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单词 predominance
释义  pre·dom·i·nance /prɪˈdɒmənəns $ -ˈdɑː-/ AWL noun  1  [singular]MOST if there is a predominance of one type of person or thing in a group, there are more of that type than of any other type 〔数量上的〕优势predominance of a predominance of boys in the class 班上男生居多的现象2  [uncountable]POWER someone or something that has predominance has the most power or importance in a particular group or area 主导地位,支配地位 Britain’s naval predominance 英国的海上霸主地位Examples from the Corpuspredominance• Also male predominance was particularly significant in these cases.• Japan's predominance in the world of finance• As one would expect, the labor force reflects the same predominance of women in nursing.• There are other reasons for the predominance of women carers, even after retirement.• Therefore many local forms have evolved, giving rise to the predominance of endemic species within the genus Cryptocoryne.• Another reason for the dearth of soccer talent in Leeds was the predominance of rugby.• The predominance is assumed to follow in a Paretian manner from inequality in the distribution of the relevant power-related resources.• The predominance these spatial constructs have for the ordinary constable is essential to an understanding of the police mind.predominance of• the predominance of Latinos in the communitypre·dom·i·nance nounChineseSyllable  a there one if Corpus type predominance is of




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