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单词 Pursue
1. Too fond of the right to pursue the expedient. 
2. To lose to pursue, to marry marry a happiness.
3. If you are passionate about something, pursue it.
4. Pursue breakthroughs in your life.
5. She wishes to pursue a medical career.
6. She plans to pursue a career in politics.
7. Pursue excellence and success will follow.
8. Freedom to pursue extra-curricular activities is totally unrestricted.
9. We intend to pursue this policy with determination.
10. We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving, and we all have the power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.
11. He said Japan would continue to pursue the policies laid down at the London summit.
12. Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. We should explore/pursue every avenue in the search for an answer to this problem.
14. Is not to pursue, but do not insist I don't care.
15. He is determined to go abroad to pursue his further study.
16. The president will pursue lower taxes if he is re-elected.
17. Retirement gave him the time to pursue his hobbies.
18. We have decided not to pursue the matter.
19. We have decided not to pursue the matter further.
20. He decided to pursue a career in television.
21. She never had any time to pursue her hobbies.
22. He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life.
23. She said she would pursue for him.
24. Determination to pursue his own course was jolted badly.
25. Foxes, wild cats and other animals pursue the hare.
26. How can we most effectively pursue these aims?
27. After university she was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.
28. Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
29. We can't turn into those people who work and work just to pay their bill,and don't have any time to pursue their dreams.
30. Accept what was and what is, and you'll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.
1. She wishes to pursue a medical career.
2. She plans to pursue a career in politics.
3. Freedom to pursue extra-curricular activities is totally unrestricted.
4. We intend to pursue this policy with determination.
5. He said Japan would continue to pursue the policies laid down at the London summit.
6. We should explore/pursue every avenue in the search for an answer to this problem.
7. After university she was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.
8. He is determined to go abroad to pursue his further study.
9. The president will pursue lower taxes if he is re-elected.
10. He is desperate to pursue his vocation as an artist.
31. The ship continued to pursue a northern course.
32. We will pursue the subject of discussion tomorrow.
33. The paparazzi pursue Armani wherever he travels.
34. Janet did not dare pursue the matter further .
35. It seemed useless to pursue this line of questioning.
36. Britain has to pursue policies in concert with other EU members.
37. She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.
38. He left the group last year to pursue a solo career.
39. The money he made from these extra-curricular activities enabled him to pursue other ventures.
40. Ann wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband's.
41. Michael Evans is leaving the company to pursue his own business interests.
42. If your original request is denied, don't be afraid to pursue the matter.
42. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
43. He wanted time to pursue his many and varied musical interests.
44. His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.
45. It would be unprofitable to pursue this argument any further.
46. She had come to England to pursue an acting career.
47. The government will be free to pursue its economic policies.
48. He is desperate to pursue his vocation as an artist.
49. She was prepared to sacrifice having a family in order to pursue her career.
50. We have decided not to pursue the matter any further.
51. Students should pursue their own interests (), as well as do their school work.
52. We need to decide soon what marketing strategy we should pursue for these new products.
53. Davies has managed to pursue his diverse interests in parallel with his fast-moving career.
54. They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord.
55. They are showing a marked disinclination to pursue these opportunities.
56. Schoolgirls are being told that the door is open to them to pursue careers in science.
57. She wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband's.
58. The research will pursue two main avenues of inquiry.
59. Both satellites pursue nearly circular, equatorial orbits about Mars.
60. We must also pursue a comprehensive test ban treaty.
61. Pursue is a privately held energy company.
62. Daley was free of financial problems, to pursue power.
63. Scientists agree this is an exciting prospect to pursue.
64. He feels confident, dominant, and ready to pursue females.
65. Andrew was determined to pursue a computer career.
66. President Clinton is on the verge of deciding how best to pursue an international ban on land mines.
67. It is very difficult to pursue an issue when it is impossible to produce a detailed case.
68. We all have the ability to pursue our dreams. The only difference lies in the passion to pursue those dreams and make them come true. Dr Roopleen 
69. It would be tragic if World Bank assistance is used to pursue the ineffective treatment regimen.
70. He resigned as Defence Secretary in July 1991 in order to pursue his presidential ambitions.
71. The Court of Appeal concluded that he ordinarily worked outside Great Britain and was therefore unable to pursue an unfair dismissal claim.
72. He tenderly can deflower a virgin, endlessly pursue a stunning model and still have time for a few other dalliances.
73. It has a number of clearly defined aims to pursue over the next three years.
74. The objective of the Resource Book is to allow your adult learners to pursue their studies in their own time.
75. What point has an ethical directive to pursue the general happiness addressed to beings who will necessarily seek only their own?
