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单词 rate of exchange
释义  Related topics: Currenciesˌrate of exˈchange noun [countable]  PECthe exchange rate 汇率,兑换率Examples from the Corpusrate of exchange• But how is a rate of exchange between two currencies established?• First, a further adjustment is necessary to convert the figures to the same currency using a rate of exchange.• The soul of a true Hero always finds a better rate of exchange, and is valued highly by the gods.• On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings are translated at the completion rate of exchange.• To convert foreign currency into sterling divide the amount by the rate of exchange.• The domestic authorities can simply allow internal inflation to push down the rate of exchange.• This is to influence the rate of exchange.ˌrate of exˈchange nounChineseSyllable   Corpus the exchange rate




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