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单词 Deteriorate
1. Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions.
2. His health began to deteriorate quite seriously.
3. Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.
4. We could see his health deteriorate week by week.
5. His hearing began to deteriorate.
6. There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.
7. After that night, the family began to deteriorate.
8. Regionally yields deteriorate further north-down by 15 %.
9. Back home their relationship started to deteriorate.
10. Her physical and mental condition would deteriorate.
11. Consequently, some patients allowed their conditions to deteriorate.
12. Without glamour, diversity, wit and experiment, disco can deteriorate into the most boring music of all time.
13. The second ICU, in allowing the patient to deteriorate, has performed less well.
14. Manuel's voice had started to deteriorate, but the cracking horns cover any gaps and reinvigorate the songs.
15. Premises might be allowed to deteriorate by the proposed assignee. 3.
16. His health began to deteriorate seriously towards the end of 1826 and he died at South Bank 17 February 1827.
17. Sadly the situation did deteriorate during the seven-year war and lots of schools closed as the troubles increased.
18. Faults occur at less frequent intervals and this means that human maintenance expertise can deteriorate through lack of practice.
19. If the dispute drags on, conditions in the city could deteriorate.
20. For this, in turn, gnawed away at her mind, then she began to deteriorate in body too.
21. They are made of lead and painted gold to resemble the real thing but the crude copies rapidly deteriorate.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. Strathclyde regional council even decided to hold an auction because the ruthless Government have allowed it to deteriorate.
23. If food is kept for too long its taste will deteriorate and, more importantly, it may become harmful.
24. It was a marriage made in heaven that seemed to deteriorate to hell in a hurry.
25. If man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve man but deteriorate the cat. Mark Twain 
26. A bloody disgrace the way the whole area been allowed to deteriorate.
27. Through the late 1930s and 1940s, buildings were sold or left to deteriorate, though still occupied by stars.
28. The alternative route down the locks became virtually impassable as the locks were allowed to deteriorate.
29. Either the settlement was abandoned now, or the huts had been allowed to deteriorate during the winter.
30. Older people were also left unimpressed with mobile phone text messaging, believing that it caused spelling to deteriorate.
1. His health began to deteriorate quite seriously.
31. However, this would not help Alzheimer's patients, whose cells actually deteriorate during the disease.
32. The weather continued to deteriorate with low-flying scud and rain squalls from the west.
33. Calling my husband for advice, and, in exasperation, watching the three of them deteriorate.
34. This can easily deteriorate into prudential judgment, worldly planning and manipulation of voting procedures.
35. Everyone's standards of behaviour deteriorate so that all personal dignity evaporates.
36. This old hunting lodge began to deteriorate and when I was last there only one room was habitable.
37. The salt air caused the leather to deteriorate and the local rats ate it.
38. The same team that allowed blowouts to deteriorate into hard-fought victories.
39. Unless the government cuts spending, its finances will deteriorate further.
40. Without it the retinas of their eyes would rapidly deteriorate.
41. This had followed reports that Parkside Mine on Merseyside had already begun to deteriorate just days after mining was halted.
42. His legendary calm never failed, even when his health began to deteriorate.
43. But advocates and families say patients end up staying much longer than necessary and their conditions deteriorate.
44. Meanwhile,() arms and artifacts deteriorate in cramped storage cubicles that lack temperature and humidity controls.
45. This provision is inserted in the Policy because these items are moving parts which deteriorate rapidly with use.
46. With no incentive to maintain existing rental buildings, landlords have allowed them to deteriorate.
47. But there is still controversy over whether this is too much of a compromise, and the church continues to deteriorate.
48. I guessed that he didn't intervene in my dispute with Shadwell because he wanted the situation to deteriorate further.
49. She has to get manatees picked up and taken to the researchers quickly, before tissue samples deteriorate.
50. But as soon as they are used to expand the production of consumer goods they will actually cause business conditions to deteriorate.
51. But when a gap becomes noticeably excessive, team relationships often deteriorate.
51. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
52. Most of us have allowed an important relationship to deteriorate over a minor matter that was never intended.
53. Cyclosporin treatment was stopped but the patient continued to deteriorate and died from sepsis and shock in spite of antibiotic treatment.
54. But germ lines can deteriorate and cause extinction of lineages.
55. When Bimbo and Larry go into business together, their friendship begins to deteriorate -- no surprise there.
56. It can also deteriorate cement, brick and wood and eventually contaminate ground water.
57. And with one of the country's top competition climbers banned by his own governing body, the situation could deteriorate.
58. Only about 350 ha have been improved since 1975, and much of the land improved earlier has been allowed to deteriorate.
59. Relations between the Catholic Church and the new regime had begun to deteriorate even before the constitutional debate opened.
60. Strawberry plants deteriorate after three years of cropping and need re-siting.
61. January, when most results are announced, will be more miserable than ever-particularly if consumer sentiment continues to deteriorate.
62. As it becomes more expensive to dump dangerous waste, so the economic advantages of shredding deteriorate.
63. Strategic planning systems can of course deteriorate into meaningless exercises.
64. Then Banjo's health began to deteriorate.
65. Nitrobenzene can rapidly deteriorate the quality of groundwater.
66. Handwriting might deteriorate and micrographia—as in Parkinson's disease—could develop.
67. As investment aggregate rapidly increases, investment structures in some countries begin to deteriorate, causing the efficiency of actual application of funds to decline.
