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单词 prerequisite
释义  pre·req·ui·site /priːˈrekwəzət/ noun [countable]  formalCONDITION/something THAT MUST BE DONE something that is necessary before something else can happen or be done 先决条件,前提,必备条件prerequisite for/of/to A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course. 不错的英语水平是上这门课程的前提。Examples from the Corpusprerequisite• As for relations with the public, rudeness seems almost a prerequisite of government employment.• Having reliable data for the current year is, of course, a prerequisite of good budgets.• Some knowledge of the French language is a prerequisite for employment there.• At one time, physical presence was a prerequisite for first-hand experience.• As a practical matter, a receipt showing the amount of the expense is an absolute prerequisite to substantiating a travel expense.• A minimal degree of integration is therefore a functional prerequisite of society.• The only important prerequisite is that there must be light: they do not thrive in dark tanks.• Adequate food and shelter are the minimum prerequisites of a decent life.• What are the prerequisites before counselling another human being?• All too often these prerequisites were withheld, especially but not exclusively in the early stages of the Programme.prerequisite for/of/to• Encryption technology is seen as a prerequisite for widespread commercial use of computer networks.• A previous knowledge of computing may be of some advantage initially but is not a prerequisite for entry to the course.• Therefore acid inhibition is not a prerequisite for the hyperplasia.• As a practical matter, a receipt showing the amount of the expense is an absolute prerequisite to substantiating a travel expense.• Urbanisation, another prerequisite for industrial growth, destroys farmland.• A minimal degree of integration is therefore a functional prerequisite of society.• The main prerequisite for success is old, clean water.• Universities and high schools will establish literacy action as an option or prerequisite for certain students.pre·req·ui·site nounChineseSyllable  before happen Corpus else necessary is that or something can something




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