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单词 Referendum
1. The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.
2. The referendum will be held on July 14th.
3. He tendered the committee a referendum.
4. I voted 'No' in the referendum.
5. Nine republics took part in the referendum.
6. Ireland decided to hold a referendum on divorce.
7. The issue will be decided in a national referendum.
8. They voted for independence in a referendum.
9. The government has agreed in principle to a referendum.
10. The unions urged people to boycott the referendum.
11. He described the referendum as a one-horse race.
12. The Democrats rejected the referendum proposal.
13. Is it more truly democratic to hold a referendum?
14. A referendum showed beyond doubt that voters wanted independence.
15. In the referendum many people abstained.
16. A referendum was held to settle the issue.
17. UN monitors declared the referendum fair.
18. The proposals were put to a referendum.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. The changes were approved by referendum.
20. It's kind of a referendum, though a lot of issues are packed in.
21. He urged that a referendum should be held by December.
22. He risks defeat in the referendum which he called, but which threatens to boomerang against him.
23. A referendum next year would coincide explosively with the election campaign.
24. There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the referendum.
25. They have thrown down the gauntlet to the PM by demanding a referendum.
26. Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum.
27. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.
28. The President went over the head of Congress and called a referendum.
29. The prime minister is facing a revolt by party activists over his refusal to hold a referendum.
30. In general, it was the better-educated voters who voted Yes in the referendum.
1. The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.
2. The referendum will be held on July 14th.
3. There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the referendum.
4. They have thrown down the gauntlet to the PM by demanding a referendum.
5. Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum.
6. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.
7. He tendered the committee a referendum.
8. Is it more truly democratic to hold a referendum?
31. The groundswell of opinion is in favour of a referendum.
32. The city council agreed to hold a referendum on the issue in November.
33. The key articles of the constitution can only be changed by referendum.
34. Is it more democratic to hold a referendum, rather than let the government alone decide?
35. The change to the constitution reflects the wishes of the people who voted in the referendum.
36. If he loses this referendum, it will sound the death knell for his leadership.
37. A referendum produced a massive majority in favour of fully independent status for the region.
38. Estonia said it too planned to hold a referendum on independence.
39. The group called for a referendum on the death penalty.
40. The referendum blocked Switzerland's entrance into the European Economic Area.
41. Three-fourths of the public say they favor a national referendum on the issue.
42. A referendum is alien to the party's concept of democracy.
43. The final count in last month's referendum showed 56.7 per cent in favour.
44. He told waiting journalists that he did not expect a referendum to be held for several months.
45. A popular referendum showed that the majority of people want reform.
46. The president called a referendum that he hoped would confirm him in power.
47. The prime minister is thought to favour an early referendum on the issue.
48. The government failed to drum up any public interest in the referendum.
49. Let us cast our minds back to the referendum.
50. A national referendum is now required.
51. Najibullah proposed that a referendum be held in both government and mujaheddin-controlled areas to determine whether a ceasefire should be implemented.
52. Gutierrez also has been hired to handle the lucrative publicity-and-consulting contract for the referendum campaign.
53. The fact that it was rejected in a referendum last year does not mean that it was a bad reform package.
54. The purpose of the referendum was to change the balance of power between the executive and the legislature.
55. The shadow cabinet decided in April 1912 that it would abandon the referendum idea and return to the full tariff policy.
56. Opposition leaders hailed the visit[ ], calling for a referendum on the restoration of the constitutional monarchy.
57. June 25: Moldavia's President Snegur announced that the republic would hold a referendum on independence in the autumn.
58. He urged a nationwide referendum to decide the fate of the country.
59. He proposed that a national referendum should replace the Congress in voting on new federal taxes.
60. Collie recently returned with the opinion that the county can conduct a referendum in November for recreational facilities.
61. There were similar warnings in the 1980s after a crushing defeat for the separatists in the1980 referendum.
62. The new Constitution was adopted by referendum in September 1989.
63. Before the referendum, the chances of the government doing anything decisive to reduce the deficit were shrinking fast.
64. To avoid the possible political embarrassment of such a referendum, the government preferred to make the law itself.
65. They were subject to exhaustive parliamentary debate and, on occasion, referendum.
66. Reluctantly, it conceded the principle of a referendum, to be held in 1992.
67. Unlike the Prime Minister, I am prepared to have a referendum on this fundamental constitutional issue.
68. It also indicated that a referendum might well be held on the package prior to its submission to the provinces.
69. One is to continue his war of attrition against parliament, albeit from a position of greater strength since the referendum.
70. The movement called for a referendum on the islands' continued union with the mainland.
71. On Nov. 17, Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution.
72. Despite all this, the election turned into a referendum on two explosive issues.
73. On the subject of the draft union treaty, Gorbachev introduced the idea of holding a referendum on it throughout the country.
