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单词 Reborn
(1) In the past decade, the city has been reborn.
(2) The old man felt reborn in his children.
(3) Russia was being reborn as a great power.
(4) If you were reborn as an animal, which animal would you be?
(5) No phoenixes rising reborn from the raging red fire.
(6) The black market in hard currency was reborn.
(7) In all great art, myth is reborn.
(8) He wants to be reborn now.
(9) Through it we are reborn by the Holy Spirit.
(10) A greedy Brahman might be reborn in the merchant class whereas a spiritual trader could return as a Brahman.
(11) In 1985 the company was reborn as Quantum Computer Services.
(12) We are reborn as a modern people, brisk and self-sure.
(13) A society is being reborn, but one which does not articulate itself in the media of the modern age.
(14) When humans die they are not reborn, but exist only as cold empty shadows.
(15) The Star was reborn in 1941 with a new format and a renewed sense of purpose.
(16) Yet any big move by the reborn Republican governor will require a compromise with Democratic legislators.
(17) And, as the reborn Terminal 3 shows(/reborn.html), to keep them ahead of their competitors.
(18) With the coming of television, old legends such as those of Robin Hood and King Arthur were reborn.
(19) He was also one of the men most dedicated to the ideals of the reborn university.
(20) The movie is a moral tale about a misogynist who dies and is reborn as a beautiful woman.
(21) In addition, office buildings abandoned in the real-estate crash of the late-1980s are being reborn as apartments and condominiums.
(22) And though she longed to lose herself in the flames, to be consumed and reborn, she was also terribly afraid.
(23) Now, after years spent behind a sewing machine in her husband's dressmaking factory, she feels like a woman reborn.
(24) Her body was a new one under his sensual caresses, reborn for this man who held her heart.
(25) But as you said to me in the lodge, he will be reborn after his death as a warrior.
(26) Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. Mahatma Gandhi 
(27) The monsters were stirring, like babies in the womb, waiting to be reborn.
(28) But the best that a virtuous woman can hope for is that she be reborn as a man.
(29) Ten years after the last plowing, it was evident to Leopold that the reborn Curtis prairie was only a half-breed wilderness.
(30) Gone is the old way of machines; come is the reborn nature of machines, a nature more alive than dead.
(31) In his unformed fantasies he imagined himself reborn and baptized, a martyr and a saint.
(32) The Waste Land begins a new poetry, or seeks to, but also marks the reborn post-war society.
(33) That is one reason Chicago was chosen as the first stop for the reborn campaign.
(34) I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn. Anne Frank 
(35) In a sense the Earth was reborn without leaving a trace of its early history.
(36) Shilling has been reborn as an artist.
(37) They must be reborn into wholeness.
(38) An already highly militarised country is to become even more so, with soldiers deployed everywhere to nip any reborn Tamil nationalist insurgency in the bud.
(39) After his death, so the story goes, he was reborn as a prince in Ch'ing dynasty China.
(40) Rev. Chu shared with us a sermon titled " Reborn In Paradise " .
(41) After his death from old age, he was reborn in Sheogh as an Incubus.
(42) Two years later, NAC merged with SAIC and the MG marque was once again reborn.
(43) Efficiency and fairness is an old and gradually reborn problem about economic laws.
(44) By completing this task, the boys symbolically die as boys and are reborn as men.
(45) Electroshock therapy is being administered to youngsters at a controversial Internet addiction clinic where patients are " reborn ".
(46) Ravel's Le Tombeau de Couperin started life as a suite for solo piano but was later reborn in the composer's exquisite orchestration.
(47) Adding the reborn rubber can further strengthen insoles' shock resisting and perdurable worn. This is good for protecting the environment and reaches the environmentalists' taste.
(47) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(48) I am Renewed , Refreshed, and Reborn into a'Yummy'new world.
(49) Not having to be reborn in samsara - vata is beneficial and a source of happiness.
(50) The ideas of a Divine Man incarnating, dying and being reborn, were already popular mystical doctrines in these communities, and it was not hard to replace Mithras or Osiris with Christ.
(51) The frightened child who sheltered in my manse died on the Dothraki sea, and was reborn in blood and fire.
(52) Chung blames Son for ruined her plan. Mrs. Bud acts as a negotiator to find the Wulun Buddha for the reason of unable reborn in Erebus. Then Mrs.
(53) Some say he was reborn as an Undead god, others that he was simply a disembodied spirit.
(54) He felt reborn after being reformed in prison over several years.
(55) Therefore, conversion and reborn of old buildings in China face amount of difficulties and challenge.
(56) The first step in the reproduction of the God-man is that we must be reborn of the pneumatic Christ in our spirit with His divine life and nature.
(57) As he entered the ground the reborn Geordie messiah said: "It's my third time around."
(58) It's not exaggeration to say that Chang's seismography is answer to challenge in domestic and abroad , also it fund a missing loop to reborn with changheng and his seismography .
(59) Remarkably instead, China has managed to turn this tragedy into an event of self-affirmation, and even celebration of its reborn competence and confidence.
(60) In the history of the Chinese Reborn Woodcut Movement are still many deserved to be investigated.
(61) Lakota has been reborn as a free and sovereign nation!
(62) Let me also make a flamingo bar, in the fire to be reborn from the ashes.




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