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单词 racialism
释义  ra·cial·is·m /ˈreɪʃəlɪzəm/ noun [uncountable] British English old-fashioned  SARracism 种族歧视;种族暴力;种族主义 —racialist noun, adjectiveExamples from the Corpusracialism• Two pieces of apparent racialism surfaced in basketball.• I couldn't interpret it as anything but racialism.• It condemned racialism in the strongest language.• Why does this inverted racialism not persecute Siamese kittens, I wonder?• One other form of racialism, a negative one, must be mentioned.• Nationalism also produced degenerate offshoots and analogies in various forms of racialism.• It is through other black kids that some aspirations are fostered and others snuffed out by stories of racialism.ra·cial·is·m nounChineseSyllable  racism Corpus




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