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单词 orgy
释义  Related topics: Leisureor·gy /ˈɔːdʒi $ ˈɔːr-/ noun (plural orgies) [countable]  1  DLSYa wild party with a lot of eating, drinking, and sexual activity 〔纵欲的〕狂欢宴会,纵酒宴乐 the drunken orgies of their youth 他们年轻时的纵酒狂欢会2. SYSEX/HAVE SEX WITHsexual activity in a group 集体纵欲,群交3  an orgy of something TOO/TOO MUCHused to emphasize that people suddenly do a lot of a particular activity, especially far too much of it 放纵,无节制 an orgy of spending 大肆挥霍 an orgy of violence 滥用暴力 —orgiastic /ˌɔːdʒiˈæstɪk◂ $ ˌɔːr-/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpusorgy• What do you think's going to happen? I'm not going to an orgy or anything.• a wild drunken orgyOrigin orgy (1500-1600) Old French orgie, from Latin orgia (plural), from Greekor·gy nounChineseSyllable  a lot of and drinking, with sexual a eating, wild Corpus party




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