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单词 Swiftly
(1) On high the great white clouds slid swiftly.
(2) Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall.
(3) He swiftly divested himself of his clothes.
(4) He changed direction swiftly, turned into the hallway and headed her off.
(5) The police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency.
(6) They saw a little carp swimming swiftly in the stream.
(7) The disgraced minister walked swiftly from the car to his house pursued by a whole posse of reporters.
(8) Unchallenged wisdoms flow swiftly among the middle classes.
(9) Lenny moved swiftly and silently across the front lawn.
(10) The fuel gauges dropped swiftly.
(11) He had swiftly risen to prominence during the 1950s.
(12) She heard Mitch's swiftly indrawn breath.
(13) The ball twisted swiftly from the pitcher's hand.
(14) He swiftly chided himself for such thoughts.
(15) Surprise was swiftly followed by outrage.
(16) The trial was swiftly brought to an end.
(17) She moved swiftly to the rescue.
(18) The wheels were turning swiftly.
(19) The horses were swiftly corralled.
(20) The fuel gages dropped swiftly.
(21) The revolt was swiftly quashed by government troops.
(22) She ran swiftly over the lawn to the gate.
(23) He recovered swiftly under the nurse's expert ministrations.
(24) News of the explosion spread swiftly.
(25) Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises.
(26) She interrupted swiftly before his temper could boil over again.
(27) He took a short length of rope and swiftly tied a slip knot.
(28) The City acted swiftly to the news of a fall in the value of sterling.
(29) Any trouble hereabouts is swiftly dealt with by the police.
(30) We watched the building vanish under a mantle of thick grey smoke as the fire swiftly moved through it.
(1) On high the great white clouds slid swiftly.
(2) Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall.
(3) He swiftly divested himself of his clothes.
(4) He changed direction swiftly, turned into the hallway and headed her off.
(5) The police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency.
(6) They saw a little carp swimming swiftly in the stream.
(7) The disgraced minister walked swiftly from the car to his house pursued by a whole posse of reporters.
(8) The fuel gauges dropped swiftly.
(9) The wheels were turning swiftly.
(10) The horses were swiftly corralled.
(11) He came in swiftly and placed the child in my arms.
(31) The French have acted swiftly and decisively to protect their industries.
(32) Ministers who wouldn't toe the party line were swiftly got rid of.
(33) They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy.
(34) Walking swiftly, he was at the station within ten minutes.
(35) The proposals were swiftly and unsurprisingly rejected by Western ministers.
(36) Athletes found guilty of taking drugs were swiftly dealt with.
(37) He came in swiftly and placed the child in my arms.
(38) Once past 30 he swiftly descended into alcoholism.
(39) Malekith moved swiftly to restore order.
(40) She started up the engine and drove swiftly away.
(41) The army acted swiftly to suppress the uprising.
(42) He glanced swiftly around and was horror-struck.
(43) The authorities reacted swiftly with a smear counterattack.
(44) Resolutely, she moved swiftly towards the kitchen.
(45) The transfer of power was effected swiftly and peacefully.
(46) Second, it must fly swiftly away from the nest and alight some distance from it.
(47) They bought the wine, then drove on, the time passing swiftly in a blur of easy laughter and pleasant conversation.
(48) Those who did were swiftly cut down, peppered with birdshot, as they raised their guns to fire.
(49) The rioters did make the occasional foray, but north of the Santa Monica Freeway the thin blue line swiftly grew thicker.
(50) Finding that Mary Read was totally in control of all work out there, she swiftly gave in her notice.
(50) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(51) More than three tonnes of gold jewellery was discovered-only to be swiftly looted by villagers.
(52) The Embassy reacted swiftly to the disclosure, which they regarded as an improper use of Mr Lader's name.
(53) He slapped her, swiftly and casually, his hand coming back to cover her mouth in case she might cry out.
(54) In fact, we have watched the fish take tadpoles into their mouths, then swiftly eject them.
(55) Turning swiftly, she saw at once that the Brownie was on the forbidden side of the fence.
(56) Jessamy opened her eyes, then swiftly closed them again as she saw his tall figure standing there.
(57) She saw him then, running swiftly towards her, and she pulled aside the fence, squeezing through the gap.
(58) As Ashi dressed swiftly her eyes were drawn back to the carriage clock.
(59) Any grubby social thoughts the film might have evoked can be swiftly rejected in favour of a more universal muse.
