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单词 Maraud
1 They went in fear of attack by marauding bands.
2 The countryside was overrun by marauding bands.
3 Gangs of marauding youths filled the streets.
4 The town survived the depredations of marauding gangs.
5 A marauding tiger was often seen prowling around the village.
6 Witnesses reported gangs of marauding soldiers breaking into people's houses and setting fire to them.
7 Marauding gangs of armed men have been looting food relief supplies.
8 Both were marauding,[] tribal war-leaders whose main aim was to bring military glory to themselves and their followers.
9 If marauding gulls appear, the aunties sound an alarm and the young cluster tightly around them.
10 Marauding birds such as herring gulls will grab and swallow a chick if they get a chance.
11 Major routes were cart-tracks and marauding bandits and unscrupulous innkeepers thought nothing of robbery and murder.
12 These kids would maraud around in beater cars they'd learned to fix in shop class and hurl objects-eggs, bottles, whatever-at anything not motorized.
13 The trucks tried to drive to the British base, running the gauntlet of marauding bands of gunmen.
14 The herd solves this problem by forming a defensive circle when marauding wolves attack.
15 Seldom has a central banker looked more secure in his war against marauding politicians.
16 Electric fences around sensitive areas and electrified human dummies have also had some effect, apparently warding off marauding tigers.
17 I hope your brand new Lowe daysack helps keep your butties safe from those marauding sheep.
18 Imagine for a moment what easy pickings a huge shoal of small bream are to a pack of marauding pike.
19 A woman was left for dead in Central Park by a marauding gang of youths.
20 With food a more valuable commodity here than gold, the port is a flashpoint between marauding gangs of looters and bandits.
21 Transported to this bleak planet only to be confronted by a marauding gang of giant tortoises.




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