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单词 rape
释义  Related topics: Crimerape1 /reɪp/ ●●○ verb [transitive]  SCCSYto force someone to have sex, especially by using violence 强奸 → rapist She had been raped and stabbed. 她遭到强奸,还被刀捅了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrape• Most experts such as Koss focus on factors outside of criminal intent that contribute to date and acquaintance rape.• She was dragged into a garden and raped.• It was clear that he meant this literally and also as: to rape a white girl is to rape her father.• She had been raped and asphyxiated, police said.• But Manu does not seem to care about being raped, and puts up no resistance.• The woman was raped and then murdered by her kidnapper.• He was accused of raping his ex-girlfriend.• Lula was raped on her way home from work.• Stallions may show a lack of normal courtship behaviour, raping or savaging mares or displaying an inability to mate.Related topics: Crime, Plantsrape2 ●●○ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]SCCSY the crime of forcing someone to have sex, especially by using violence 强奸(罪) Police are investigating a series of violent rapes in the town. 警察在调查镇上发生的一连串暴力强奸案。 He was arrested and charged with rape. 他被捕并被控强奸。 He always denied that he was guilty of rape. 他一直否认自己犯有强奸罪。 a rape victim 遭强奸者 the gang rape of a 17-year-old girl 对一个17岁少女的轮奸 He was convicted of attempted rape. 他被判犯有强奸未遂罪。► see thesaurus at crime2. [uncountable] (also oilseed rape)HBP a European plant with yellow flowers, grown as animal food and for its oil 油菜 SYN American English canola3  the rape of something the unnecessary destruction of something, especially the environment 对某物的肆意破坏〔尤指对环境的破坏〕 companies which profit from the rape of the Earth 以破坏环境为代价牟利的公司Examples from the Corpusrape• Only one in 10 rape victims reports the crime to authorities, he noted.• Rape victims receive special counselling and are treated very sensitively.• A woman's sexual history should not be introduced in a rape trial.• a rape victim• Also patron of nurses and rape victims.• Cook, who has previous convictions for robbery, pleaded guilty to attempted rape and to unlawful wounding.• Wilson has been charged with attempted rape.• The Government is considering new laws to counter date rape and to improve the way rape cases are handled.• Violent crimes include murder, rape, robbery and assault.• It was not the first time he had been accused of rape.• From the latter, he derived the proposition that intent is the mens rea of rape and to this he added recklessness.• In the United States, there were more than 150,000 reported rapes in 1993.• the rape of the American West• Murders, theft, rape, calumnies, graft - our daily bread.rape victim• Lawyers do not believe that women jurors are necessarily more likely than men to believe the evidence of alleged rape victims.• Also patron of nurses and rape victims.• Genuine rape victims should always be encouraged to come forward, so anonymity is important.• She also works with other rape victims, which is helping to lay her own demons to rest.• After the furore over the schoolgirl rape victim, he risks having a controversial but respectable viewpoint mistaken for insensitivity.• Some rape victims might be lucky enough to encounter an emergency room doctor who will prescribe the drugs.• The emphasis of the research mainly focused on the press reporting of the rape victim.• They serenaded the rape victim inside, cheering a brother on as if it were a football game.Origin rape1 (1300-1400) Latin rapere “to seize” rape2 1. (1400-1500) → RAPE12. (1300-1400) Latin raparape1 verbrape2 nounChinese  sex, force especially to to Corpus someone by have




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