(60) Jess, watching Midnight, saw him glance swiftly from one to another, his look cold, even scornful.
(61) But one of the great changes from the past is that this possibility of living alone is swiftly becoming a probability.
(62) People from another part of the hospital swiftly hauled past his cubicle a portable EKG machine on buzzing plastic wheels.
(63) And them she suddenly wondered if her son and Lee ... she dismissed the idea equally swiftly; she would know.
(64) Their confidence grew into overwhelming proportions and in the opinion of many observers they swiftly became Manchester's tedious twosome.
(65) The government tended to intervene swiftly with police and troops when major plants or the railway system were disrupted.
(66) Nor is it surprising that business schools moved swiftly to meet this demand for new skills.
(67) Emily had taken her revenge swiftly, severing the ties that had long been between the Grenfells and the Morgans.
(68) She flicked through swiftly, hunting for a comb at the same time.
(69) Swiftly, Ace clambered over the red-stained sandbags, and checked the door.
(70) Men passed us, dark, bearded, stern, armed with sticks, walking swiftly in single file.
(71) Pricing is a very flexible element in the marketing mix and enables firms to react swiftly to competitive behaviour. 20.
(72) Tracking the swiftly moving oriental with the muzzle, Jube worked the action and fired twice more in rapid succession.
(73) She was only dimly aware of the approach of the two boys who were walking swiftly from the street corner.
(74) It is increasingly up to the individual to pick up the slack and act swiftly, doing well by doing good.
(75) They were able to respond swiftly because they already have a secret ballot strike mandate over an ongoing pay dispute.
(76) High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true. Robert H. Schuller 
(77) The Rao government moved swiftly to try and tackle the economic crisis.
(78) It should flow easily, though not too swiftly, through the manholes, without let or hindrance.
(79) These self-appointed assistants sped swiftly up and down the corridor, wakening their companions and spreading the good news.
(80) It achieved its objectives more swiftly and with less bloodshed than anyone could possibly have imagined.
(81) Two young boys, of around ten years of age, drawing closer, then parallel, now swiftly passing, past.
(82) Ben pulled easily at the oars, the boat moving swiftly through the water.
(83) When she could hear not a sound she went swiftly from her room, through the sitting-room, and into the bathroom.
(84) Swiftly they overran the island, driving their dark kinsfolk into the sea.
(85) Hitch moved swiftly from one body to the other, firing another shot into the head of each man.
(86) And all heard single pure sounds, of varying pitch, that swiftly sank below the level of hearing.
(87) The more heavily overweight people are, the more swiftly they can shed surplus fat on a slimming diet.
(88) The sense of wonder was swiftly followed by another emotion.
(89) Cool foresight and a quick mind enabled him to react swiftly in an emergency.
(90) He swiftly decided that it would be better for the Elves to have these people as allies rather than enemies.
(91) The police reacted swiftly and a man who broke through their cordon was brought down by a rugby tackle and arrested.
(92) Desperately she fought back the tears, not knowing why they had formed so swiftly.
(93) The man spun round so swiftly that George was taken aback and tripped, falling on to the soft mud.
(94) This idea was plainly contrary to well established rules and was swiftly dismissed.
(95) She ran out to meet her daughter as swiftly as a Maenad runs down the mountainside.
(96) And Joachim was swiftly ousted when Sophia established her regency.
(97) Outside, the Rippowam River ran so swiftly its roar penetrated the granite walls.
(98) One animal, however, has acquired the ability to fish termites out of their nests very much more swiftly.
(99) She took a couple of tentative steps but he reached out and swiftly held her by the shoulders.
(100) Using the computer environment as our tool we can process and reshape all kinds of information swiftly and perfectly.
(101) Betty's hand was tight across her mouth now and she turned swiftly away and went back into the scullery.
(102) You need to be able to move swiftly, changing gears and learning new skills without complaining.
(103) This last Idi himself had, scooping it up swiftly, closing the distance between mouth and plate with every spoonful.
(104) Language and linguistics Over the past decade, work on formal theories of meaning for natural languages has developed very swiftly.
(105) Swiftly, she unfastened the small pearl buttons of her bodice, and pulled the dress over her head.
(106) In the sphere of educational reform the Republican-Socialist alliance moved swiftly.
(107) This month, the Inland Revenue moves swiftly to begin proceedings.
(108) Yet the News International case has provided some legal precedent to tackle swiftly further similar cases of censorship should they arise.
(109) Appearing to move especially swiftly because of that media focus, moreover, police have already made arrests in her case.
