which it was lifted by crane into the maw of the mill.
256. Demographic information was collected by medical students administering a questionnaire.
257. Moving briskly, Wade dug out a plastic garbage bag, marched into the living room, and collected the dead houseplants.
258. But this merely collected together the singles and other stray tracks.
259. Mr Segni's acolytes have collected more than 600,000 signatures in favour of his three referendums.
260. The new compiler uses application program information, collected during dynamic program execution, to drive its optimisation process.
261. We have collected together a representative sample of these and present them here.
262. He collected the $ 25[sentence dictionary], 000 prize Raymond Orteig had put up for anyone who could accomplish the astounding feat.
263. I have joined a barbershop group, I go swimming and walking, I even collected this week for Barnado's.
264. At Penarth alone the discarded items collected ranged from timber and aluminium cans to an old pushchair frame.
265. In particular, the way tourism data is collected almost certainly underestimates two important elements of sports tourism, as follows.
266. It would be collected by the seller and administered by states or the Treasury Department.
267. Sammy also collected a 50 freestyle bronze with 31.44-a personal best along with her 43.95 in the 50 breaststroke.
268. These plants should be collected from the deepest water possible or form a shaded area such as under a bridge or pier.
269. Such information is often laboriously collected by literature-searching and is conventionally processed as text.
270. Data will also be collected to analyse the effect of changes in accounting procedure upon firms in the industry.
271. Groups of foods that are good sources of certain nutrients are collected together in six appendices.
272. A further follow-up in 1972 collected more detailed diagnostic information.
273. After their diagnostic procedure the colonoscope was positioned at site of infusion and a second blood sample collected.
274. Now accounting for 40 % of produce, the boxes are collected by distributors as far afield as London.
275. This detailed survey is peppered with information on how the faunas came to be collected - often by amateurs.
276. The Bristol group collected the signatures of 46 international figures to sell for Amnesty funds.
277. The interviews were supplemented by as much documentary information as could be collected.
278. When the data had been collected, it was analysed in order to identify the real causes of the problem.
279. He was as calm and collected as any veteran on the ground.
280. Rain falling on to the theatre nearby was collected in a channel circling the orchestra to fill a large rock-cut storage cistern.
281. When some one died, the administrator collected all assets of the deceased and paid his outstanding debts.
282. He also collected natural history curiosities and plants before the appointment ended with the Duke's death.
283. They emerged as I began thinking about and writing about the data I collected.
284. Lucy collected her stuff together and put on her coat and said goodnight, but she didn't leave.
285. By the beginning of February they had collected together most of their provisions.
286. When the vaporised lead cooled, it was collected by small boys with brushes and shovels.
287. They are also given the right to decide whether or not their union subscriptions are collected by automatic deduction from their pay.
288. At both operations, biopsies from the tumour and non-tumour liver tissue were collected and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen.
289. Although the data collected were quite adequate for this purpose, no attempt was made to claim representativeness for the doorstep survey.
290. They were first printed by William Caxton in 1475; the collected works were first illustrated by William Thynne in 1532.
291. It also collected more child support money than the state average.
292. I thought I was prepared, I thought I'd be cool,[http:///collected.html] calm and collected.
293. She had just collected her pension from the post office.
294. Only then - CEO Alex Trotman collected a bigger bonus from Ford that year.
295. Minetta collected his rifle and helmet from the hospital supply sergeant.
296. Few riddles collected from oral tradition, however, have all six parts.




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