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单词 Unstable
1. The world is a precarious and unstable place.
2. That chair looks a bit unstable to me.
3. The political situation is highly unstable.
4. David's mother was unstable and moody.
5. This bookcase is too unstable to hold so many books.
6. Prison order is rendered unstable by young inmates serving short sentences.
7. The building trade is notoriously unstable.
8. The political situation is still very unstable.
9. The wall was dangerously unstable.
10. The political situation remains highly unstable.
11. The situation is unstable and potentially dangerous.
12. Their politics consisted of unstable power-plays between rival groups.
13. His personality is a little unstable.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. The building was beginning to get unstable.
15. Both clay and sandstone are unstable rock formations.
16. It is a poor and politically unstable society.
17. The patient's condition was unstable.
18. Capitalist society is by its very nature unstable.
19. She was physically delicate and psy-chologically unstable.
20. Icebergs are notoriously unstable and are likely to turn over.
21. He was the most unstable kind of fool I had ever seen.
22. He was emotionally unstable.
23. Regimes governed by violence are always unstable.
24. The situation there remains very unstable.
25. These resonant orbits are very unstable.
26. A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times.A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. 
27. After the fall of Pitt in 1801 there was a decade of unstable government.
28. The barrister represented to the court that the defendant was mentally unstable.
29. As last week's riots bear witness, the political situation is very unstable.
30. No one's going to put money into the company while the market is so unstable.
1. The world is a precarious and unstable place.
2. That chair looks a bit unstable to me.
3. David's mother was unstable and moody.
4. This bookcase is too unstable to hold so many books.
5. Prison order is rendered unstable by young inmates serving short sentences.
6. After the fall of Pitt in 1801 there was a decade of unstable government.
7. The patient's condition was unstable.
8. He was the most unstable kind of fool I had ever seen.
31. My father was an unstable and unhappy man.
32. Heather suggested baldly that Ms. Lane was mentally unstable.
33. Political power bases are initially fluid and unstable.
34. As the uranium reacts its radioactivity produces unstable atoms.
35. The situation here is precarious, quite unstable.
36. Firstly capitalist society is by its very nature unstable.
37. Bennet denied assertions that she was mentally unstable.
38. Emotionally unstable, his aggressive attitude frequently culminates in violence.
39. They were too unstable to be transported.
40. Avoid shoes with too much cushioning -- they may be too soft or unstable.
41. More modern laser techniques allow much more subtle experiments to be applied to both small and large unstable molecules in flow systems.
42. Because of its highly unstable nature, various thromboxane A 2 -generating systems have to be used in order to study its vasoactive properties.
43. To outsiders it seemed that the regime was becoming unstable and that its survival appeared more and more doubtful.
44. The isotope U-235 is unstable( ), decaying by a process called spontaneous fission.
45. Was it safe to trust someone who was so emotionally unstable?
46. The epidemic is dynamic, unstable and continuing to spread rapidly.
47. That scaffolding looks unstable - get all the building workers off the site immediately.
48. This would produce helium-3 and tritium; the tritium is unstable and decays producing helium-3 which would add to that directly produced.
49. Lactate concentrations in whole blood are extremely unstable because of the rapid production and release of lactate by erythrocytes due to glycolysis.
50. The idea that most singles are inherently unmarriageable and the divorced unstable fails to explain the same pattern of afflictions among widowers.
51. Another possibility is that the timescale represents recurrence in a physical limit-cycle, for example unstable flaring in a pair-plasma.
52. As the boundaries between biology and technology are arguably dissolving, so the relationships between humans become unstable.
53. Anticipated here is that always unstable disjunction between identification and desire upon which male bonding depends.
54. But Gore was a sick man. Mentally unstable, he would kill his parents in an explosive night of violence.
55. Working with Clare every day, I began to realize how unstable she was.
56. For the moment everything seemed calm, but under the surface the whole situation was very unstable.
57. Particularly suitable candidates are those with unstable diabetes and evidence of poor control with elevated glycosylated haemoglobin levels.
58. To that end Powell put a temporary gloss on an unstable situation.
59. Any hope of an improvement appeared unlikely in view of the reduction in the level of foreign investment caused by the unstable political situation.
