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单词 In favor of
1 The new development turned the scales in favor of that school.
2 All in favor of this proposition will please say " Aye ".
3 Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill.
4 I am in favor of stopping work now.
5 The majority voted in favor of the proposal.
6 The jury voted 8-to-4 in favor of acquittal.
7 288 members voted in favor of the ban.
8 These tests weighted in favor of girls.
9 Price control would gradually disappear in favor of a free market.
10 Today's election will skew the results in favor of the northern end of the county.
11 Public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of the imprisoned men.
12 I'll raise both hands in favor of damming the river.
13 They phased out my job in favor of a computer.
14 Public opinion is shifting in favor of the new law.
15 This check is made out in favor of a food corporation.
16 The judge was biased in favor of the local team.
17 Only 20 senators voted in favor of the measure.
18 Lleland spoke up in favor of the idea.
19 Thus, carrying costs argue in favor of carrying low levels of inventory in order to hold these costs down.
20 Last fall, 288 members voted in favor of the ban.
21 Conflicts between reasoning and perception are resolved in favor of perception.
22 Councilmen Jim Romine and Jim Bartell voted in favor of the agreement.
23 Tom Campbell of California also spoke in favor of the anti-discrimination provision.
24 Uncle left his position on the board of directors as he felt that he should move over in favor of a younger man.
25 I talked to Susie about it, and she's all in favor of going.
26 As reports gradually came in from the departments, it appeared that a majority were in favor of federalism.
27 Men tend to neglect children of their first marriages in favor of the children of their current unions.
28 Wesson eliminating the smell of cordite from their. 45s in favor of amaretto potpourri.
29 We had been asked if we wanted a double bed and declined in favor of the traditional futons.
30 Given the topic of this book, you might expect a bias in favor of finding behavior-driven performance challenges.
1 The new development turned the scales in favor of that school.
2 All in favor of this proposition will please say " Aye ".
3 This check is made out in favor of a food corporation.
4 The judge was biased in favor of the local team.
31 The presumption should be in favor of publication and transmission rather than suppression or prior restraint, no matter what the medium.
32 The final tally was 42 percent in favor of the proposition, compared with 58 percent against.
33 Investors steered clear of big-name high techs in favor of shares like karaoke equipment trader Nikkodo.
34 I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters. Frank Lloyd Wright 
35 Old silver heels have been abandoned under a work table in favor of scruffy penny loafers.
36 Only 42 civil suits resulted, with no verdicts in favor of the plaintiff.
37 There is a big movement in favor of socialism in the South, and work is under way to create a national front.
38 The judge said his ruling in favor of the news media was subject to change.
39 Second, the Constitution tips the scales in favor of the individual over the state in highly personal matters.
40 Government policy should not undermine free broadcasting in favor of pay services offered by cable, phone and satellite companies.
41 The proposed law would upset that balance in favor of property owners.
42 In 1994, the Globe editorialized in favor of a new one.
43 The board voted 8-1 Tuesday in favor of awarding the grant for the shelter at 341 Eddy St.
43 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
44 At last report it was before the same court arguing in favor of the obvious discrimination it opposed last year.
45 In that system, things were rigged in favor of the haves.
46 He could rule entirely in favor of the government, and let all the rules stand.
47 The researcher may actually expect that the null hypothesis is faulty and should be rejected in favor of the alternative H1.
48 We are in favor of abortion rights and reproductive freedom in greater numbers than men.
49 Then came the Framework Agreement, which again shunned free-market solutions in favor of further discrimination, steep restrictions and inefficiencies.
50 The departure of the outspoken Blinder is viewed as a setback for those in favor of lowering interest rates.
51 To get elected, even incumbents feel obliged to run against the government and in favor of cutting their own authority.
52 A recent example is the termination of the B-1 bomber in favor of the cruise missile.
53 I remember arguing in favor of a swank restaurant for our first night in town.
54 Young, who in 1973 voted in favor of the original Endangered Species Act, contends it has been a failure.
55 Left-wing politicians are in favor of a slower conversion to capitalism.
56 Canine, on the other hand, was strongly in favor of making an example of Petersen.
57 Such a position is not just a correction of Kant but a fundamental rejection in favor of another and more adequate criterion.
58 Against the Dow average, the score is 37 to 30 in favor of the pros.
59 Life is in favor of those who are blessed with emotional intelligence, self-restraint, prudence, and positive behavior. Dr T.P.Chia 
60 I was all in favor of a vigorous campaign offensive, but this simply exceeded the bounds of good taste.
61 The poor have generally been in favor of greater equality.
62 He ruled in favor of the party for a large amount of damages.
63 Some who supported Dole from the start believe they were passed over in favor of Wilson supporters, he said.
64 All this has been pared away in favor of ideas and a spare, urgent prose style.
65 Forbes recently spoke in favor of a balanced-budget amendment, but his columns have lambasted the idea.
66 The principle of opportunity cost was recognized by Congress when it eliminated the draft in favor of the volunteer army.
