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单词 quote
释义 Word family  noun quotation quote verb quote  Related topics: Literature, Newspapers, printing, publishing, Businessquote1 /kwəʊt $ kwoʊt/ ●●○ S3 W3 AWL verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]ALTCN to repeat exactly what someone else has said or written 引用,引述quote from She quoted from a newspaper article. 她引用了报纸上一篇文章的内容。 He quoted a short passage from the Bible. 他引用了《圣经》里的一小段。 A military spokesman was quoted as saying that the border area is now safe. 报道引述军方一位发言人的话,说边境地区现在很安全。quote somebody on something Can I quote you on that? 那是你说的,我能照实说吗?2  [transitive] to give a piece of information that is written down somewhere 引用〔写在某处的信息〕 You can order by phoning our hotline and quoting your credit card number. 可拨打我们的热线电话订购,并报出你的信用卡号码。 He quoted a figure of 220 deaths each year from accidents in the home. 他援引了一个数字——每年有220人在家中意外死亡。3  [transitive]EXAMPLE to give something as an example to support what you are saying 举例说明 SYN cite Mr Jackson quoted the case of an elderly man who had been evicted from his home. 杰克逊先生举了一个老人被赶出家门的例子。quote something as something He quoted the example of France as a country with a good rail service. 他举了法国为例,说法国是铁路服务很完善的一个国家。 The nurses’ union was quoted as an example of a responsible trade union. 护士协会被认为是负责任的工会组织的典范。4  [transitive]TBB to tell a customer the price you will charge them for a service or product 报〔价〕,开〔价〕 They quoted a price of £15,000. 他们报价1.5万英镑。quote something for something The firm originally quoted £6,000 for the whole job. 公司最初给这整项工作报价6,000英镑。5  [transitive] to give the price of a share or currency 给〔股票或货币〕报价 The pound was quoted this morning at just under $1.46. 今天早上英镑的牌价不到1.46美元。 The company is now quoted on the stock exchange (=people can buy and sell shares in it). 这家公司现在已经在证券交易所挂牌上市了。6  (I) quote spokenAMTP used when you are going to repeat what someone else has said, to emphasize that it is exactly the way they said it 这是某人的原话〔作插入语〕 The minister said, quote: ‘There will be no more tax increases this year.’ 部长说,这是他的原话:“今年不会再加税了。7. quote ... unquote spoken used at the beginning and end of a word or phrase that someone else has said or written, to emphasize that you are repeating it exactly 〔用于引文的开始和结尾〕原话起…原话止→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusquote• It would be unfair to make too many demands of the statements I have quoted.• Against the yen, the dollar was last quoted at 78. 94 from 78. 49 yesterday.• If you call the hotel directly, you may get a rate lower than those quoted by travel agents.• A woman who reads her Bible, can quote chapter and Verse in any given situation.• He was always quoting clever sayings from Oscar Wilde's plays.• He remembers a line Mariah used to quote from a poem by Pablo Neruda.• To quote from the report: "6000 children die each day from curable diseases."• In his charming and informative book on Dada, Hans Richter quotes Hausmann on the meaning of photomontage.• The text, quoted in the epigraph to this chapter, foresees the reestablishment of a renewed and glorious Jerusalem.• I don't think the company is doing very well, but don't quote me on that.• But the man didn't quote Scripture, just drifted away.• Dr. Morse quoted three successful cases in which the drug was used.quoted ... passage• This the quoted passage does not seek to do.• I have quoted the passage from which the phrase comes, showing how Wells was painfully aware of our duality.• The judge recognised that the quoted passage required some qualification.quoted as an example of• The experience of Maydown Precision Engineering in Derry was quoted as an example of trade unions being relevant in fighting unemployment.quoted on the stock exchange• As they became established, shares in many of them became quoted on the Stock Exchange.• However, not all public companies are quoted on the Stock Exchange.• Public companies, for example, may seek permission to have their shares quoted on the Stock Exchange.• The fictitious company even got quoted on the Stock Exchange.• They are companies quoted on the stock exchange.• They are quoted on the Stock Exchange and underwritten by similar institutions to those which underwrite share issues.• Membership of a public company is unlimited and shares, which are quoted on the Stock Exchange, are freely transferable.• With agencies quoted on the Stock Exchange with turnover into the hundreds of millions, advertising is big business.quote2 ●●○ AWL noun [countable]  1  x-refa sentence or phrase from a book, speech etc which you repeat in a speech or piece of writing because it is interesting or amusing 引文,引语;引用 SYN quotationquote from a quote from the minister’s speech 引自部长演讲的一句话2. in quotes SLAwords that are in quotes are written with quotation marks around them to show that someone said those words 在引号里3  a statement of how much it will probably cost to build or repair something 〔建筑或维修的〕报价单 SYN estimate Always get a quote before proceeding with repair work. 找人修理一定要先叫他们报价。Examples from the Corpusquote• They then gave me a quote.• Tax collector turned apostle; he wrote the first Gospel between 60 and 90, which contains quotes from the Old Testament.• The Court held that he need not state expressly that his quote was a fair quote.• Currently, traders' names are displayed on Nasdaq quotes but not on Instinet screens.• Order-driven trading is different from the traditional market-making system, which has a middleman providing quotes.From Longman Business Dictionaryquotequote1 /kwəʊtkwoʊt/ verb [transitive]1COMMERCEto tell a customer the price you will charge them for a service or productHotels often quote a special rate for groups who use the hotel on a regular basis.2FINANCE to give the price of a share or currencybe quoted atThe company’s shares were quoted at $35.375, down 12.5 cents.The dollar was quoted at 124.85 yen.→ See Verb tablequotequote2 noun [countable] COMMERCEa written statement of how much something will cost, for example some building workSYN QUOTATIONAlways get a quote before proceeding with work.Origin quote1 (1300-1400) Medieval Latin quotare, from Latin quot “how many”quote1 verbquote2 nounChinese   Business Corpus repeat what to exactly else someone




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