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单词 twee
释义  twee /twiː/ adjective British English  NICEvery pretty or perfect, in a way that you find silly or unpleasant 太花哨的;过分艳丽的;完美得过分的 She produced twee little flower paintings. 她画的是过于艳丽的花卉小作品。Examples from the Corpustwee• In this his inventive energy makes Welch's more delicate line appear fussy and twee.• It could be twee, but as we jump from image to image a dispassionate view of the world emerges.• Indeed, Redcar is not pretty nor twee, but at least it is honest, down-to-earth and rejects shallow affection.• A bit twee, I thought, for a prototype Yuppie like Jo.• Alternately manic and twee, it has, instead, only the ugliness of wilfully arrested adolescence.• The stuff was either rubbish, or twee, or so boring it made you want to puke.Origin twee (1900-2000) A baby's way of saying sweettwee adjectiveChinese  in Corpus very perfect, find that a way you or pretty




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