(110) Major has swiftly moved towards the middle ground of politics.
(110) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(111) They tackled their political, tactical and strategic problems swiftly and directly; and, incidentally, their poll ratings rose strongly.
(112) Whereas boys may become alienated from the means of learning, girls would be alienated more swiftly by the content of learning.
(113) But most staked their future on making a new commitment swiftly.
(114) It is a summary remedy which should enable a person in default to be brought swiftly to account.
(115) Since it was swiftly followed by a marriage proposal it must have gone down fairly well.
(116) The Soviet Union swiftly condemned the invasion, saying it was a blow to growing warmth in US-Soviet relations.
(117) Neglect yourself and self-doubt begins to creep in and that swiftly turns to depression.
(118) I only know that it was remarkable that he could react so swiftly and swoop down round the rabbit's ears.
(119) The door at the end of the room opened swiftly and the butler appeared.
(120) Swiftly they drove south and were stopped only after desperate fighting round the Griffon Gate.
(121) Swiftly introduce new legislation to put an end to the trauma and misery suffered by child witnesses in court proceedings.
(122) She hardened her heart and thought she should swiftly make it clear she had not come in search of him.
(123) He swiftly established himself as a dominant influence in New Zealand station architecture and produced many remarkable buildings.
(124) An early government commitment to keep conscripts away from frontline fighting was swiftly reneged upon last year.
(125) Tallis moved swiftly through this place of forest shrines, and after a while the nature of the wood changed again.
(126) Swiftly Rachel and Nina moved from person to person, releasing seatbelts, offering reassurance and assessing injuries.
(127) I saw clouds passing swiftly by and I sensed my own movement in another time and space.
(128) And, in his supreme arrogance, new challenges had to be swiftly conquered.
(129) Suburban communities swiftly expel sleazy politicians and weed out corrupt practices.
(130) In the weeks following the dinner Lutyens swiftly drew up an elaborate set of plans.
(131) Isabel heard a yell from behind and above them, swiftly running feet, and then a sinister rush of air.
(132) From this nucleus, it swiftly spread throughout his head and trunk, leaving only his limbs in an unfeeling limbo.
(133) He switched on the engine, and the car began to move swiftly through the suburbs where she lived.
(134) The contrast with her exhilaration on the frozen lake had come so swiftly.
(135) Will he ensure that these infantry battalions are more swiftly available in future?
(136) This time she didn't wait to see if anyone would come, but swiftly glanced to the small instrument tray.
(137) These were swiftly put down by a detachment of the newly established Armed Police firing tear gas into the crowds.
(138) These new reinforcements arrived only just before a resumption of activities which were swiftly to thin their ranks to an alarming extent.
(139) She swung round and walked swiftly out of the office.
(140) Swiftly the skaters circled and arced and sashayed,[http:///swiftly.html] firing their sprays of lethal stars.
(141) This would help the firm to respond swiftly to the vagaries of the energy business.
(142) Buoyant earnings in recent years have allowed the company to swiftly repay a mountain of debt.
(143) They cut a swathe through the massed black-clad warriors, and then turning swiftly trampled back over their disorganized ranks.
(144) The doppelganger stands right behind its owner and always moves swiftly to dodge out of sight.
(145) Economic trends occur swiftly and become established before large industries can scale up and take advantage of new demands.
(146) Swiftly she caught him under the armpits and heaved until she managed to persuade him from the ground.
(147) Some slogans achieve notoriety for being inappropriate, and are swiftly proved as such by events.
(148) The thousands of miles shrank to hundreds, and as they did so, the fuel gauges dropped swiftly toward zero.
(149) Progress of constitutional talks Buoyed by its success in the referendum, the government moved swiftly to present revised constitutional proposals.
(150) The progressive dismantling of regional development policy since 1979 has moved more swiftly than steps aimed at deregulating the housing sector.
(151) Elves are taught the arts of war from an early age and swiftly master the sword, the bow and the spear.
(152) But her enthusiasm was swiftly dampened by a visit to a curio shop, where she bought several overpriced souvenirs.
(153) I stood up swiftly, telling him many thanks for bothering.
(154) In the roar of laughter it provoked, he felt himself falling swiftly towards the ground.
(155) Polly worked swiftly, hauling in and securing the various ropes.
(156) In the combats on either side of her the outer figure falls back and another bends swiftly forward to support him.
(157) After that all pretence at restraint was gone as David swiftly undressed then reached out and pulled her down on to him.
