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单词 drum
释义  Related topics: Music, Technologydrum1 /drʌm/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  APMa musical instrument made of skin stretched over a circular frame, played by hitting it with your hand or a stick 鼓 a big bass drum 一面低音大鼓 1,000 people marched, beating drums and carrying flags. 1,000人打着鼓扛着旗游行。on drums Trumpeter Red Rodney was playing with Kenny Clarke on drums (=playing the drums). 小号手雷德·罗德尼在肯尼·克拉克的鼓声伴奏下表演。 Jones played the drums in an all-girl band. 琼斯在一个女子乐队里打鼓。 →4  See picture of 见图 drum2  TCONTAIN/HOLDa large round container for storing liquids such as oil, chemicals etc 〔装油、化学制品等液体的〕大桶 a 5-gallon oil drum 5加仑的油桶 →4  See picture of 见图 CONTAINER →5 see picture at 见图 container3  Tsomething that looks like a drum, especially part of a machine 鼓状物;〔尤指机器的〕鼓轮,滚筒 a brake drum 制动鼓4  bang/beat the drum for somebody/something SAY/STATEto speak eagerly in support of someone or something 为某人/某物竭力鼓吹[摇旗呐喊] The company is banging the drum for their new software. 这家公司在大力宣传自己的新软件。5  the drum of something Ca sound like the sound a drum makes 某物击鼓似的声音 the drum of the rain on the window 雨打在窗户上发出的啪嗒声 → eardrumExamples from the Corpusdrum• The rear brake drums on the car need replacing.• Place on the cake drum next to the paintbox.• a 50-gallon drum of paint thinner• An oil drum was kicked away, rolling and crashing into the wall beside her.• The equipment used is much the same; the same drum machines as then.• One beat on an hourglass-shaped drum, while the other clashed large cymbals.• a snare drum• I rotated the nails so that a cheese paring of wax was scoured from the surface of the drum.• Faster and faster spun the wheels of light, and the throbbing of the drums accelerated with them.• The cap is retained in the unit and used to reseal the drum.played the drums• Joe Donald played the drums and William and Nellie Addison who were brother and sister played violin and piano.Related topics: Music, Colours & soundsdrum2 verb (drummed, drumming)  1. [intransitive]APM to play a drum 击鼓,打鼓2  [intransitive, transitive]CHIT to make a sound similar to a drum by hitting a surface again and again 有节奏地击打〔使发出打鼓似的声音〕 I could hear the rain drumming against the windows. 我听到雨滴有节奏地打在窗上的声音。 Lisa drummed her fingers impatiently on the table. 莉萨不耐烦地用手指嗒嗒地敲桌子。3  drum something home to use repeated arguments or messages in order to make sure that people understand something 重复某事以确保让人明白 An information booklet will be available and press advertisements will drum home the message. 先提供资料手册,再用报刊广告进一步加深印象。4 drum something into somebody phrasal verb TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingto keep telling someone something until they cannot forget it 向〔某人〕反复灌输〔某种观点直到记住为止〕 ‘Don’t talk to strangers’ is a message drummed into children. “别跟陌生人说话” 是反复向儿童灌输的一句警告。5 drum somebody out of something phrasal verb SSOLEAVE A PLACEto force someone to leave an organization, place, or job 迫使〔某人〕离开〔某个组织、场所等〕;开除,逐出 He was drummed out of the army. 他被军队开除了。6 drum something ↔ up phrasal verb GETto get support, interest, attention etc from people by making an effort 争取〔支持〕;引起〔兴趣、注意等〕 He travelled throughout Latin America drumming up support for the confederation. 他游遍拉丁美洲为联盟谋求支持。 The organization is using the event to drum up business (=get more work and sales). 这个机构将利用这次活动来增加业务。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdrum• He drums his fingers on the chairback as he passes.• Rain drummed on the windows.• He could hear her drumming the desktop with her fingers, waiting for him to put the cover on the typewriter.• He hopes to drum up the support of sympathetic congressmen who blame the law for high fares.drummed ... fingers• Harrison drummed his fingers impatiently against the surface of the table.• She pulled up her nightgown and drummed her fingers on her swollen belly.• Bowman drummed his fingers on the console.• I drummed my fingers on the desktop.• Mulcahey drummed his fingers on the table, tat-tat, tat-tat, rat-a-tat-tat-tat.• Herr Nordern gulped his beer and drummed his fingers on the table.• Venner grinned amiably around whilst Clinton, as cool as ever, drummed his fingers soundlessly on the table top.From Longman Business Dictionarydrumdrum1 /drʌm/ noun [countable] a large round container for storing liquids such as oil, chemicals etca stack of oil drumsdrumdrum2 verb (drummed, drumming) → drum something → up→ See Verb tableOrigin drum1 (1500-1600) Probably from Dutch tromdrum1 noundrum2 verbChinese  over Business Corpus skin of stretched a instrument made a musical




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