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单词 Culprit
1. Are you the culprit who broke this window?
2. Police finally managed to catch the culprit.
3. Someone broke a cup: who was the culprit?
4. The hunt is on for the culprit.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. The culprit came clean after long questioning.
6. The police put the culprit in jail.
7. He knows the culprit but is not letting on.
8. High production costs are the main culprit .
9. The culprit will be whipped when he is found.
10. The main culprit in the current crisis seems to be modern farming techniques.
11. Police collared the culprit as he was leaving the premises.
12. Plaque is the culprit that causes tooth decay.
13. That past was the real culprit.
14. Some say automation is the main culprit.
15. Later I discovered that the culprit was the battery.
16. Poaching is increasingly seen as the main culprit.
17. But woe betide the culprit who trespasses on the wrong side of 50.
18. The most elusive culprit remains the built-in contradictions of the capitalist system.
19. The culprit: an educational program he had installed for his 3-year-old daughter.
20. The researchers now believe they have identified the culprit: a previously unknown strain of herpes virus.
21. He becomes obsessed with catching the culprit, but what happens when he does?
22. Witnesses were told Hauptmann was the culprit, and then they were ushered in to view him.
23. The police are now on the scent of the culprit.
24. Keep the kitchen clear of all sources of bacteria, not forgetting the biggest culprit of all?the dishcloth.
25. About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.
26. As usual, the blame shifted to the trainee who worked for the culprit.
27. The ramparts are also popular among gophers and ground squirrels, whose Byzantine burrows are often a key culprit in levee breaks.
28. Some money was taken from my desk yesterday. I think I know who the culprit is.
29. He thought it was a phone pest until police collared the culprit with a phone tap.
30. They spoke of witnesses being coerced into changing their testimony to peg Simpson as the culprit.
1. Police finally managed to catch the culprit.
2. The police are now on the scent of the culprit.
3. Keep the kitchen clear of all sources of bacteria, not forgetting the biggest culprit of all?the dishcloth.
4. The culprit came clean after long questioning.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
31. In time, they realized that the culprit was just managerial work.
32. When we feel unwell in some way or another we do not always recognize stress as the culprit.
33. In none of these countries is population growth the main culprit.
34. Desks were regarded as the biggest culprit for damage, followed by doors and their handles.
34. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
35. The biggest culprit is caesium-137, which has a half-life of 30 years.
36. I'd gone to ground so the culprit could not have known of my presence.
37. But the main culprit seems to be modern farming techniques.
38. The federal Central Valley Project, largest water project in the nation, is the biggest single culprit.
39. The culprit, Achan, is duly found, with the treasure buried beneath his tent.
40. The prime culprit is organic farm waste, such as cattle slurry and silage, and even milk.
41. Some challenge the notion of corporate culture as the primary culprit.
42. Strangely, nobody said anything, but the culprit has been notably absent from subsequent holidays.
43. Recession is the culprit: it has slashed tax receipts and driven up the cost of unemployment benefits.
44. Shaver said the culprit may face a prison sentence, not to mention a $ 3. 4 million firefighting bill.
45. The Easter holiday is the likely culprit for the big swings, though.
46. Simply isolate the culprit, cut, and smooth out the surrounding transitions.
47. Another potential hazard is suction burn - toy car phones being the main culprit and parents usually the victim.
48. Stunned schoolboy Simon Dove ended up with the blame after the real culprit gave a false name and address.
49. The hard drive was the culprit, which was agonizingly sluggish.
50. Any of the eight inmates of the manor could be the culprit.
51. Gorman was singled out as the culprit who started it all and was promptly dispatched to the changing rooms.
52. Your manger had a hunch that you were the culprit, so she winged you.
53. If your tossing and turning is taking up needed sleep time, insomnia may be the culprit.
54. Supreme Court officials acknowledge that their own telephone system was the culprit for the leak.
55. Everyone in the class started laughing and the teacher began searching for the culprit.
56. Noise has become one of the great pollutants of modern city life and increased traffic is the greatest culprit.
57. The main culprit is the Pioneer, a smaller, less advanced spy plane that the Hunter was supposed to replace.
58. An internal investigation last year failed to turn up the culprit, according to Disneyland spokesman Tom Brocato.
59. And do you know, the new look was the culprit?
60. Football, with its litany of gratuitous violence, is the culprit.
61. But there may be powerful grounds for saying that the command economy, is the culprit, rather than the management of it.
62. Of course I never doubted that your excellent police force would catch the real culprit, but it must have cleared your mind.
63. They will both claim that they were unfairly dismissed because the other was the culprit but that is not the issue.
64. The culprit is not, on the whole, inefficiency, indolence or excessive private work by hospital consultants.
65. The main culprit was identified by the judge, Rudolf Esders, as Andre Zawacki, 28.
66. Last season £18,000 in bar takings were found to be missing but no culprit was ever found.
67. The police did everything they could to try and track down the culprit, but he was never caught.
68. The department had been given seven days to advance the Crown's case against Donald Wingate, or find another culprit.
69. I look at the month of May as the real culprit.
70. McAlister searched the crowd for the culprit. Just then a young man with wild eyes breathlessly flailed toward him.
71. No prizes for guessing that Brahms is a major culprit.
72. He says it was a terrible attack and it's important that they catch the culprit.
73. But the culprit is protected and the public opinion of careless, cruel money-making farmers is reinforced.
74. The industrialised world is the culprit, and the developing world is paying a high price.
75. The culprit is still at large.
76. They surprised the culprit into telling the truth.
77. The culprit was seated in a wooden chair.
78. Some considered diseases such as Verticillium wilt the culprit.
79. He gave the name of the chief culprit.
80. The Times-Picayune reports that the city has been overwhelmed by a "pungent smell" and that, though they can't confirm the odor's source, officials believe the spill is the most likely culprit.