67 But reject her he finally will, in favor of a woman in her twenties.
68 Carter-appointed judges ruled in favor of the defendant in 40 percent of the cases, the study found.
69 Opinion seemed to be moving in favor of the president's accusers.
70 When stock prices are volatile, investors often flee the market in favor of less risky money-market mutual funds.
71 Some economists attribute much of the rising wage inequality in this country to the shift in favor of the most skilled workers.
72 He renounces all possibility of a happy life in favor of a solitary one dedicated to work.
73 Cardoso passed his first and toughest hurdle when the lower house voted in favor of the measure two weeks ago.
74 Even in the field of education, however, support is skewed in favor of foreign students.
75 All were closed, five with settlements in favor of the patients, and the average payment was $ 66, 944.
76 For some reason this is being passed over for some lesser things... please vote in favor of it.
77 The black students wanted to present different, additional arguments from those in the Texas brief in favor of affirmative action.
78 The collector of customs was deposed in favor of a more accommodating administrator.
79 Sacrifice is the surrender of that which you value in favor of which you dont. Ayn Rand 
80 The distribution of marketable wealth among the population is skewed in favor of a minority.
81 Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had argued in parliament in favor of a constitutional reform government.
82 President Kim took the wrong course in favor of big business, ignoring the needs of the majority of the people.
83 The massive deinstitutionalization of mental patients in favor of community-based treatment during the 1970s was a perfect example.
84 It was a well-kept secret that the old system was biased in favor of residential customers.
85 He is in favor of drastic cuts in social spending in order to balance the budget.
86 The President has been accused of developing policies in favor of a small elite.
87 The managers of these mutual funds have the power to vote their shares in favor of shareholder resolutions.
88 The creative ones turned their backs on conspicuous consumption and decided in favor of a simpler, personalized lifestyle.
89 In school, Crowell stood out as the girl who eschewed the blandness of fashion in favor of personal style.
90 Undecided voters split 49 percent in favor of abortion rights, 41 percent opposed.
91 League sources said the suit was filed and then withdrawn in favor of the arbitration hearing.
92 He was in favor of a autocratic monarchy.
93 He offered to testify in favor of the accused.
94 I am in favor of woman's suffrage.
95 Are you in favor of soaking the rich?
96 He will testify in favor of the defendent.
97 While hairbrained continues to be used, it should be avoided in favor of harebrained which has been established as the correct spelling.
98 The mass of public opinion is in favor of no - fault auto insurance.
99 The utility model installs the spray nozzle, which is capable of adjusting the concentration of the material inside the tank body and in favor of outflowing of the material.
100 That is an argument not only in favor of abortion, but also for the therapeutic cloning.
101 Why everyman be in favor of the privacy of the famous persons?
102 In light of project of human capital demand in favor of sustainable development, a new multi-year lag input-holding-output model with excluding idle capital is developed.
103 During more and more open pit transiting to concavity open mining, people make much account of the study on the best slope mechanical configuration,(http:///in favor of.html) which in favor of the stability of concavity slope.
104 Here, three Santas forego their sleighs in favor of an underground commute.
105 The steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory.
106 Mr. Murray, I know that you're organizing a protest march in favor of the farmers.
107 But he says many members may vote in favor of it, because China has not taken enough measures to rein in the trade gap.
108 It can be a difficult pitch, but a critical one if you want investors to embrace smaller financial returns in favor of the larger social good.
109 A leisurely process of decision - making creates a presumption in favor of eventual inaction.
110 The death of rat does not result from secretion, the period of warm ischemia is cut as short as possible. Livability and survival quality is advanced, which are in favor of experiment.
111 Kimball continued to roll up the score in favor of conservatives.
112 The mild-mannered politician is in favor of resolving Iran's nuclear row with the West through talks, an analyst said.
113 Gomez says she is in favor of health insurance reform.
114 How can we encourage children to be self-disciplined, and at the same time guard against children completely forfeiting their goals in favor of the goals of teachers, parents and coaches?
115 Prime Minister seemed occasionally to bypass him in favor of more unorthodox channels.
116 We have instructed our bank to open an irrevocable documentary letter of credit in your favor ( in favor of you ).
117 Japan Airlines (JAL) decided Wednesday to dump its partnership with American Airlines and its Oneworld alliance in favor of Delta and the SkyTeam group of carriers.
118 Inevitably, impatience will also overwhelm whatever high-minded arguments we might make in favor of the well-being of future generations.
