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单词 prank
释义  prank /præŋk/ noun [countable]  JOKEa trick, especially one which is played on someone to make them look silly 〔尤指使人难堪的〕玩笑,恶作剧 a childish prank 孩子气的恶作剧Examples from the Corpusprank• The fire was started as a prank.• Matricide seems a high price to pay for a prank.• Clarke assumed it was a prank but promised to give Alvin the message.• Fifteen-year-old Nicola Child was blasted with an air rifle in a cruel prank.• And what if those men did decide to play some drunken prank?• Pushing her in the river seemed like a harmless prank, but it ended in tragedy.• The kids had had no trouble collecting an impressive amount of material for this mean prank.• Our prank became clear, but it had set the tone for an evening of memorable jollity.• Every year, the older kids pull pranks on new students.• One thought it might have been a senior prank.prank nounChinese  trick, played a Corpus especially is which one on




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