76. A few years later, it made timid and ephemeral attempts to pursue a progressive social policy.
77. Some of them continued to pursue him, or else Orestes thought that they did.
78. Of course, we should not be surprised that pressure groups pursue self-interested aims - that is usually why they are created.
79. An Act was passed in 1981 to pursue this aim and establish the new framework for special education suggested by Warnock.
80. It would not be appropriate to pursue that now. Regional selective assistance remains the main regional programme for industry.
81. We shall pursue the privatisation programme, and encourage private investment, both domestic and foreign.
82. You are simply there to have a good time or pursue a particularly delicious passion, when suddenly-it happens.
83. While journalists pursue newsworthy events(), business-oriented management often makes decisions based on business considerations. 3.
84. It boils down to whether we want to pursue the truth or chase after unfounded beliefs that make us feel special.
85. Do administrations of the right pursue policies which have the opposite effects?
86. In addition the government would be more able to pursue policies designed to rescue collapsing firms and to reduce regional disparities of income.
87. Why deny Darnell an opportunity to pursue a life outside football?
88. All dreams can come true...if we have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney 
89. Despite these criticisms, recent approaches to decision making have sought to pursue the rational approach.
90. To the extent environmental controls undermine our economic base, they threaten our ability to pursue the environmental goals we all share.
91. There was enough accumulated wealth for the third Joseph Wright Alsop to pursue a life as country gentleman.
92. We will pursue a claim against those responsible for your accident.
93. However, it also has its own panel to whom it recommends people wishing to pursue a medical negligence claim.
94. First School students and Junior students pursue separate courses, as they prepare specifically for classroom work.
95. Indeed, the logic of commercialism may lead the enterprise to pursue activities at odds with other government objectives.
96. They seem fortunate to some because they are left to pursue young women without being caught in the coils of female sexuality.
97. It was nursing that gave her the financial wherewithal to pursue a childhood dream.
98. Those groups have brought pressure to bear on government to provide resources or pursue policies to the benefit of their members.
99. They should embark on the programme and policy that Labour will certainly pursue when we are in office.
100. To pursue political objectives seriously, they must work with the very people whose religious beliefs are most antithetical to their own.
101. I am confident that he will pursue this course and continue to run a department whose sales exceed our expectations.
102. He firmly believed this was the only sensible course to pursue./pursue.html
103. Overall, it may be difficult to discover whether there is enough evidence to pursue a claim.
104. Doctors are continuing to pursue the possibility of a seizure mainly because everything else they can think of has been ruled out.
105. If the adventurers pursue the Harpies back to their lair, they will fight to the death to defend it.
106. He would be free to pursue his own work, but must make himself available to students of composition.
107. Even students who choose to pursue technical specialties, through apprenticeships or other avenues, should receive a solid dose of academics.
108. But they differ from normal girls in the extent to which they pursue these activities and their inability to desist from them.
109. In diverse cultures men pursue and acquire, while women are protected and bartered.
110. But a promise is a promise and we have to pursue this thing to the bitter end.
111. We should not pursue better conditions for prisoners in the mistaken belief that improved conditions will alone produce more orderly prisons.
112. In addition, some custodial parents do not pursue collection of child support because they fear retribution from the nonpaying parent.
113. Students could not win a fair hearing it seemed, but they did not pursue the matter any further at this time.
114. When he enters Cambridge, Sir Hugo gives him freedom to pursue the studies of his choice.
115. Gillece said he did not know whether the state will pursue criminal charges against Bailey.
116. He does not pursue into modern times his lively thought about the connection between commerce and art; wisely, perhaps.
117. It is our need for possession and instant gratification which we pursue with such intensity, whatever the costs.
118. Those who pursue this approach tend to be relatively unconcerned with changes in the social and economic environment.
119. Peake was not interested in a permanent move and Pool did not pursue the idea of an extended loan.
120. I have continued to build up alliances with organisations prepared to pursue quality in architecture.
121. It's a question that lawyers representing the two Hitachi employees wanted to pursue in open court.
122. He still wishes to pursue a medical career, and has been told that he will almost definitely get into medical school.
123. Maybe effrontery would dismiss him as too negligible to pursue.
124. All prisoners are urged to pursue educational and cultural activities.
125. Opportunities are also available for those who wish to pursue higher diplomas and degrees in a full-time or part-time capacity.
126. The agency began enforcement actions against 20 companies -- and vows to pursue, if necessary.
127. There is no space to detail further the model that I used to pursue the problem that I had set myself.
128. Furthermore, if firms pursue objectives other than profit maximisation then the picture becomes even less clear-cut.
