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单词 radiance
释义  ra·di·ance /ˈreɪdiəns/ noun [uncountable] literary  1  HAPPYgreat happiness that shows in someone’s face and makes them look attractive 喜气洋洋,容光焕发 a young face full of radiance 一张光彩照人的年轻脸庞2  LIGHTa soft gentle light 光辉 the moon’s radiance 月光Examples from the Corpusradiance• The light in the passageway suddenly brightened into a blazing radiance.• The late-afternoon sunlight ricocheted and reflected off the sandstone, illuminating the narrow gorge with a cool radiance.• It was true that her early radiance was gone.• Grapefruit, marjoram, peach and camomile for radiance and freshness.• When she returned, she had a kind of radiance about her.• The radiance of power hangs around him.ra·di·ance nounChineseSyllable  them and Corpus shows face someone’s in makes look great happiness that




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