74. A referendum to dissolve parliament was held and was said to be accepted by 99.9 percent of the people.
75. Many people have recommended other forms of democratic participation, from neighborhood assemblies to a national initiative and referendum process.
76. He also appeared to call for a referendum on Maastricht - against Government policy.
77. He also proposed a referendum on private ownership of land.
78. The new military leader confirmed that Venda's situation would be put to a referendum.
79. They also claimed that a national referendum would be impossible when so much of the country was under rebel control.
80. I see no purpose in a further referendum on that matter - we are a parliamentary democracy.
81. According to the ITAR-TASS news agency the referendum call was voted down because of alleged breaches in the law during the collection of signatures.
82. In 1992 western governments had allowed Bosnia to hold a referendum and become an independent state.
83. Supporters of a no-confidence referendum had gathered 440,[http:///referendum.html]000 signatures to support their demand.
84. Independently of this process, the Federal Assembly would discuss calling a referendum in December.
85. At the same time a referendum on his rule should determine the extent of parliament's legitimacy.
86. A new constitution was approved by referendum in February 1987.
87. They argue that unseemly haggling with Congress will allow the momentum of the referendum victory to seep away.
88. He should legislate now for a referendum to be held once the negotiations at Maastricht are complete.
89. Nkrumah announced another referendum to enable him to dismiss the judges and also to establish a one-party state.
90. It should press, at a minimum, for a fair referendum in each.
91. The issue dominated the campaign, prompting many commentators to characterize the election as a virtual referendum on the independence issue.
92. None the less the new document, approved by another referendum in October, still gave most authority to the National Assembly.
93. They said they had no plans for another referendum in May.
94. A socialist Constitution was endorsed by referendum in July 1979.
95. In the meantime, we have the maps of the referendum results to suggest how we might get to that destination.
96. General elections were to be held in October and were to be accompanied by a two-part referendum.
97. A referendum, held in March 1992, confirmed this position by a large majority although it had itself been declared unconstitutional.
98. Sri Lanka's president, Chandrika Kumaratunga, has suspended parliament ahead of a referendum this month on constitutional reform.
99. A new Constitution was overwhelmingly approved in a referendum on Dec. 23, 1990.
100. A referendum to determine the future of the island has been postponed indefinitely.
101. If they go in and it turns out not to be very clever(), the referendum covers their backs.
102. On 21 February 1992, he proposed his own bill to provide for a referendum on the Maastricht Treaty.
103. The referendum was a humiliating defeat for the unpopular Mr Khasbulatov.
104. Can evidence of such change be found in the referendum that rejected Mugabe's outrageous constitutional proposals?
105. The national referendum absorbed a separate vote on the deal which had already been arranged in Quebec for Oct. 26.
106. The Assembly nominates the President who is confirmed by popular referendum for a six-year term.
107. His gamble of calling a referendum totally backfired, rivals said.
108. Changes would require a two-thirds majority in both houses and the approval of the electorate in a national referendum.
109. But later the deputies set the stage for possible compromise by agreeing to debate a referendum after all.
110. They also have a slim but slightly better chance of winning a vote for a referendum. The odds are against either.
111. Since the government can not submit every decision to popular referendum,[http:///referendum.html] elected or appointed individuals act on behalf of larger constituencies.
112. In the current climate the referendum has created a dangerous precedent.
113. The presentation of that election as a popular referendum prevented a new populist attack on the Unionist government.
114. Opposition parties have expressed outrage at his flouting of the referendum vote.
115. After what he has now said about a referendum, he had better watch out.
116. Trust the people, but not to vote in a referendum on entry to the single currency.
117. Kenski points to Prop 105, a referendum which exempted vacant land owned by cemeteries from taxation.
118. We should not go so far as to hold a referendum, but the people must have the final say.
119. The changes were expected to take effect following a referendum scheduled for Sept. 15.
120. A commission was appointed to draw up a new constitution which would be put to a referendum in mid-1990.
121. Why hold a referendum, when no one could challenge the imposition of his will?
122. The legislation is now likely to prove the basis for implementing the referendum it failed to forestall.
123. The handling of the whole referendum affair was widely regarded by commentators as a humiliation for Tudjman's administration.
124. That tale goes a long way toward explaining why the spineless weasels in Dogpatch have once again rejected a referendum.
125. And, finally, he announced that another referendum would be held in January 1961.
126. The independence referendum had provoked warnings from Gorbachev that it would lead to a breakup of the Union and hence disaster.
127. His parliament is preparing for a referendum, to be held by June at the latest.
128. That the White Revolution was massively acclaimed by referendum in 1973 did not commend it any the more to the clergy.
129. In the referendum the population of Western Samoa voted narrowly in favour of the introduction of universal suffrage.