60. Fears remain, however, that the area is too unstable for any such measures to be effective.
61. Simpson said the lawyers accused her of being mentally unstable.
62. The resulting uncertainty as to whether she was coming or going had made her, to some extent, mentally unstable.
63. Other places, particularly the tropical Far East have been very unstable over the last 15 million years.
64. She was in a coma at first, and then she suffered complications because her blood pressure became unstable.
65. What we have encountered is a much more unstable hegemony, which was successfully challenged by competing groups.
66. This unstable region of Ulthuan has a strange other-worldly quality more akin to the realms of Chaos than to mortal lands.
67. The unpredictable, sporadic nature of storms on an open coast presumably render exposed shores unstable in this respect.
68. That cabinet came as a huge disappointment to the public and opposition, contributing much to the present unstable atmosphere.
69. Even if the masonry wall is so unstable it is moving, it can be repaired and the walls made safe.
70. As pits become deeper they must also become wider in order to prevent the sides from becoming so steep they are unstable.
71. The local party leaders, anxious to rock no ideological boats in the unstable times, left them alone.
72. That stable situation is then made unstable: Somebody proposes a breakout.
73. When hiring band members,(http:///unstable.html) Lawrence always preferred less talented musicians of good character over brilliant musicians of unstable character.
74. They may be able to help the unbalanced and mentally unstable to become somewhat more balanced and stable, we admit.
75. Handy rejects a full-blown version of this vision on the grounds that such a divergent society would be very unstable.
76. Problem of an unstable demand Accurate monetary control requires the authorities to be able to predict the demand curve for money.
77. Applicants are first interviewed, to weed out the physically weak, violent and unstable.
78. Rules have yet to be written; traditions have yet to be established. Political power bases are initially fluid and unstable.
79. Associative feminist psychologies make unstable[], continually changing liaisons with these social objects; and so they are associative in two senses.
80. Such a possibility should be considered in all patients with unstable asthma that is difficult to control with conventional treatment.
81. For all they know, metal hydrogen may always be unstable and quickly vaporize.
82. Sophia has unstable angina and is refusing surgery from which she might benefit.
83. Space stations are so expensive that they can not be placed in short-lived, unstable orbits.
84. The conventional accounts of violence against women suggest that most men who are violent to women are mentally unstable in some way.
85. Thus she monitored many clients whose situation was felt to be unstable, and she negotiated widely for other services.
86. High interest rates are crippling and an unstable economy can produce them at any time.
87. Walker Evans records a roughly piled grave of loose earth topped with the impermanent and unstable memorial of a dinner plate.
88. And what of poor women whose male acquaintances have few job prospects and therefore may make unstable partners?
89. He is emotionally unstable, and his aggressive attitude often culminates in violence.
90. She hadn't known, until after she was married to Paul, that he had a brother who was mentally unstable.
91. He was not yet five, and her life seemed too unstable there.
92. Cool, thick, old oceanic lithosphere is gravitationally unstable as it is generally denser than the asthenosphere over which it lies.
93. This moves their orbital electrons from the ground state to a higher energy level that is unstable.
94. In this most settled and prosperous nation in history the political situation is almost permanently unstable.
95. Advancing on a narrow front, the bristling schiltrons threw their opponents into confusion on such unfamiliar, unstable ground.
96. Reactions have varied, but it's universally agreed that the preview is way too unstable and slow for everyday use.
97. Equilibrium results in each case on a wider basis; we are now dealing with unstable equilibrium with positive indication.
98. Unstable cabinet systems have been prevalent where stronger ideological differences and multiple political parties have emerged in contemporary legislatures.
99. The region's natural inclination, like that of a bicycle, is to be unstable.
100. Provocation creates an unstable idea so that we may move on from it to a new idea.
101. Living with her, day in day out, I was beginning to realize how unstable she is.
102. Mentally unstable, he would kill his parents in an explosive night of violence.
103. They lent too much too easily to unstable third world countries,(/unstable.html) private corporations built on sand and risky clients.
104. It is not a particularly gloomy financial picture for you, just a rather unstable one.
105. The question of remarriage and the provision of an heir to the unstable throne was inevitably rearing its head.
106. But can the game afford to hold its showpiece in an unstable country where sport is a political football?
107. Consequently, more thermal energy is required before the crystal becomes unstable, and T m is raised.
108. At such points we can observe the spectrum of the unstable product together with that of any stable products, carrier materials and so on.