81. Therefore my conclusion is that the risk and unprofitability of change for the majority of Qing's ruling class within the social order then was the culprit for Qing's loss.
82. Outbreaks mainly happened to primary school students(69%). Conclusion Low immunization rate of measles, particularly low revaccination rate and untimely immunization, is the culprit.
83. Here again, a domestic sanctuary market could be the culprit: supranormal profits at home could allow a company to take losses abroad.
84. If a culprit is needed for any national emotional incontinence it's too easy to point the finger at the girl from a broken home who grew up to be the most famous woman in the world.
85. It is generally thought that salt is a culprit in this disease.
86. Stunting can have many causes, but iodine deficiency is a prime culprit.
87. The water hyacinth damage is belonged to one example introducing outside species damage , this plant is already widespread and uncurbed , "green is called contaminating a crime culprit ".
88. In this case, a prior sensitisation to the Pru p 3 protein in peaches, which bears a strong similarity to Mal d 3, seems to be the culprit.
89. Now, research from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine led by Dr. Naresh M. Punjabi, shows that smoking might be the culprit for decreased sleep quality.
90. The police followed home the clue and finally caught the culprit.
91. Mascherano was not the only culprit as Liverpool appeared seized by a collective attack of hesitancy.
92. Research by specialists leads people to think the chief culprit for SARS might be masked civet.
93. The masked civet was suspected of being the chief culprit of SARS.
94. The fungus blamed for the Irish Potato Famine was no the culprit after all.
95. The culprit[/culprit.html], the main reason wages did not keep pace with inflation?
96. Article 28 of criminal law is an additional regulation about prime culprit and accessory. According to the theory of function classification, the coerced offender does not exist at all.
97. More lethal, though, is Lima's sorry bus fleet, the chief culprit for air pollution that exceeds World Health Organization limits ninefold.
98. Most observers speculated that De La Hoya's high - protein , low - carbohydrate diet was the culprit.
99. Insurers are another big culprit in racking up unnecessary expenses.
100. Cross Talk between parallel Microstrip lines due to Electric Field Coupling for different R-C values Compared with weak coupling and zero source resistance assumption in the culprit circuit.
101. The culprit can unpunished or obtain undeserved leniency with the support of thousands of public defenders.
102. I do not wish to exonerate the British government: it was was a moral culprit in the opium trade .
103. Primary hyperaldosteronism is an important cause of secondary hypertension. When adrenal cortical adenoma is the pathologic culprit, it can be treated by surgical removal to cure the hypertension.
104. Squeaking again. This time the culprit is the playground seesaw.
105. It is concluded from the analysis that the culprit of cracking is the mal-fluidization of stripping steam as all the crackings of stripping section have devel- oped near the steam.
106. Scapegoats, from crony capitalists to foreign-currency manipulators, are in no short supply, but technology is increasingly fingered as a culprit.
107. The culprit is the inability of the Eustachian tube to open.
108. They assured him that the culprit would come back again indeed.
109. By casting lots, Jonah was revealed as the culprit who caused the big storm.
110. Don't keep on blaming me, Graham was the culprit . Put the shoe on the right foot.
111. Klemetsen rolled down his window, closed in on the antlered culprit, and grabbed it.
112. Now, researchers in Hong Kong have identified the culprit - the masked palm civet, a small cat-like mammal that is treated as a culinary delicacy in some parts of China.
113. Minamata disease" was the culprit in the world, cutting-edge technology, chemical nitrogen (N) production enterprise."
114. Slalom high - speed performance did not imagine the sensitive and soft tires tire wall a culprit.
115. While the study suggests that sodium is the main culprit among this subpopulation of enuretic children, there is much still to be done to understand how the process works.
116. While women's shorter urethras might be the reason they get infections more often (less distance for bacteria to travel), the fact that men's prostates get bigger as they age is a common culprit.
117. The calicivirus, the culprit of the stomach flu, lives for days or weeks, while HIV dies nearly instantly upon exposure to sunlight.
118. Fossil forensics has now identified the most likely culprit: another ichthyosaur.
119. Again, Porphyria is the culprit to this age old myth.
120. The financial crisis and subsequent recession were a primary culprit behind that, and contributed to the delay between Blackstone's appearance on the public market and Carlyle's offering.
121. In my experience, it will usually be a particular inner or nested loop, or a call to some third party library methods, which is the main culprit for running the program slow.
122. The culprit vessel was left anterior descending in 26(66.7%), right coronary artery in 5(12.8%), circumflexobtuse marginal in 3(7.7%), and posterior descending in 5(128%).
123. The eustachian tube, leading from the middle ear to Joe's throat, is the culprit.
124. The main culprit, LDL (for low-density lipoprotein), is the body's oil truck, circulating in the blood, delivering fat and cholesterol to the cells.
125. But according to one German historian who enlisted the aid of a poison specialist for his study, a drug cocktail is the most likely culprit in Cleopatra's death.
126. Mary felt that she had the culprit on the hip.
127. The building's cooling system, a major gas guzzler, was one culprit.
128. It is clear from these data that coal is the main culprit.




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