130. Bouchard vowed to call another referendum when conditions were right.
131. Its 495-326 vote had the effect of curbing Mr Yeltsin's authority and cancelling his plans for an April referendum.
132. Meanwhile, the referendum campaign was marked by increasingly heated rhetoric on both sides.
133. At issue: What, exactly, needs to be attached to a referendum petition for the signatures to be valid.
134. A referendum on Pinochet's continuation in power was put to the voters.
135. In February 1992, Bosnia's authorities held a referendum on independence.
136. I believe Teddy Roosevelt originally had the idea of giving people the right to a national referendum on major Supreme Court decisions.
137. The classical idea of a constituent assembly submitting a constitution to referendum was thus to be mediated through the Landtage.
138. The announcement of the referendum provoked a huge storm in the political world.
138. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
139. Then Tymoshenko and other opposition leaders disagreed over whether to enter into talks with Kuchma or organize a popular referendum against him.
140. The proposal so spooked lawmakers that they offered an alternative referendum that allowed independent voters to vote in primaries.
141. I consider the idea that the issue should be decided by a referendum nothing short of bizarre.
142. However, when the results of the referendum were known, it agreed to participate in the new system.
143. He asked for approval of a constitution with sweeping new presidential powers in the failed referendum last week.
144. They reiterated their call for a popular referendum on the country's future political system.
145. It has even been suggested that the fate of trophy items should be decided openly by a referendum.
146. Mr Yeltsin repeated his threat that if parliament did not approve his version, he would take it to a referendum.
147. Later, they called for a public referendum on several water issues, to be voted on during the November general election.
148. The new parliament's principal task would be to draft a constitution for approval by the electorate in a referendum.
149. Under the Gephardt plan, the issues would be selected after public hearings and the referendum results would be nonbinding.
150. Preparations for a retreat on the referendum were evident at Labour's Brighton conference last week.
151. The Good Friday agreement leaves the final say to the people of Northern Ireland in a referendum.
152. If it is approved, 30-day period opens for anyone wishing to hold a referendum drive to overturn the deal.
153. From this FitzGerald could be in little doubt as to the likely course the bishops would take once a referendum campaign got under way.
154. To amend the Constitution voters must approve the measure in a referendum.
155. On this view there is, to put it mildly, no urgency about a referendum.
156. The proposal to establish an upper legislative chamber composed of the Matai was rejected in the referendum.
157. Nevertheless, Congress was forced to agree to a constitutional referendum in April which threatened to curtail its powers.
158. An emergency resolution demanding a referendum over the Maastricht Treaty was thrown out on a show of hands.
159. Mr Geddes said that counsel for Lothian and Tayside had advised that a referendum could be held within certain legal parameters.
160. Progress of constitutional talks Buoyed by its success in the referendum, the government moved swiftly to present revised constitutional proposals.
161. In order to achieve this, both would campaign for a national referendum and a National Constituent Assembly in the elections.
162. The referendum had been preceded by a series of mass pro-Assad demonstrations in Damascus, the capital, and other cities.
163. It breeds cynicism and fatalism, which some blamed for the failure of a referendum last month to reform the electoral system.
164. It has prompted President De Klerk to hold a referendum to guage white support on ending apartheid.
165. The referendum results were thus automatically invalidated - the first time that this had happened.
166. Will a new electoral system eventually be put to the test of a referendum?
167. It goes on flouting the popular will by refusing a referendum on the Maastricht treaty.
168. Moldavia refused to hold the referendum on the grounds that it would worsen ethnic tensions in the republic.
168. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
169. The referendum campaign had been fiercely fought by opposing factions.
170. However, on the eve of the referendum, the majority of priests preached against abortion.
171. Back then, an outfit called Alliance Marana successfully gathered enough signatures to force a referendum on the rezoning.
172. No one expected the group to continue after the referendum.
173. They also have a slim but slightly better chance of winning a vote for a referendum.
174. By refusing a referendum on Maastricht this Government has declared that it has no respect at all for the wishes of the electorate.
175. He was renominated and confirmed by referendum for a further six-year term in October 1987.
176. If county officials confirm that 28, 084 are those of registered voters, a referendum will be held around May 1.
177. After all, it's not every day you win an arena referendum and a game against the defending champion Lakers.
178. The Nov. 4 referendum proposed that a simple majority should in future be sufficient to pass constitutional amendments.
179. A referendum would be divisive.
180. Some industrialists believe the government should grasp the nettle of devaluation before the referendum takes place.
181. Parliament has bowed to the demand for a referendum next year.
182. Austrians voted for EU membership by a two-to-one majority in a June 1994 referendum, but the honeymoon is definitely over.
183. The referendum will bring Puerto Rico one step closer to cutting the island's umbilical cord to the United States.
184. In 1992, Bosnia's Muslims and Croats voted for independence in a referendum.




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