119 Several economic arguments can be made in favor of wilderness preservation.
120 It is an inarguable fact that today's society has happily thrown its former opinions and values to the wind in favor of a more flamboyant lifestyle.
121 Initially, Paulson was reportedly in favor of spending TARP money to buy up troubled assets.
122 Beautiful scene and suburb location is in favor of the judge of LIN Bu' s reclusion.
123 If you clear this check box, the database settings in the source database will be ignored in favor of the settings that you specified on the Set Database Options page.
124 So it has very positive meaning to popularize this guarantee. And it is in favor of solving the problem which is hard to reclaim the power charge.
125 Today's society clearly has made a value judgment in favor of preserving wilderness.
126 The Ptolemaic hypothesis discarded in favor of a completely new hypothesis bases on different assumptions.
127 Demographic forces are decidedly in favor of soccer's eventual success in the land of the forward pass and the knuckleball.
128 In 1995, when Gallup started asking the question, the split was 56-33 in favor of abortion rights. Now the lines have crossed, and 51% call themselves pro-life while only 42% say they are pro-choice.
129 It is in favor of not only constructing consummate system of social security but also sufficient exertion of financial function to study the linkup between social security system and finance.
130 Higher sinter temperature is in favor of the electrical conductivity go against Seebeck coefficient top - type materials.
131 The proposed test method would eliminate the use of photometric measurements in favor of purely electrical measurements with the goal of reducing measurement variation.
132 Once EPA decides to issue a notice of cancellation, a presumption arises in favor of suspension.
133 The single minded, all-encompassing applications of today will begin dying off in favor of multi-celled, specialized solutions.
134 Just like that, his signature bowl cut with the flirtatious fringe hit the cutting room floor in favor of a gelled, layered look that harkens back to the New Wave singers of the 1980s.
135 When an individual finances public debt through the purchase of treasury bills, the individual's time preference will change in favor of future goods.
136 Dad was not in favor of spending time on books made a rough and slipshod way.
137 Fine coke formula can enhance compactness of baked carbon anode and mechanical strength, which is in favor of formula process improvement.
138 Interviewer: Why did you finally decide in favor of music?
139 If more evidence piles up in favor of prosimian social learning, it's almost a given that the ability first emerged before prosimian and simian primates split about 63 million years ago, Santos said.
140 Governments are rated on economic performance, and this influences policy in favor of boosting GDP, the value of goods and services produced over a calendar year, he said.
141 I am in favor of making greater use of the FOMC's central tendency forecasts for communication.
142 Acheson looked beyond the confines of his bureaucracy and joined with the Secretary of War in favor of arms control.
143 There has been a decline in enrollment in liberal arts courses in favor of highly specialized training for high-paying careers, mostly in business.
144 The upper end-face of the cathode is rough, in favor of improving the storage amount of the electrolytic solution.
145 Legislating and constitutionally establishing the protection and relief in favor of worse-off people as a state obligation requires theoretical confirmation and validity verification.
146 The verdict of the jury was in favor of the mobster.
147 I heard a forcible argument in favor of the new policy.
148 Our Constitution strikes the balance in favor of the rights of the accused to be advised by his lawyer of his privilege against self-incrimination. . . .
149 Auditors tend to let directors get away with murder, for if they protest at creative accounting the firm is promptly sacked in favor of a substitute that will not jib at economy with the facts.
150 In effect, the Florida East Coast decision created a strong presumption in favor of informal rulemaking.
151 The result of leaching examination showed that organic binder was better in favor of delaying nutrient release than inorganic binder.
152 The law of supply and demand now is in favor of the skilled workmen.
153 This season, the Second Group Phase has been abolished in favor of a two-legged knockout round.
154 In turn, farmers are converting land formerly left untilled into cropland, and ceasing to rotate corn and soybean crops from year to year,[ ] in favor of corn.
155 Even before the establishment of the Germ theory of disease, traditional practices eschewed water in favor of beer, wine and tea.
156 It was in favor of microorganism degrading 3-chlorophenol by adding in phenol.
157 Schumpeter derived from this analysis a lasting bias in favor of big business.
158 No wonder: Hewes is an ice-eyed trial lawyer and serpentine liar who disdains white-collar violence in favor of open sadism.
159 A panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last August in favor of Jones, finding that the government may not conduct protracted, around-the-clock GPS surveillance without a warrant.
160 In 2004, the World Trade Organization ruled in favor of Antigua and Barbuda against the United States when the United States banned online gambling services emanating from the twin-island nation.
161 By doing so, they can also unleash the trillions of dollars of private capital in favor of a green economy, " said Pavan Sukhdev, head of UNEP's Green Economy Initiative.
162 Opinion is shifting in favor of the President's new policy.
163 He was strongly influenced by Desiderius Erasmus in favor of church reform.




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