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单词 phoney war
释义  ˌphoney ˈwar noun [singular]  WARa period during which a state of war officially exists but there is no actual fighting 假战争〔处于战争状态但并未实际交战的时期〕Examples from the Corpusphoney war• It is election year, and a phoney war is being waged between the two main parties.• It has been a phoney war.• There is the negative peace of a phoney war or a balance of power, which is not peace at all.• In the mild autumn of the phoney war, it was a prosperous and agreeable neighbourhood in which to live.• Howe's speech effectively marked the end of the phoney war and the start of the public campaign for votes.ˌphoney ˈwar nounChineseSyllable  officially period a which state a exists Corpus war during of but




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