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单词 pyramid
释义  Related topics: Buildings, Shapes, patterns, Business managementpyr·a·mid /ˈpɪrəmɪd/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1. TBBa large stone building with four triangular (=three-sided) walls that slope in to a point at the top, especially in Egypt and Central America 〔尤指埃及和中美洲的〕金字塔 →4  See picture of 见图 pyramid2  [usually singular]MANAGER a system, society, company etc that is organized in different levels, so that there is a small number of people at the top and a much larger number of people at the bottom 金字塔式组织[体系] different levels of the management pyramid 金字塔式管理体系中的不同层次 At the bottom of the pyramid are the poor. 位于社会金字塔最底层的是穷人。3  GROUP OF THINGSa pile of objects that have been put into the shape of a pyramid 金字塔形的一堆东西pyramid of a pyramid of oranges 一堆摆成金字塔形的橙子4. CFan object shaped like a pyramid 金字塔形物体;锥体 →5 see picture at 见图 shape1 —pyramidal /pɪˈræmɪdl/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpuspyramid• Luxor, built in the shape of a pyramid, complete with a sphinx out front.• There had been much talk of curses like those said to afflict pyramid robbers, which Holmes had angrily pooh-poohed.• Elite theory can be visually represented by a power pyramid, as shown in Figure 10. 1.• He was standing on this big silver pyramid where the stage was.• The balance was split between others up and down the pyramid.• Now that the apex of the pyramid was gone, there was no obvious way for decisions to be reached, .• The golf tee system is the exact opposite of the pyramid system with its massive support operation.• Professionals' self-esteem had been founded upon being at the top of the manual wages pyramid.pyramid of• a pyramid of cansFrom Longman Business Dictionarypyramidpyr‧a‧mid /ˈpɪrəmɪd/ noun [countable]ORGANIZATIONS an organization with only a few people at the top, who have a lot of power and influence over those below themOrigin pyramid (1500-1600) Latin pyramis, from Greekpyr·a·mid nounChineseSyllable  a Business large stone four Corpus with building triangular




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