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单词 recidivist
释义  Related topics: Crimere·cid·i·vist /rɪˈsɪdɪvɪst/ noun [countable] technical  SCCa criminal who starts doing illegal things again, even after he or she has been punished 累犯,惯犯 —recidivism noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusrecidivist• Toxic substances and nutrients were the prime suspects along with the well-known recidivist, sedimentation.• Art, it seems, is the perpetual recidivist, always ducking back into the aesthetic as soon as vigilant life averts its gaze.Origin recidivist (1800-1900) French récidiviste, from récidiver “to go back to bad behavior”, from Latin recidere, from cadere “to fall”re·cid·i·vist nounChineseSyllable  criminal a Corpus illegal again, starts things who doing




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