68. After an encouraging start, the negotiations deteriorate into a lengthy haggling session.
69. The main reason responsble to leukoaraiosis was ischemia in white matter leading to neuroglia degeneration and demyelination. Leukoaraiosis may cause or deteriorate disturbance of intelligence.
70. Additionally, the misalignment of the system could make the stability have a tendency to deteriorate.
71. But things deteriorate , even in formalin, over the years.
72. In addition, the sensing signal is usually subject to the noise and furthermore incidental missing of the signal may deteriorate the system reliability.
73. In the most serious case, evacuations will be recommended based on particular plant conditions rather than waiting for the situation to deteriorate and an actual release of radionuclides to occur.
74. Rubber, which is a standard insulating material, is liable to deteriorate.
75. During the crystallization, a–Fe came into being and stayed in the room temperature, which could make the coercive force deteriorate.
76. A large bloom of blue - green algae in Taihu Lake caused water quality to deteriorate severely.
77. It was pathetic to watch her condition deteriorate day by day.
78. Sulfur and manganese will react with porous platinum electrode of oxygen sensor and deteriorate sensibility from lean oxygen content to rich one.
79. It's because the deteriorate of environment not only cumber the development of society but also directly intimidate the survival of human today.
80. "Some time next year, supply/demand and pricing in DRAM will deteriorate, probably around the fourth quarter in 2010," said Yoshihiro Shimada, chief analyst at SPI (A)nalysis in Tokyo.
81. Low oil level will result in an increase of condensation on the surface of cooling coil, the mixture of condensation and liquid will deteriorate the liquid and decrease the cooling capacity.
81. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
82. The cured system of epoxy resinlead benzoylate has high heat distortion temperature, but its dielectric properties at high temperature and heat ageing life deteriorate.
83. The prestressed anchors will get accessional vertical loads that deteriorate its internal force and three prestress losses exit in the prestressed anchors as the water level is changed.
84. Ice situation expected to deteriorate in area around Bering Strait.
85. When products like vinyl mini blinds deteriorate, they create lead dust that is hazardous if ingested.
86. In profound terms, the reason why the present medical ethic and ethos deteriorate is that the demand of subsidiary positions slips into the pleonexia of negative positions.
87. Humans cannot escape nature's dictatorship, and without a system that centers on resources as the vital principle, human quality of life will systematically deteriorate.
88. The major error source of GPS systems, especially of differential GPS, is the multipath signals. It will deteriorate the precision of positioning.
89. Cork mold spray solutions have a tendency to deteriorate or ferment.
90. After reaching the best position since 2000, the overall budgetary position is also set to deteriorate while the rescue packages could raise public debt.
91. The chemicals in a Bloody Mary are 'highly unstable' - and its quality tends to deteriorate quickly because of the acids in the tomato juice, he said.
92. However good the database system is, if there is no provision for separating old and inactive data from current, active application data, application performance will eventually deteriorate.
93. But the recovery period will extend if production remains shut-in for longer, as infrastructure continues to deteriorate.
94. While that individual might feel recovered after their sleeping spell, the study suggests the next time they try to go without shut-eye, their performance may start to deteriorate.
95. While the job numbers continue to deteriorate, Wall Street is enjoying good times again and preparing another season of huge bonuses.
96. Low temperature pumpability can deteriorate significantly during oil's life cycle in the engine due to the influences from many factors.
97. Nandazhan should not deteriorate into a boxing ring and market place where people utter personal insults.
98. The gauge control system especial AGC system can deteriorate open loop control of plate shape especially when the mill rigidity is small, making edge wave of rolling plate.
99. Many kind of senile disease and choric will easily outbreak and deteriorate at this time.
100. If the display of an object identification mark accurately follows up a moving object(), the visibility of the mark may deteriorate.
101. Noise which comes from both active and passive circuit element in loop filter will deteriorate phase noise of output signal.
102. However, if the situation continues to deteriorate, I believe there will be second, third rate cut.
103. Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart said the U.S. central bank could ease monetary policy further and should not rule out any policy options if economic conditions deteriorate.
104. Vibration in turning operation will greatly deteriorate the diameter error and surface roughness of machined workpiece.
105. Vitamin C is a kind of material of water-solubility . It would be oxidized easily. It will deteriorate and decompose.
106. The tragic situation of European Jewry continued to deteriorate throughout the 1930.
107. A cap screw forgets after avoid by all means opens bottle, can make otherwise alcohol composition volatilizes , also can make flavor oxidizes and deteriorate.
108. Police, weary and increasingly sour in mood, wonder aloud why the situation has been allowed to deteriorate.
109. The physiology functions such as sensory system, locomotory system of muscles and hones , and the cognitive system start to deteriorate when people get old.
110. High total acids content in dry waxberry fruit wine would deteriorate wine quality.
111. His research shows the image of colas, and even diet colas, continues to deteriorate rapidly.
112. Although some patients with membranous nephropathy achiee spontaneous remission, renal function continues to deteriorate in others.
113. Iike the financial audit, the performance audit has its inherent risk, and the outside surroundings also deteriorate the risk.




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