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单词 orient
释义 Word family  noun orientation verb orient  o·ri·ent1 /ˈɔːrient, ˈɒri- $ ˈɔː-/ ●○○ AWL (also orientate British English) verb  1  be oriented to/towards/around something/somebody PURPOSEto give a lot of attention to one type of activity or one type of person 针对某事/某人,围绕某事/某人,以某事/某人为重点 a course that is oriented towards the needs of businessmen 针对商业人士需求的一门课程 A lot of the training is orientated around communications skills. 培训的许多内容以沟通技巧为重点。 The organization is strongly oriented towards research. 该机构非常注重研究工作。2  orient yourself a) SGWAY/ROUTEto find exactly where you are by looking around you or using a map 确定方位,辨认方向 → disorient, disorientated She looked at the street names, trying to orient herself. 她看看街名,试图确定自己的方位。 b) USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TOto become familiar with a new situation 使自己熟悉新环境orient yourself to It takes new students a while to orientate themselves to college life. 新生要经过一段时间才能适应大学生活。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusorient• Single conspicuous targets in the half-field contralateral to the lesion could elicit fixations, implying detection and orienting by a subcortical system.• He has trouble orienting himself to any written work.• Humankind needed to orient itself Continually by Signs, or by an address.• Scheler's phenomenology was based on a metaphysical hierarchy of values orienting the human being.• In any case, orienting the piece on the table also takes time.• Viewers were told how to orient their satellite dishes to best receive broadcasts.• In people, all it does is orient them toward the bottom line.• First I checked the lone pines, by orienting them with respect to the sun.• That most men orient themselves more as subjects than as citizens is a familiar theme.• The climbers stopped to orient themselves.o·ri·ent2 /ˈɔːriənt, ˈɒri- $ ˈɔː-/ noun  the Orient old-fashionedSG the eastern part of the world, especially China and Japan 东方(世界)〔尤指中国和日本〕 → the East at east1, OccidentExamples from the Corpusorient• The orient has three species of tarsiers.nthe OrientOrient, the old use  nthe eastern part of the world; Asia → compare OccidentOrigin orient1 (1700-1800) French orienter, from Old French orient; → ORIENT2 orient2 (1300-1400) Old French Latin, present participle of oriri “to rise”o·ri·ent1 verbo·ri·ent2 nounOrient, theLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  of to a give one lot attention type of to Corpus activity




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