129. He gives no money for the care of his son, and Aurora has abandoned plans to pursue child support.
130. A change in administrations following this years presidential election could affect how aggressively federal officials pursue the case.
131. Time allowed 06:25 Trail of destruction ... police pursue teenage joyrider across three counties.
132. Poor, lacking cohesion, she could not pursue a vigorous foreign policy.
133. It is a particularly relevant question for those of us who, each season, must find fitness to pursue our sports.
134. This relates directly to their ancestry; these short-legged hounds were bred to pursue their quarry by scent over considerable distances.
135. Let us pursue the analogy between memes and genes further.
136. In the normal course of events, such agencies can be relied upon to pursue conscientiously the president's programme.
137. Happiness is a by-product. You cannot pursue it by itself. Sam Levenson 
138. Each broadcasting organization could henceforth pursue its programme policies without fear of a direct challenge to its sources of revenue.
139. As very few allow them to pursue day release courses, the main provision is on an evening basis.
140. Many students now choose to complete an apprenticeship and then pursue a university degree to improve their job prospects.
141. Get driven into your ambition, pursue your goals passionately and you will see your dreams come alive. Dr Roopleen 
142. We would wish to pursue further the criminal frauds committed by Robert Maxwell and others associated with the Daily Mirror.
143. Hurd flew to the Gulf on Aug. 31 to pursue diplomatic contacts.
144. It must pursue policies in both its judicial and executive branches that uphold an international rule of law.
145. Two suspected murderers have had international arrest warrants issued against them and the Government's intention is to pursue those arrest warrants.
146. They were unable to pursue any line of inquiry which transgressed across the frontiers of authority of the intelligence organisations.
147. He decided to find out more about the branch manager opportunity, and eventually chose to pursue it.
148. The buy-out advances Nissan's supply chain restructuring and gives Vantec independence to pursue third party business aggressively.
149. The dialogue itself makes compulsive reading and there are many musical quotations and ideas to pursue.
150. Ashbee and his influential friends met or corresponded almost daily to pursue their tastes.
151. They continued to pursue their own explanations for the mysterious mountains on the ocean floor.
152. Of course, he'd given up medicine to pursue comedy, but he was absolutely at his best when caring for others.
153. We tend to pursue goals that weaken our will and clog up our view.
154. To allow these freedoms and pursue detailed academic planning requires sophisticated and reliable forecasting.
155. Where that does not resolve any difficulty, the client may pursue his claims with the Solicitors' Complaints Bureau.
156. Government was prepared to pursue a managed rather than a controlled economy.
157. Mr. Inocencio regularly returns to his alma mater to encourage students to pursue their dreams.
158. Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want. Jim Rohn 
159. The structure should be tailored in such a way that it can most effectively pursue its aims.
160. For years governments have let scientists pursue the defenceless boson at public expense.
161. Sometimes they were right, news crews rarely had the time or the inclination to pursue the finer points.
162. The department is accordingly a highly suitable base for postgraduate students seeking to pursue research or advanced study in comparative law.
162. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
163. He now had carte blanche to pursue any major story in town and to inject his strong opinions unabashedly into his writings.
164. What they lack is the courage and confidence to pursue their conclusions to their logical outcome.
165. He was ready therefore to pursue a more forthright foreign policy.
166. Thoughts buzzed around in my head and I might pursue the world of the spirit, but dressing up was equally important.
167. If you must worry, pursue your fears through to their logical conclusion.
168. It seems we may be able to pursue a negligence claim in respect of the fire.
169. They claim that the prohibition in fact merely equalizes people's ability to pursue their own conception of the good.
170. Unhappy with the working environment, she decided to quit the job to pursue her interest in alternative therapy.
171. If Clarke had intended to pursue his enquiries further, he obviously thought better of it under that formidable gaze.
172. It rests on a readiness on the part of practitioners to pursue their own enquiries in the very process of classroom teaching.
173. He attributed his decision to pursue a managerial career mainly to this experience.
174. We may pursue this through a further examination of primary problem.
175. I asked them if they were at the college and taking that particular course so they could pursue a career in advertising.
176. They will vigorously pursue their policies to combat drug trafficking and misuse of drugs, nationally and internationally.
177. What life style do those elite pursue?They pursue uniqueness, but not bizarreness .
178. So among the musics in modern concerts , many composers pursue the novelty of music by the way of breaking free from convention and making it untraditional, which limited the musical receivers.
179. Fantastic grow the evening gowns Agents of the Fisc pursue Absconding tax-defaulters through The sewers of provincial towns .
