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单词 druid
释义  Related topics: Religiondru·id /ˈdruːɪd/ noun [countable]  RRa member of an ancient group of priests, in Britain, Ireland, and France, before the Christian religion 德鲁伊特〔在基督教传入之前,古代不列颠、爱尔兰和法兰西的祭司〕Examples from the Corpusdruid• The enigma of the stones draws druids to perform their weird rituals.• The water, drawn from a spring sacred to the druids, is celebrated for its healing properties.• According to legend they were young lovers whom the druids forbade to marry.Origin druid (1500-1600) Latin druides, from Gaulish; related to treedru·id nounChineseSyllable  of group priests, an ancient of Britain, Corpus member in a




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