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单词 prowl
释义  Related topics: Animals, Crimeprowl1 /praʊl/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  1. HBAif an animal prowls, it moves around an area quietly, especially because it is hunting another animal 〔尤指捕猎的动物在某处〕潜行2  SCCWALKif someone prowls, they move around an area slowly and quietly, especially because they are involved in a criminal activity or because they are looking for something 〔尤指罪犯或在寻找某物的人在某处〕秘密[悄悄]来回游走 gangs of teenagers prowling the streets 在大街上鬼鬼祟祟四处游荡的少年团伙prowl around/aboutBritish English British English Irene prowled restlessly around the room. 艾琳不安地在房间里踱来踱去。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusprowl• It was rather a free feeling, he noticed, prowling about the house at such an odd hour.• She had to steal out of the house before it started prowling again.• The babysitter said she could hear someone prowling around in the garden.• Along a side street there prowled, one recent morning, a spanking white Rolls-Royce.• Several wolves prowled round the camp, but were kept at bay by the fire.• Dreamy, deft and economical, it was born to prowl the airwaves.• Men prowled the motel like packs of wolves searching out easy prey.• Officer Watson prowls the streets at night, looking for drug dealers.• Able-bodied youngsters were prowling the streets in droves.• Police have warned the public that the killer may still be prowling the streets.prowl around/about• The Plot One day a cat was outside prowling around.• There was nothing to do but read, but it was impossible to read for long with Aunt Emily prowling about.• But one afternoon Ellen was prowling around in his basement and found his thought-drawer.• Suddenly the penny dropped, and Meredith knew why he'd been prowling about the airport like an angry lion.• Under Dauntless's watchful eye, Cleo prowled around the attic, exploring.• It was rather a free feeling, he noticed, prowling about the house at such an odd hour.• She could hear him prowling around the kitchen and when she went down he was looking through her manuscripts.• Oops, I was prowling around the wrong house.prowl2 noun  be/go on the prowl (for something/somebody) LOOK FOR a) if an animal is on the prowl, it is hunting 〔动物〕出动捕猎 b) if someone is on the prowl, they are moving around different places, looking for an opportunity to do something 四处搜寻〔干某事的机会〕 local men out on the prowl (=looking for people to have a sexual relationship with) in the city’s bars and nightclubs 在城里的酒吧和夜总会游荡寻欢的当地男子 She’s always on the prowl for bargains. 她总是到处搜寻便宜货。Examples from the Corpusprowl• Dada had disappeared on some sort of little prowl of his own.• Four victims so far and three fortuitous, but he's probably been on the prowl for three years or more.• Moving with the sureness of a cat on the prowl, he flitted back through the hold and outside.• I find Rainbow in her taxi, on the prowl.• She always warned him, in whispered anxious tones, whenever the Bogeyman was on the prowl.• At the County Ground, the wolves were on the prowl right from the word go.prowl1 verbprowl2 nounChinese  moves if an it prowls, an Corpus area around animal




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