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单词 probing
释义  prob·ing /ˈprəʊbɪŋ $ ˈproʊ-/ adjective  1  designed to find things out, especially things that other people do not want you to know 探究的;追根究底的 probing questions 盘根究底的问题2  watching carefully and intelligently 〔观察〕专注敏锐的;仔细观察的 his probing eyes 他专注探究的眼神 —probingly adverbExamples from the Corpusprobing• Consequently, his statements about the patronage of Piero's works are generally more probing and trustworthy.• Ought she have said yes to his offer of a date, accepted the challenge in those probing blue eyes?• They circled each other, making probing moves.• She had evaded every probing question on that subject.• She wanted no probing questions from Alain.• He handled the many questions in masterly fashion, particularly the probing questions from Cocello.• No bright future Stephanie Nettell controlled her over-large panel well, asking probing questions to lead them on their way.• Her mouth opened of its own free will to his playfully probing tongue, welcoming the invader.prob·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  to out, Corpus things designed things other find that especially




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