(158) She drained the glass swiftly, pondering yet again the reason why she hated the man so much.
(159) Swiftly Rachel glanced round but there was no sign of Nina yet.
(160) Quick as she was, Feargal was quicker and swerved swiftly to one side.
(161) I wheel a shopping cart down the aisles of the neighborhood Grand Union, and he follows, swiftly, greedily.
(162) He spent time with customers, confronted the Power Supply Division and central staffs, and acted swiftly on all decisions.
(163) Claudia dived into her pocket, dropped the sleeping pills into the mug(), stirred swiftly and rapidly switched the mugs round.
(164) Good footwork consists essentially in the ability to move swiftly from one position to another without sacrificing balance.
(165) On his way out he cocked a leg swiftly and directed a powerful jet against an immaculate trouser leg.
(166) An investigation launched by Knowsley Borough Council found that staff had reacted swiftly and that procedures complied with current legislation.
(167) Silver Helm cavalry swiftly raced along the coast and came upon the Dark Elves on the cliffs.
(168) He left swiftly and she gazed after him, the words of refusal unspoken.
(169) Then she pulled off her maroon-silk dressing gown sash and swiftly tied his right arm to the headboard.
(170) Middlesex acted swiftly after an unedifying scene at Fenner's in mid-April.
(171) There is no better way to reduce those doubts than by acting swiftly to pass clear and tough campaign finance reform laws.
(172) Mr Putin's regime is more confident, and swiftly signed the decree last month.
(173) Moving soundlessly on his thick rubber soles, he ghosted swiftly down to the lowest platform.
(174) It wasn't long before he reappeared and swiftly removed his haversack, bags and boxes from the back of the cart.
(175) Last night, a local official, John Kydd, said the union would have to reconsider its position fairly swiftly.
(176) The hourglass empties swiftly and delay could be deadly.
(177) Bush shoe PS escalates swiftly plate!
(178) To make and communicate decisions swiftly and with professionalism.
(179) The car shot swiftly over the slush.
(180) The fascists were coming eastwards swiftly, they said.
(181) Which of the following idioms is used to describe doing things swiftly and dexterously?
(182) Apoptotic cells expose phosphatidylserine and are swiftly engulfed by macrophages.
(183) The international commercial arbitration had been developing swiftly and violently, one of the reasons is the arbitrable issues' expend.
(184) Before anyone could rebuke him, his grizzled head went up sharply and he rose swiftly.
(185) Gear case of The gearing system and the gliding tailstock are integrative structure, lifting swiftly, operating easily.
(186) With the development of the market economy in China and the integration of the global economy, the open-end funds have developed swiftly and violently in our country as a kind of new financial.
(187) Commodity brokers in the Corn Exchange reacted swiftly to news about crop failure in N . America.
(188) Feng dancing moncler jackets Ni card mutually attend apt an swampland Shu of laugh, chronic to alert:se, they front of moncler coats sky is too swiftly clean.
(189) The spur of that pitiful sight set her gliding swiftly.
(190) The Yellow River slid swiftly and steadily southwards , its swollen surface a vast expanse of white.
(191) With the stratage of "Customer comes first, excellent quality, alway optimization", we will offer you the professional, quality, credit swiftly, satisfyingly .
(192) She tilted the dipper , drew a deep breath and drank swiftly.
(193) Earlier this year when millions of Chinese were stranded by ice and heavy snow in the worst winter storms in decades, the authorities again moved swiftly to try to get on top of the emergency.
(194) Afandi rides kingly horse, swiftly was like the ground return the home in.
(195) Fourth, overseas project contracting and labor service have developed swiftly.
(196) A writhing horror twisted itself across his features, like a snake gliding swiftly over them, and making one little pause, with all its wreathed intervolutions, in open sight.
(197) The groups change more swiftly, swell with new arrivals, dissolve and form in the same breath.
(198) He raised the mirror swiftly . An expression of utter bewilderment came to his face.
(199) Knox moved swiftly to bring Nicaragua completely under American control.
(200) But soon she came swiftly back to the rock-bound lanes of Manhattan, and the typewriter began to rattle and jump like a strike- breaker's motor-car.
(201) A joint trip to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting will swiftly demonstrate how many 'normal' people have their lives ruined by drink.
(202) Nobody can bring us swiftly, painlessly into the promised land.
(203) Work swiftly, but don't tense up; relax your body and mind and never tighten up.




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