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单词 Unjustified
1. The commission concluded that the police action was unjustified.
2. You have made several unjustified presuppositions.
3. The paper's assault on the president was totally unjustified.
4. The criticism was wholly unjustified.
5. And the horror may not be unjustified.
6. This is inaccurate, and unjustified by any international comparison.
7. This contention seems to me to be unjustified.
8. That would raise unjustified hopes and there had been no reciprocation.
9. And most, in their macroeconomic management, lurched between unjustified fears of recession and unwarranted euphoria about growth.
10. Although such criticism may well be totally unjustified, if could be very embarrassing.
11. If the premises are unjustified, there will be no justification for the conclusion at least, not by this inference.
12. This confidence seems unjustified, at least as far as capital asset charging is concerned.
13. There may even be unjustified assumptions about the rationality of human behaviour.
14. Many disabled people suffer from unjustified discrimination when they apply for jobs.
15. Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.
16. The defendant had supreme and, as it turned out, unjustified, confidence in his own judgment.
17. They would often be free with criticism, some of it unjustified.Sentencedict
18. But I am glad that I provoked him into an unqualified withdrawal of his disgraceful unjustified comments.
19. Invariably such products are sold at a premium price quite unjustified by the cost of their components.
20. And you could see just from the body-language that she felt the policemen's warning was unjustified.
21. He said that since his reason did not support his instinct his suspicions might be unjustified.
22. This is not to say that all criticism is unjustified.
23. It also defined the judicial rights of citizens in respect of unjustified actions by state security bodies.
24. The undermining of self-esteem may lead to assumptions about the reactions of others that are unjustified.
25. Modern censures on Herodotos for failing to mention this obstacle have, here as often, been proved unjustified.
26. The recent proposals made by the Royal College of Psychiatrists are unjustified, unnecessary and unworkable.
27. But he says just as worrying, is the string of unjustified complaints made against him by members of the public.
28. Watkins told the committee he believed his reprimand was unjustified.
29. I think your criticisms of Mr Ward are completely unjustified.
30. The black and Hispanic community mobilized in the belief that the shoplifting charges and the shooting were unjustified.
1. Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.
31. Central computer recording of transactions would enable automatic screening for multiple and unjustified claims.
32. A huge, cruel, unjustified punishment far in excess of Digby's crime.
33. It may, for instance, be better to leave type unjustified in the right margin.
34. Brian has the reputation, unjustified in my opinion, of being a bit of a bore.
35. The Commission wants to avoid unjustified double taxation of boats, and will be making proposals accordingly.
36. Such statements, though frequently unjustified, indicate the extent to which rhetoric of this kind had become widely acceptable.
37. The government sees this as an effective course of action for a doctor who feels they are the target of unjustified allegations.
38. The human eye and brain are much happier reading short to medium length unjustified lines although books are conventionally justified.
39. Yet the commercial is based on speculation that is indeed scary but not unjustified.
40. That would be both rash and unjustified.
41. The action of the strikers was unjustified.
42. Does the government allow of unjustified tax increases?
43. But others believe these concerns are unjustified paranoia.
44. Such multiples are unjustified in a recession.
45. Their statement unjustified also great - exaggerated view cause.
46. Your pessimism is unjustified.
47. With unjustified conclusion, we remain cautious on the possibility of future food safety problem as well as weakening investors' confidence brought by continuous tainted food scandals.
48. Last, the power abuse by the judicatures leads to an unjustified result.
49. Unjustified enrichment means obtaining benefits when making others losing without legal reason.
50. On academic research, academy's successes about unjustified benefits system sees neither much. "
51. There are some problems in our present administration of law of tax , such as denial of justice, enforcing the law in excess of authority, unjustified levies and fines and so on.
52. For example, a bill to fund our military can be loaded up with unjustified earmarks and other spending that may not add to our national security.
53. Ensure there are no unjustified restrictions or limitations, and review and concur in the appointment, replacement, or dismissal of the chief audit executive.
54. This problem is most acute in Britain, where official statements about "mad cow" disease and foot-and-mouth disease were subsequently found to be unjustified and untrue.
55. The Common Law is hostile to comprehensive institution of negotiorum gestio, but it had changed its standpoint to some extent through law of restitution(unjustified enrichment) and law of torts.
56. What I am talking about here is the unjustified blows and struggles.
57. The familiar idea is that inherited wealth offers an unjustified head start for some individuals at the expense of others.
58. Add-on, non-labor rewards are mainly generated by an unjustified initial distribution and re-distribution of public resources rather than normal capital revenue.
59. This reproach is unjustified.
60. It followed that NZ's decision to dismiss Ms Hudson was unjustified.
61. If the parties are not normally resident in the same place, the laws of the place where the unjustified enrichment or negotiorum gestio took place will apply.
62. Word space: The space between words which may be fixed as for unjustified setting, or variable as for justified setting.
63. I regard class distinctions as unjustified and, in the last resort, based on force.
64. Compared with some paltry gains, these prices are unjustified and immoral.
65. She said much of the negative press about Jackson in recent years was unjustified.




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