109. There is a deep recession, and foreign investors are reluctant to commit themselves in the present unstable situation.
110. The arch will stand once the last stone is in place, but the intermediate stages are unstable.
111. Even the most dismal and unstable circumstances can become something to be clung to.
112. Why does an unstable demand for money make it difficult to control the supply of money?
113. The woman, who was described as mentally unstable, refused to talk about her reasons for the shooting.
114. In such a system, visual and auditory linguistic signifiers are in changing, unstable correspondence with the concepts they stand for.
115. The Office hints defensively at a period of nomadic existence which was censured by critics as unstable.
116. Her mother, mentally unstable, eventually entered an asylum in 1885.
117. Most historians see Montgomerie as a rather unstable figure, motivated more by ambition than political principle.
118. Contraindications to exercise training include unstable angina pectoris, ventricular arrhythmias, and severe aortic stenosis.
119. But the system is so unstable that governments have resigned, on average, once per year throughout the period.
120. Although graphite and diamond both exist at ordinary temperatures and pressures, diamonds are actually unstable and are continuously reverting to graphite.
121. If individuals of similar income were grouped together, the outcome might be unstable.
122. They are quarrelsome, politically unstable and poor; some are preoccupied with fighting.
123. It was clear that the longer the current unstable crisis atmosphere persists, the stronger the opposition's bargaining position becomes.
124. Rogue nations, it is clear, are the cornerstone of Mr Bush's still unstable foreign and security edifice.
125. There are many different ways to make these measurements on unstable nuclei.
126. The costs of setting up a manufacturing subsidiary might be prohibitive or the foreign country might be politically unstable.
127. When timeless is degraded, its partner per, becomes unstable and also degrades.
128. This group has a high doctor-patient contact rate but also includes a proportion of patients with unstable or brittle asthma.
129. It was potentially extremely dangerous and although it had survived since the war it may have been very unstable.
130. Once more, though, the poem reveals a play of language which render meaning unstable and even self-contradictory.
131. So you see, beneath that calm exterior lies a highly unstable child.
132. The male mafia will close ranks and deem such a woman unstable, neurotic and quite unsuitable for responsibility.
133. A mentally deficient or unstable individual was not wanted on the line, even if there was a shortage of men.
134. However, the Bank may buy in a falling market if the market is considered to be erratic and unstable.
135. And this of course brings us back to the practical and philosophical implications of the unstable text. 13.3.
136. This isle was then floating and unstable.
137. It remains a highly unstable and strife-torn country.
138. Europe had become infinitely more unstable and fragmented.
139. The erratic fluctuation of market prices are in consequence of unstable economy.
140. "The key to mitigation is to establish a vortex wake consisting of two or more vortical pairs that are unstable and susceptible to rapid breakup, " he explains.
141. Forest regeneration is lack of shrub layer and ground cover plant, and the ecosystem is under a very unstable state.
142. He quickens the indolent, encourages the eager, and steadies the unstable.
143. Situated the most sensitive area the Middle East, Lebanon has long been in an unstable state.
144. The free calcium oxide and the periclase formed in the converter smelting process are primary factor affect the steel slag long-term unstable.
145. Just like the broom - stick, an Inverted Pendulum is an inherently unstable system.
146. A love story set amid the unstable political landscape of 1974 Cyprus.
147. Inversion of the tank results from the unstable condition of a single support.
148. The zygote is best appraised by stating that it is an inherently unstable entity.
149. Molecules excited electronically, are unstable relative to the ground state.
150. Study Design. This is a report of a patient with a rare unstable 3-column ligamentous injury of the thoracic spine.
151. The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy.
152. Unstable employment and high turnover do not allow for the accumulation of experience.
153. Most students who begin to study plasma physics are intrigued by the unstable nature of plasmas.
154. In elective extension osteotomies, the surgeon manipulates the head to generate osteoclasis, temporarily producing an unstable cervical fracture.
155. Its unstable knowledge being drifting away or even getting lost implies a legitimate basis and the discourse right for seeking its point of return again.




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