180. I was in college and I dropped out to pursue marimba-making full-time.
181. Tenet of enterprise: Pursue subsistence on quality, development on variety and create credit on service.
182. Whether the police dog is able to pursue that effractor or not depends on its ability.
183. And the company has the ability to add debt to pursue share buybacks or other steps to drive per-share earnings.
184. Therefore, how to obtain the smallest equivalent mass in the condition of certain strength and stiffness is the object that the pantograph designers shall pursue.
185. The teacher hold tight topic diagram of two story establish a wonderful scenario and pursue studies to living to create easy delectation of study atmosphere.
186. There he had rhe opportunity not only to pursue his interest in contemporary art but to concern himself more closely with the cultures of the world as represented in the museums of New York.
187. At the same time, we should not simply pursue the liveliness and glad of the playgame .
188. 42nd Street, a hugely successful stage musical, tells the story of an up-and-coming chorus girl who hails from Allentown, Pennsylvania, and arrives in New York City to pursue a Broadway career.
189. Should the deal with Spyker fall through, Genii and partners remained at the ready to pursue talks with GM, Carlstrom said.
190. One had refused to pursue allegations of voter fraud in the 2004 governor's race in Washington state, which a Democrat won by a hair's breadth.
191. A club statement reads: "Gwyn Williams who has been with the Company for over 25 years, including as Assistant Manager and latterly as Chief Scout, has decided to leave to pursue new ventures."
192. As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in the solar system, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and consider life as we do not know it.http://
193. They had succeeded in creating an image in my head that my mind wanted to pursue after the ad had passed.
194. In Chinese traditional culture , quinquagenarian audience pursue the ethnic harmony and they need ethnic cares .
195. Dan Kruger is a researcher at U of M. He says competing for a mate tends to make men take more dangerous risks and pursue more stressful careers, thus increasing their chances of dying younger.
196. Some of these funds will invest wisely, but many will pursue non-commercial goals, from job creation to crony enrichment.
197. Three methods are discussed to solve the one pursue two problem, they are course method of the initial angular bisector, course method of the instantaneous angular bisector and mid-point path method.
198. The Aristocrat's esthetic consciousness is one kind of esthetic pursue, like self-conscious, reflect society's lofty esthetic interest. It also clearly preferment the literature's surmounting side.
199. When countries tend to manipulate their managed floats in order to pursue particular goals at the expense of other countries, the behavior is referred to as dirty floating.
200. Serves for you, with your absolute sincerity cooperation, the communal development, is our without limits pursue.
201. He has the courage to take risk, the courage to pursue his dreams, the courage to love the unlovely, and the courage to do the right thing.
202. Graham Stringer MP said: "Michael Martin lost his job because he [also] thought it was more important to pursue the leakers – of MPs' expenses – rather than pursue the issues."
203. And they journeyed: and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob.
204. The freedom dissimilation refers to the situation that people often can not achieve the ideal freedom and have not the free condition when they pursue freedom.
205. But we cannot constantly pursue texture's disguising the old as the new and the tool, the material change and put the cart before the horse without substance beauty of form.
206. As a great writer in feudal China, Li Qingzhao displayed the typical feelings of scholar-bureaucrat and the literary pursue of life consciousness, which were embodied concentratively in her sense of.
207. For does not injury brothers the sentiment, they use the swim meet to decide that who has the pursue power.
208. Roosevelt’s long tenure in the White House prompted the opposition Republican Party to pursue passage of the 22nd Amendment in 1947, with the law going into effect in 1951.
209. The Fed has to pursue full employment and low inflation by the Federal Reserve Act of 1978, but these two objectives are conflicting.
210. As long as we are determined to rise in the world and pursue rejuvenation, we need to take risks.
211. The heating power player that experiences to pursue newest sport provides the stage of an oneiromancy , it is the person that take an active part in to offer game to check groomed opportunity.
212. With the development of the times people pursue the all-around content on the form of automotive design, will extend further research on the function form, sign form, color form of Automotive Design.
213. Meager profit company operating as a goal, to high-quality, low price products to pursue customer satisfaction for business purposes.
214. Quality as our first target, Pursue the superexcellence " is our insistent tenet. We are trying to do the best and developed a powerful sales network these years."
215. Based on aim to pursue better quality, to create superexcellence via classical quality.
216. That sounds like bad business. But everyone should pursue what he believes is his worth.
217. And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than did Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape us.
218. Finally, we should aim to achieve its future ideal of the socialist ecological civilization, cultivate and help the people to pursue and realize the ideal and target value.
218. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
219. International business English is an important language tool for people to pursue international business activities.
220. But to get into a university to pursue this path, she must first run the gauntlet known as "Gaokao," a grueling university entrance examination given every summer across the Asian nation.




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